
Nov 25, 2011 16:20

Title: Fanboy
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Wooyoung/Chico
Summary: ITS FRANYOUNG JANGCHOWSKI, (lolz i need to thank xxx_deea_xxx for their name. lulz i love you for that.)
A/N: Again! Another fic of MY FAVORITE UNEXISTENCE PAIRING. lolz idk, been thinking about them lately, my God! Okay anyway, here are some awesome Chico pictures, here well idk if that's really his dick or not, but Wooyoung is lucky, lolz and here as well and here too. Okay anyway, im so sorry for writing this pairing again, but really, i couldnt stand it. they just so hard to ignore, i hope you understand and huge thanks to the entire people that reading and dropped comment in my earlier Franyoung Jangchowski post, you know who you are!!

Chico decided to wait near the office of JYP as he got nothing to do. Just waiting to see his lover real, not through tv or magazine though he could only stared at it from a far. Waiting there for like minutes, slowly couple of girls with high school uniforms came standing in front of him as they were all excited and hyped; half of them were talking in a high pitch tone and fast as bullet. Chico smiled at the view, they are must be his lover's fans. Chico looked down to their short skirt as the entire girls were tip toeing, as they trying to see what happened behind those vans that blocking JYP's front door.

"These girls are sure wearing short stuff." He murmured and then smirked as he had an idea to play with these girls. He wore his sunglasses as he looked to the mirror door from the nearest cafe and check on up himself, done pampering, Chico walked his feet to those girls,

"Excuse me, does any of you here speak English?" The entire girls were all looked at him, in confused, and Chico smiled at them, gave them that playful smirked he used to having,

"Okay, well, obviously not." Chico sighed as the girls’ attention back to the front door, so again, Chico tried, in Korean,

"So, is this where 2PM stayed?" He asked in his limited Korean language and when the entire girls suddenly put their attention to him, Chico was about to scream as he finally had their attention,

"Are they going to walk out from that door?" Chico said in Korean and pointed at the huge door, and then one of the girls nodded so Chico nodded.

"Whoaaahh....They are amazing." Chico said nonchalantly as his slide off his eye glasses and playing to his messy hair, gave the girls his excellent side and then he heard couple of girls mouths were gasping. Then he looked front to the girls where he found them giggles and staring at him in awe, pointing him and whispered things about his looks. Chico looked down, pretending to be blush as he smiled,

"I am their fan." Chico said and Chico suddenly were surrounded by 2PM fans as they looked at him more in awe and Chico could only laughed,

"Are you a fanboy, oppa?" One of them asked as Chico trying to understand the question and once he found out, Chico nodded with excitement and they were all squealed, whispered about how cute and handsome Chico was, boosting his ego in a minute.

"What are you, oppa? Are you student?" One of them asked and Chico shook his head,

"I work as a model." And again, they squealed as they keep saying, "omo..omo...omo..omo.." And Chico could only smile,

"What kind of model, oppa?" Chico looked aside as he moved his eyebrows, showing like he was thinking something, in more cute ways,

"Hmmm......Armani, Dolce Gabbana, Mugler..." And before he could finish those girls in front of him were squealing again, as one of them jumped in excitement.

"Oppa, you're so cool." Chico smirked as he folded his hands to his chest and his thumb brushing against his lips,

"Oh well, I am." He said before he laughed and those girls who actually were fans from 2PM now probably are fans of Chico.

"Oh, oppa. Oppa. Who is your bias in 2PM???" One of them asked again and Chico surely never forgot to give her his own fans service that included with lips and eyebrows action.

"Urrmm...Wooyoung." And again they squealed as they clapped their hands.

“Why Wooyoung, oppa??” One of them asked and Chico thought of answered as the sudden image of Wooyoung appeared in his head, his pouty lips; his tip of nose, his smile, his eyebrows when its furrowed, his adam apple’s when he gulped as he nervous, his delicious neck, that warm embrace Wooyoung having, his soft white flawless skin, that firm rounded ass, strong thigh, Wooyoung’s pelvic bones against his, and just before Wooyoung image off from his head, one of the girls yelled,

“OPPA!!! YOUR NOSE!!” Chico eyes widen as he looked front and a sudden fluid running from his nose, the girls laughed their lungs out as one of them gave Chico tissue,

