Just a couple of questions I've been wanting to ask for a few days now. :) I'd like a good discussion out of this!
What is it that brought you to SanoKazu? Why do you like this pairing? How do you view the two of them?
Now, in Trick: 126, Spitfire says he is thinking of stepping down from being the Flame King, and has already decided who will inherit the Flame Regalia. Ine notes Sano will be quite happy about this, as he's been aiming for the title of Flame King, which learned back in Trick: 59. In 126, the Flame Road manifested itself from Kazu's A-Ts while/after he performed the trick Spitfire did way back in volume 3. (And he looked terribly cute doing it, too!) So, Kazu is the tentative successor to the title of Flame King, the regalia, and the Flame Road.
So, my questions are: How do you think Sano would handle this information? How would Kazu handle it? How would this affect their relationship? Or, would it even affect it at all? What are your opinions?