Mar 16, 2005 10:22
Today it feels like spring. The weather is so nice, i love it:) The only bad part about today is that i have to go to school.. (blegh) For a whole 2 hours (!!!!) I have to sit in a classroom listening to the professor babbling on about some legal issue i am not gonna bore you all with.
Spend my days doing allot of homework (test coming up) during the day and usually some WoW in the evening (when i have time).
Yesterday i logged in my CoH account to make screenies to put on e-bay and count the hami's and influence (wish i had 100 million in real life :s).. Neko sold her account for 300 dollars, and given what she had on her account i can atleast get 500 dollars (yes there are idiots that pay such amounts of money for a bunch of pixels).
Right now i can use the money because im am in between jobs (bankruptcy(?) is not nice) so i could use the money, but on the other hand i can have a job next week again, and then i will regret selling it.
So i decided not to sell it and see how my tank and fire/rad controller are doing in PvP that's coming up. Given with all the Hami's i got I will Pwnzorz you all, *evil grin*
Maybe i'm gonna level my peacebringer, maybe my claws/regen scrapper, maybe both.. We'll see.. Maybe i'll get bored soon because everyone in the supergroup moved to WoW.. Only Hikage made the switch from WoW back to CoH wich is cool:) If he ever is on.. Where is his flakey ass anyway?? - edit, having a back injury is a good reason not to be online for 2 weeks, hope you feel better soon!!-
Well, guess i just have to devide my time, my spare time, between CoH and WoW cause i do love my rogue:)
well, enough talk of me today, i have to go to school (hope i get there today, i didn't yesterday, stupid public transport). I don't wanna go... but i have to.. That's life, but life is good to me:)
edit: 17-3-2005, 10.00