“Oppa!! What are you thinking about Wooyoung oppa that made your nose bleeding like that???” Chico smiled as he pulled another tissue from them, wiping his nose, trying to stop the nosebleed running from his nose, well; nose bleeding in front of his lover’s fans when he thinking about his lover was actually isn’t in his schedule today, the most embarrassing thing was those girls were rounded around Chico as they watching him wiping his nose. Chico waved his hand, telling them his fine. All of them laughed,

“Oppa, you must be thinking something dirty about Wooyoung oppa.” Chico let out his laughter as he threw his head back; prevent the blood fluid from running and just then loud scream was heard as his hand were pulled by one of the girls, pushing Chico in front of the line and then they yelled,

“Oppa, 2PM will be come out soon!!” They said and Chico immediately wiped the dry blood and adjusted his clothes, as he also running his fingers to his hair and just then the front door opened and came up guys and two other guys Chico could recognize, it were his lover’s ex boyfriend, Nichkhun and the tall maknae Chansung and then Junsu, Junho followed behind them and just after Junho, Chico smiled wide as he finally see Wooyoung walking in front of Taecyeon, just as Wooyoung walked in front of him, Chico called,

“Oppa!” Wooyoung who immediately recognized that different voice among the crowd looked aside and his eyes widen to see his tall, tanned skin, handsome lover standing among the fans crowd where all of them were girls, Wooyoung mouth gaped as he blinked looking his lover from head to toe where his lover wearing that white lousy v neck t shirt with skinny jeans and backpack. Chico smiled proudly at his lover and Taecyeon who confused at Wooyoung’s behavior finally looked to where Wooyoung’s gaze at and once he recognized Chico between their fans,

“Opppaaaaaaaa~~~~~” Chico squealed, acted all cute and Taecyeon laughed hard as he pushed Wooyoung to walk though Wooyoung eyes still plastered to his lover that seemed quite have fun with his entire fans. They finally got inside the car and Wooyoung took a seat near the window and his eyes still plastered to his lover, his eyes like communicating words to Chico but Chico could only smiled and mouthed, ‘I miss you.’ Wooyoung smiled warmly, as he realized he misses the other boy too, and Wooyoung waved his hands, it was for Chico actually, but the fans girls around Chico were all screaming and Chico waved back and mouthed, ‘I love you’.


It was in the middle of the night when Chico were flicking through channel on TV and his phone rang, he smiled watching the name in caller id, knowing he couldn’t contact his lover in the last couple of hours meant his lover was busy, he immediately picked it up,

“Yurp!!” he answered,

“What are you doing today???!!!” Wooyoung asked and Chico smiled, adjusted his phone to his ear as he laid his back in the couch,

“I miss you. I need to see you, so that’s why, I came to see you, though I could only see you from a far, its enough for me.”



“I miss you too.” Chico smirked, knowing exactly how his lover’s look when he pouted likes this,

“How’s your day? Did you just come back?” Chico asked and Wooyoung hummed,

“It was tiring, but yeah, it was fun.”

“Really? But you didn’t sound so excited.”

“Uh huh.”


“I keep thinking about you.” Chico sighed,

“Was it a bad idea to meet you before the concert?”

“No. Not that.”

“Then what it is?”

“Nothing, it’s just.” Wooyoung stopped,

“Woo, what is it?? Why so depressed?”

“Well, it is nothing, it’s just, it’s just.” Wooyoung let out his breath before he said, “I love you so much.” Chico blinked at the answered, because actually, never once in their relationship where Wooyoung would be the first person who said ‘I love you’.

“Seeing you today, watching me off from a far, it was…” Wooyoung sighed again, “I wish I could do more in this relationship but all I could say is just simple ‘I love you’ I am so afraid that one day you will leave me because I’m not trying enough in this relationship. But I promise you! I will try and you’re not going to be the only person that trying. I just want you to know that.” Chico smirked as he sat up in the couch,

“Was that lingered in your mind this entire day?” Wooyoung said ‘yes’.

“Pabo.” Chico said in Korean, “You see, Wooyoung, I know you are trying so hard, I know. You never said to me anything, but I know deep inside your head, you are looking for a way out.” Chico said, “I know.” He got up from his seat, and walked to the refrigerator,

“And I love you too.” Chico smiled as he opened the fridge, “You hear that, I love you too.” Wooyoung laughed over the phone,

“Ah! You seemed so close to those entire girls. What did you do to them?”

“Well, I just let out the entire pheromones.” Wooyoung giggled,

“Your pheromones is dangerous, sir.” Chico laughed as he continued told Wooyoung what he done today with 2PM’s fans, he said him and those girls were walking around Ap Gujeong, taking pictures, going to ice cream parlor and all, gossiping, and even changing number.

