Title: Marigold Pairing: Grimmjow/Izuru Warnings: AU timeline based shortly after the current manga storyline- spoilers for everything that has happened and some things that haven't! Rating: M Half-credit to yashy
Wow, that was hot! I think my brain melted from all the hotness :D
It was so cute to see Grimmjow being all gentle and trying not not hurt Kira, and it was great to see that Kira was not a weepy uke (though why that sort of characterisation exists in the fanon, who knows).
And it was kind of heartbreaking, as well - both of them had had such unpleasant experiences with sex previously, poor guys. Especially when Kira said he is used to it hurting T_____T
That was a really hot chapter, thanks for writing!
Comments 1
It was so cute to see Grimmjow being all gentle and trying not not hurt Kira, and it was great to see that Kira was not a weepy uke (though why that sort of characterisation exists in the fanon, who knows).
And it was kind of heartbreaking, as well - both of them had had such unpleasant experiences with sex previously, poor guys. Especially when Kira said he is used to it hurting T_____T
That was a really hot chapter, thanks for writing!
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