Good Morning

Oct 11, 2011 21:37

Title: Good Morning
Rating: NC17 (Hell Yeah!!)
Pairing: Taecyeon/Junsu
Summary: About Taecsu
A/N: Hey there!!! First of all let me apologize for the entire failed grammar and MISTAKES,lulz, and second, i hope you guys enjoy the entire fluffiness, and please dont hate me for being awfully romantic, okay? Hahaha oh, comments are loooovvveeeee.

Taecyeon looked at to the crowd from his vip seat as blast music came from the loud speaker near him, 3 girls with nothing but lingerie walked towards him as the tall guy only smiled at them, three of them started to dance as each of them groping and touching to each other. Taecyeon definitely couldn't put his eyes off from them as now they stripped their own lingerie, stood there naked, and touching their self. He could only laugh as Chansung groped one of the girl's boobs and lick her nipple then brought her to the seat where he sat with Junho.

Music was blasting, Vodka, weeds, was all on the table. The tall boy looked to his side watching as Junho open one of the stripper's legs that once Chansung brought to them and started licking on her crotch. Chansung laughed watching Junho's action as Junho looked to Chansung and smirked. Chansung played on her nipple as she laid her back to Chansung's chest. One of the girls walked her way to Nichkhun and Wooyoung and then sat in Wooyoung's thighs. Wooyoung only stared at her as he grind his cock to her open legs and she moaned, pulling Nichkhun's chin and kissed him.

Taecyeon smirked at his friends’ wild action while they were on a party. All the hard work seemed paid off tonight. One finger pulled his chin from watching Nichkhun, Wooyoung and the stripper's action, Taecyeon looked front and his eyes meet the last stripper,

"It seems that only you and I left." Taecyeon smiled at her and thinking how sexy her voice seducing him. It was almost two in the morning, still too early actually for stripping action or even for an orgy. But Taecyeon guessed all these strippers couldn't even hold their self, especially when they're stripping for guy like him and his friends, good looking and all handsome. Strippers used to not allow people touching them.

"What are you thinking?" She started to straddle Taecyeon and whispered to his ear, "You can touch me anywhere you want..." She said again with her seductive voice before she licked Taecyeon in his neck. Taecyeon could only smile before he gripped her naked waist and moved her aside.

"Sorry. I'm not drunk enough to touch you. No wait, I'm sober enough." He said smiling and kissed her in her forehead before he stood up from his seat and stretch his arms. He shook his head as his ears catch his friends groaned, just as he about to leave the room,

"Hyung!!! Where are you going?" Chansung asked as he and Junho immediately stop what they were doing including Nichkhun and Wooyoung.

"I gotta go guys..."

"What??? Why???" Wooyoung asked,

"We throw this party for you Taec.." Nichkhun continued and Taecyeon chuckled,

"I know. It’s a great party, I had blast. Really."

"Then why you leave? It’s still early." Junho asked and Taecyeon again let out his chuckled,

"I have to go." He said again,

"Okay. Hold on, hyung. So you really aren’t going to change your mind?" Now Taecyeon's eye brows creased,

"What do you mean?" He asked and Wooyoung shrugged,

"I mean about tomorrow. Are you really going to do that? We actually throw this party hoping that maybe you could change your mind." Taecyeon silenced, surprised with the younger's words. He never realized Wooyoung sounded sober even though the taller know him already drunk. Taecyeon looked to his other friends faces, like they were questioning the same question. But then he sighed and smiled at them,

"No. I'm not going to change my mind." He looked at them one by one as he put his hands to his pocket, "And I'm hoping you guys could come tomorrow. I mean, you all are my best friends and tomorrow is my big day, so I need you guys to be there." He smiled again, "Though you guys didn't agree for it. I hope you all respect my decision." He said, "I'm leaving." He turned the door knob but before he went out, Taecyeon turned around, "Thanks for the party guys, I really enjoy it."

All of sudden there’s sudden grip in his shoulder,

“Of course we will be there, dude.” Nichkhun smiled,

“It’s just, prepare a lot of hot girls with big boobs there, okay?” Chansung said as he walked to Taecyeon and friend hugged him. Taecyeon smirked, gave his other friends his friendly hug.

“Meet you tomorrow, hyung!” Junho and Wooyoung yelled as they watched their hyung walked out from their door and Taecyeon could only wave his hand.


