Day 8 - Fave Tanaka Koki solo
Ano nee... it also will be a fast post, coz im sleepy >< so my fav solo from Koki is PIERROT... even tho the first song i heard from Koki was Make u wet. i like that too and i like all... but PIERROT is a rock song, and i love rock, thats why this is my fav >< and the lyrics is pretty cool, ne? and his performance in Break the Records was amazing!! im always scared when i see him riding the bike in that... thing.. XDD but im also amazed too~ Koki is sooo brave!! a punk xDD
gomenne Koki, but thats all for today, im terribly sleepy xDD
wohooo tomorrow's topic is Uepi <3 i wonder which song will i pick i love all really xDD