3.0 Ugh.

Dec 08, 2006 19:59

OMG WTH. What has happened to my neighborhood. So afterschool I went downtown with Serena and Lorna to shop for people. Lorna and I took the bus home together and when I got off, this mexican guy was like following me and he tried to talk to me and stuff but he was hella ugly. It was just so perverted. He asked me how old I was and stuff. I called my mommy to come outside and watch me because he wouldn't go away. But then he left before I reached my house. Fucking sickos. I hate my neighborhood.

School was uber boring. I got my report card yesterday and I must say...it is not good at all. I guess it's not surprising since I've been slacking off really badly lately. I got a 3.0 That is so horrible. That is the lowest I will tolerate of myself. It sucks that I picked this year to slack off. The most important year of high school. Part of it is just because the material really is hard and another part is that my teachers suck but most of it is me being lazy. *Sigh.

Today was the day we officially turned in our term papers. Good riddence! I am so tired of that thing. I got my Psych test back. I got a 74 and I'm going to retake it. I guess I did pretty well considering the fact that I didn't read ANY of the chapter. Like seriously, none of it. A few terms and that was it. I did get a few points extra credit though. Not much else is worthy of talking about. One more week of school and it's home free for a little over two weeks!!!

I'm going to make a list of things to do over break. I love lists. I have a list of people that I need to trade Winterball pics with too...I need to make about 20 copies of my couple pic (which I ♥) and then 10 or so of my group pic (which I really don't like! >:|) Here they are:


Stupid photographers hella rushed us! >:| I don't like it.


winterball, school, friends, stress

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