Junsu smiled wide as he open his door house, he always love the time when the sun came up. He inhaled the fresh air as he walked to his mother's rose plants. He was staring at it, as he trying to choose which one to be picked. Just as he about to grab the scissors, he felt warm arms wrapped to his waist and a breath to his neck,

"Good morning Kim Junsu." Junsu gasped as he looked to his side and his eyes met Ok Taecyeon's dark short lock,

"You scared me. God!" Junsu said before Taecyeon peck his neck and mumbled 'sorry'. Taecyeon put his arms tighter around the smaller man’s waist as Junsu curled his back to Taecyeon's chest. The younger buried his face to the other's shape of neck and the older man ran his fingers to Taecyeon's dark lock,

"Why are you here so early in the morning? I thought you'll be here in the afternoon." Junsu whispered as he titled his head aside a little, making more room for Taecyeon's head to fit it,

"Yeah. I wanna be here early." Junsu chuckled,

"How's the party?" Junsu asked,

"Awesome. They were all drunk, weeds, strippers, orgy."

"Orgy?? With male strippers?" Taecyeon smacked Junsu's hand and smiled,

"No, it wasn't male strippers, its women, naked with boobs and vagina. And by the look of it, they'll have an orgy. I don't know, I didn't stay there that long to find out."


"Hmmm.....because my anaconda doesn't react anything to vagina?"

Taecyeon moved his head back a little staring confused at his lover, "My anaconda only react to Junsu's tunnel of heaven." His head back to Junsu's shoulder,

"Taaaeecccc...." Junsu whined and slapped the tall boy's muscle arm, "That's disgusting!! This is a very weird conversation to do so early in the morning."

"You asked for it, I'm just answering to your question. Beside, I know you like dirty talk."

"Yeah, but not in early morning and at my parent’s front yard."

"Hmmmhhh...." Taecyeon just nodded and still didn't let go off Junsu. Junsu only chuckled knowing his boyfriend's action. The smaller man laid his head to the bigger man’s chest as they moved their body side to side, dancing to Junsu's hummed, and the older pulled Taecyeon's arms to wrap him tighter.

"Oh!" Junsu stopped,

"Weeds. Did you have one?" Taecyeon sighed,

"A little."

"Oh you bad boy. Just don't let my mom smell it, okay?" Both of them turned silenced as they remained in the same position, Junsu looked outside and found Taecyeon's car,

"Wait." He hands still held on Taecyeon's arms that wrapped around his waist, "You drove your car here?" Taecyeon nodded before he started to hum, he was humming Junsu's favorite song. "Thank God you're alright. I told you many times to not drive anything after you had party. You shouldn't come over right after the party." Taecyeon could only nodded hearing his boyfriend’s nag.

"You know, talking about party, you should've your own bachelor party." The tall boy's said after minutes of silenced and the man in his arms could only chuckled,

"No. I'd prefer spending it with my family."

" missed the fun~" Taecyeon whined as he moved back and staring to his lover. Junsu smirked,

"So you happy last night? At your own bachelor party?"

"Yeah. The guys prepared everything."

"And you came home early. Is it really that bored?" Taecyeon shrugged as he back pulling Junsu to his chest.

“Well, it’s a party for boring straight people.”

“Straight??? I thought you’re straight.”

“Ah! I’m straight only for Zooey Deschanel.” Taecyeon silenced but then he continued, “But I am gay for Kim Junsu. So, if it wasn’t Zooey then its Kim Junsu.”

“You weirdooooo~” Junsu cooed,

“Oh you love me.” Taecyeon answered before he kissed Junsu in his cheek.

Both of them stayed that way for awhile, as they talked nonsense about what they were doing yesterday without each others presence.

"Yah! Ok Taecyeon-ah..." Taecyeon looked back and met Junsu's mother,

"You are here early!!!" She clapped her hands as she walked to both Taecyeon and Junsu.

"Yes, mom. I just had the urge to come early." She then stopped midway and looked at Taecyeon suspiciously,

"Are you drunk?" She asked,

"No mom. He was sober enough. Enough to drive 3 hours from Seoul." Junsu answered as Taecyeon turned around and walked to Junsu's mother then kissed her in the cheek. She smiled and hugged him,

"How's your bachelor party?" She asked, gave deathly gripped on Taecyeon's shoulder, Taecyeon chuckled,

"It was awesome." Taecyeon answered,

"Hmmm...You smell woman."

Junsu clapped his hands, "I know right, mooommmmm???? It’s Burberry." She let go Taecyeon, staring at him for awhile then all of sudden she gripped on Taecyeon's most sensitive part in his lower body as the tall boy squirmed and gasped,

“Mother, my dick…….” Taecyeon stammered as Junsu’s mother twisted it a little bit,

"This dick better be always inside my son." She said as she whispered to Taecyeon’s ear and Taecyeon’s hand held on Junsu’s mother hand that twisted his dick,

“Y-Yes, Mom.”

“Good boy.” She said before she let go and turned around. Taecyeon could only wince in hurt,

"Now come. Let's see the backyard for tomorrow." She said as she left Junsu laughed at Taecyeon. Taecyeon held on his lower part,

"I don't know why your mom loved to grip me here when she threat me." Taecyeon said as he looked down to his dick and Junsu could only laughed and patted his lover's back before pulling the taller's hand as Taecyeon still winced in pain.