“You know how expensive it was your stuff they took from your junk, Wooyoung?” Wooyoung laughed,

“I bet they didn’t know who’s who stuff.” Wooyoung said,

“And I think I could make business here!” Chico answered,

“I mean, look how much your stuff you left here in my apartment.” Chico bent down and looked the stuff under his couch, where he pulled Wooyoung’s brief,

“I mean, looked at this brief. Someone named Wooyoung definitely left it here.” And Wooyoung remembered the day he came back to his dorm with no underwear as he left from Chico apartment in hurry.

“Yahhhh~ don’t you dare!!!”

“And these socks.” Chico continued, as he threw it to his washing machine, “And this lousy t-shirt.” Chico brought it up to his nose and inhaled Wooyoung’s scent that still lingered in the tee, remembered when his hands slide off Wooyoung’s tee off from his body.


“I mean, do you know how much I could get from your stuff, Wooyoung???” Chico then walked his feet slowly as he picked up Wooyoung’s stuff that his lover’s once throw it somewhere while Wooyoung still nagged over the phone then his eyes captured him and Wooyoung’s mini instax photo collection, where the entire of them when Wooyoung and he were all naked. Even there’s one picture captured him and Wooyoung hard cock.

“And our instax photo.” Wooyoung gasped,

“CHICO!!!!!!” Chico laughed as he lay in bed and put the pictures back to the nightstand, “No, I’m sorry, I’m joking.”

“You said you want to keep it somewhere!!” Wooyoung huffed as Chico nodded, “Yeah, I put it in the box where we put the kinky toys, I just accidentally opened it.” Chico already slipped under the blanket as he and Wooyoung still talking.



“Can I go to your place?” Chico smiled as sleepy already took a part of him;

“No. You can’t. You have schedule tomorrow.”


“Because once you are here, we will be playing and having sex and…”

“Good night, Chico!” Wooyoung said before he kissed on the phone and Chico laughed,

“Good night, sleep tight!” Chico said before Wooyoung hang up the phone. Chico put his phone in the next nightstand and he yawned, slowly, he went off to sleep.


Wooyoung stepped his feet slowly in his lover’s apartment complex, and once he stood in front of his lover’s door, he pressed the number and slowly the door opened, revealed a very familiar living room and Wooyoung walked in, immediately to Chico’s room. Wooyoung meet the other’s figure naked torso lying under the blanket, and Wooyoung smiled watching how ugly his lover's was when he sleeps. Wooyoung slide off his jeans and tee, leaving him only with his underwear as he slowly crawled inside the blanket and pulled Chico's arm slowly wooyoung laid his head to the other's shoulder before Chico gasped as he surprised to see wooyoung in his arm,

"Fuck sake. You scared me." Chico said with a tint of sleepiness in his voice but still pulling Woo to his embrace anyway. Wooyoung smiled to the other's shoulder, his skin felt the other's skin as Wooyoung could hear soft snored coming from his lover,

"Good night, Chico." Wooyoung said before he closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Wooyoung woke up in the next morning with a certain kissing to his ear, traveled to his jaw and ended to his neck, Wooyoung moaned, feeling his clothed cock were getting touch,

“Good morning.” Chico said as his fingers still brushing over Wooyoung’s half harden cock, Wooyoung moaned again before he smirked,

“Good morning to you too, pervert.”

“Hmmmhhh….” Chico open kisses on his chest as he said, “How much time do I have before you leave?” Wooyoung’s eyes peeked to the night stand,

“You have one and a half hour to play with me.” And Chico immediately slide off Wooyoung’s brief and threw it somewhere then engulfed Wooyoung’s harden cock entirely to his mouth and Wooyoung pushed his back up, feeling Chico’s cavern around his cock, Wooyoung whispered Chico’s name, running his fingers to the other’s brown hair and whined immediately when he felt a sudden intrusion in his butt hole. No need for Chico to use any type of lotion, Wooyoung’s butt hole already loose enough for his finger or even his cock to fit in.

