Sep 25, 2008 18:07
Today was my first day of class and it wasn't all too much. So the one class I had today was African American Studies. I didn't realize there were that many African Americans at Davis :X I mean not to be racist or anything but yeah lately all the people I've been around have been white or something that's not Asian or black. So yeah. Well I mean like around the dorm building and the dining common and such. Or perhaps I'm just not paying attention to them or something. But yeah the class was fine, my professor seems like a really reasonable and fun guy. I'm a little paranoid about my writing skills though cause what if I fucking suck at writing ahhhhhh. I'll try to get some people to help me edit it and stuff like that.
I am totally falling in love with biking now. Well biking in Davis that is. Biking in SF sucks because I'm always scared that I'm gonna run into someone or get run over by a car or something. But here bikes have the right of way so it's not that easy to get into an accident although I'm still not completely used to all the bike etiquette and whatnot. I'm working on learning how to signal properly, which is hard for me now because I still need to work on biking with one hand and stuff. Anyhoo, night biking here is glorious. It's never too cold at night to go for a bike ride, whereas in SF it's freeeeezing at night. The days here are horrendously hot, but the nights are lovely.
I just bought my books today using money that I earned working a job I had for the past year and a half. It felt horrible. I spent so much time earning that money and $300 was suddenly just gone. Ugh I'm going to love the day I sell the books back to the bookstore. What a gip they are! That's my stupid fault for not asking the professor about what books we're using and ordering it beforehand on Amazon or whatever. Well that's the nature of college life for ya ey?
Not much else has been going on, I've just been visiting people in their respective dorms, going out for lunch/dinners with friends and generally exploring the Davis area. Today was the first time that I went biking during a full day where all the students are at school and it is significantly different. So much more traffic and a lot scarier/nerve-wracking. But it was a good learning experience today. Tomorrow's going to suck because I have three classes and a discussion to go to. I hope I don't get lost along the way or something, that would suck butt. Alright I'm out to catch up on my episodes of House. I can't believe I missed the episode this week even though I caught up with the season premiere online. Must've just slipped my mind.
My quadmates are starting to get irritating. Just a wee bit. And only one of them.