Jan 05, 2006 14:30
The wisdom tooth surgery wasn't that bad at all. I had a WTF moment when I saw all the stuff they where going to use on me O.o it was alot of crap. They put some type of gas on me that felt like it did not do anything but four people poped out of nowhere. They put is IV on me then the next thing I remembered was, me being in a wheelchair. lol Once I got to my senses I acted all anime badass and walked by myself but I couldn't say a word because my mouth was completely numb. xD
I went to my moms new apartment and slept for a few house with J-pop being my best friend. lol
Half of my mouth is numb right now..and I ruined my shirt because I drooled blood all over it while sleeping. x.x other than that I'm fine right now listening to AOL radio found AIM without downloading it.
::edit:: movers messed up and made us one week behind so I am most likely goignt to school on monday.