“I want your cock. I want it. I want it.” Wooyoung whispered no need to tell Chico twice as he pumped his cock faster and slide in inside the other’s butt hole, Wooyoung gasped as he widen his legs and Chico bent down, captured the other’s lips as he pushing Wooyoung’s legs farther so he could easily sliding his erected cock fully inside Wooyoung.  Chico thrusting as he was on his knees, moving his hips back and front as his hands were holding on to Wooyoung’s legs hanging in the air. Chico looked front to the view of his lover writhing under him, his face was all in pleasure as his mouth hanged wide opened sometimes gasped and it only turned on Chico even more as he fasten the pace, and Wooyoung threw his head back, accidentally yelling Chico’s name.

“Fuck! Chico! Oh fuck!!” Wooyoung yelled as he looked down, to where Chico’s thrust and he laid his head down again, moaning uncontrollably as Chico’s cock pounding to the spot that Wooyoung loved. Wooyoung pumped his abandoned erected cock and feeling his end near and the sound of Wooyoung’s pumped to his owned cock, make Chico groaned and thrust deeper, earning another moaned from Wooyoung as cum erupted from his cock to his stomach and the way Wooyoung’s hot tunnel grasped on his cock tight making him grunted and pushed harder as he cum inside his lover, his cock twitched to the sensation and keep filling Wooyoung with his cum. He let down Wooyoung’s legs as Wooyoung was all tired in the bed still with his legs wide open, both of them panted. Just as Chico about to pull out, Wooyoung gripped on the other’s wrist and smirked, Chico blinked as Wooyoung sat up and immediately pushed his lover on his back and Wooyoung straddle him, Wooyoung slowly moved his hip back and forth with the smirk in his face as Chico moaned and threw his head back, feeling his cock slowly awoken inside Wooyoung,

“Fuck! Wooyoung!” Wooyoung moved his body as he put his palm hands beside his lover’s knees and Chico held on his own weight to his own elbows as he folded his feet and moved his hips up, meeting Wooyoung’s thrust as Wooyoung bounced up and down on top of him. Chico eyes met to Wooyoung’s harden cock that swaying and bumping to his own stomach, he smirked, watching Wooyoung moaned wantonly and watching the other’s throwing his head back, just then Wooyoung’s face changed as he looked down, and watching Chico’s muscle tense in his body making his breathe fasten and hitched,

“Cumming. Cumming.” Wooyoung whispered between his moaned before his cum burst out from his cock and fell in his stomach, mixing with his dry cum before and Chico groaned, filling Wooyoung’s hole with his second fluid and Wooyoung moved his hips, riding the other’s orgasm as he could feel how Chico’s cock twitching inside him.

“It feels so good.” Wooyoung moaned as he kept moving his hips and he moved front to his lover and captured his lips. Their lips crashed in a messy way and they both playing on each other tongue as Wooyoung put his hips up and letting Chico’s satisfied cock fell limply against his stomach. Chico pulled Wooyoung’s neck as the younger laid his body in between his legs.

“You are so awesome.” Wooyoung praised his lover as he put his chin to the other’s chest. Chico smiled and caressed his cheeks.

“And you are amazing.” Both of them smiled at each other before Wooyoung looked to the watch, and gasped,

“Wuooo…Its about time for me to leave.” Wooyoung said as he about stood up but Chico held on his hand,

“You are leaving?” Wooyoung nodded, and Chico let go,

“I feel like a whore.” Chico said as he pouted and Wooyoung only straddle his hips as he whispered,

“You are my whore.” Wooyoung looked down, “And you are not good pouting like that.” Chico burst in laughter as pushed Wooyoung.

“Go have bath.” Wooyoung smiled and stood up,

“And you’re not going?”

“Nah. I’m sleepy.” Chico said as he laid his head to the pillow and nuzzled his nose to a place where Wooyoung’s scent was still lingered there.

“Chico?” Wooyoung called and Chico lifted his head, looked at his lover that stood in the bathroom door frame,


“I will back to you again tonight.”

“What? Is that even okay?” Chico asked worriedly and Wooyoung smiled,

“I will risk this. You know what I said before, that you’re not the only one who trying.” And Chico smiled, but then one question lingered in his head,

“Was that what happened in your past relationship with Khun? That you are the only one trying?” Wooyoung looked at him and smiled, “Yes. So there I know he didn’t love me enough the way you love me. And I understand your feeling been there, done that, that’s why i need you to know that I’m trying and that I love you too and that feeling is enormous.” Wooyoung smirked before he closed the bathroom door and Chico laid his head, hearing Wooyoung’s whistle and voice in the bathroom before he decided to half running and got inside the bath tub with his lover.

More picture of Chico : 1  2  3 4

rating : pg-13, pairing : wooyoung/oc

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