May 25, 2007 07:04
I'm typing on my sister's computer, as mine has died _AGAIN_. Honestly.
Anyway, today is the first day Black Dog Plants sells at the Pike Place Market! Woo Hoo! If you get a chance, stop by and say hi to Pete, my boss, it'll freak him out :)He's been selling at various farmer's markets, and got invited to Pike Place. They sent out a rep to make sure we grew our own plants, not just buying in plugs, you know, and the lady boggled when I told her I had been working there for over 20 years. Heh. Love doing that.
In other news, the Greek mythology portion of Humanities ends today, Nick is totally jazzed to burn the Chiton he's been wearing every day. However, he made some serious points with the girls, he was the deciding vote in the battle of the sexes. He voted that the females shouldn't be second citizens, and because of that, the girls got to escort the boys into class, rather than the other way around. Boys MUST have an escort or they can't get in, and Nick had girls fighting to escort him. He stuck with his lunch buddy Sayward. She's kind of adorable :)
Lessee, what else... still looking for a cheap car... tennis elbow is really acting up, as I've been potting gallons all usual house sit for the boss(Burning Man) is gonna be a pain, as the other occupants of our house will be on a trip at the same time, still trying to figure out how to house sit dogs and 10 acres of plants _and_ take care of home and pets.
Yeah, life as usual.