Taecyeon stood silenced as he saw the beautiful view in front of him. It was a large backyard, and there’s large flowers back drop and a long white carpet in front of it with white chairs at the both sides of the long carpet, it was very luxurious for their liking, because they’re not hoping for the flowers back drop, but both Taecyeon and Junsu could only shrugged it off, since its looked like a very expensive flowers with pastel colors. And near the wedding aisle there's a huge white tent with a wood floor inside, for them to dance and celebrate after the ceremony. There's also small stage for the musicians to perform inside the white tent. Yellow chandelier were all over, decorate the backyard’s sky. Taecyeon's mouth shaped an 'O' before Junsu lingered his arms around his lover's chest from the back, and kissed the tall boy’s broad shoulder.

"Your mom did a great job in this one and it looks so awesome at night." Junsu said smiling and Taecyeon let out a single breath,

"Oh God. Indeed she is so awesome." Taecyeon walked to his soon to be wedding aisle, dragging along Junsu with him with the smaller man’s arms still lingered to his chest and the tall’s back against the older man’s chest. Both of them were standing in front of the flowers back drop, the place where they’re going to tie up their wedding vows. Taecyeon let out a relieved sighed as he put his hands on top of Junsu’s that lingered in his waist. Junsu tighten his arms around the bigger man.

"Are you ready to marry me tomorrow?" Junsu asked before Taecyeon turned his head aside a little to Junsu,

"I'm ready. Are you ready???" Junsu buried his face to Taecyeon's back, feeling a bit shy,

"I can't wait for it." Junsu whispered only to make Taecyeon turned around and pulled Junsu to his chest,

"I can't wait to marry you tomorrow, Kim Junsu." Taecyeon stared at his lover, even only with grey sweatpants and lousy tee, Junsu would always look so good in Taecyeon’s eyes. Taecyeon looked to the dark orbs; Junsu’s eyes explained everything, their hardships, every ups and down in their 7 years relationship. Junsu touched Taecyeon’s arms, caressed it slowly with his fingers, even Junsu’s body language explained every touches they had from their 7 years relationship and that gummy smiled Junsu gave him right now is enough to put Taecyeon at the edge and also to remind him that he only need this one person, Kim Junsu in his life even when he had nothing or worse, when the world end.

“I love you.”

The tall boy caressed the smaller man’s side as he whispered to Junsu’s lips before he captured it against his. The kiss was slowly and sweet, like they were simulated their kiss for tomorrow. Junsu smiled between the kisses as he put his arms around Taecyeon’s neck and the taller boy’s tighten his grip around the smaller man’s waist. The sun finally set behind the tree just after the flowers back drop, gave both Junsu and Taecyeon a very beautiful picture as the sunshine illuminated them. Taecyeon kissed his lover’s neck just before he let go the older man. Just as Taecyeon smiled to his lover, both Junsu's mom and Taecyeon's mom appeared.

"So, where do you two wants to put the cake?" They both asked as couple of people from caterer to musicians already stood behind them waiting for their order.


It was almost in the middle of the night when Taecyeon pulled Junsu among the crowd. Junsu looked at him confused but Taecyeon smiled, only pulled his hand and his head motion Junsu to follow him. They were walking across the empty spot in the backyard and headed to the house. A loud cheered were heard inside the big white tent as hip hop music were playing, Junsu looked back only to watch his mother danced with Nichkhun, he laughed watching people cheering and dancing to the loud music,

“Hey! Look front! Look at me.” Taecyeon slightly pouted to his now partner for life.

"Taec... Where are we going? We still had a lot of guests." Taecyeon pouted,

"But we've been with them since noon. Beside, they were all drunk and have fun partying. They don't need us, wifey." Taecyeon said pulling Junsu closed to him and bumped their chests together. Junsu blushed a thousands time red, though now they were legally partner, or you all could say, husband and wife after 7 years dating, but the way Taecyeon treated him up until now never fail to put butterflies to Junsu’s stomach.

“Then what do you want to do?” Junsu said after he laid his hands to Taecyeon’s dark lock and pressing their foreheads together. Their nose bumped and Taecyeon pecked the other’s nose.

“Let’s go to our room.” Taecyeon said before he turned around and grasped Junsu’s hand as he pulling him inside the house.

Junsu laughed as hard as he watched Taecyeon jumped his large body to the wide comfy bed.

“What are you doing to my old room?” He asked Taecyeon, the older slightly surprise that his now husband already renovated his room. Junsu walked around his own room, his old posters, trophies, toys, were still there inside the room, what changed was just his bed and the paint of his room. Junsu was staring at the taller male as the others only laid his back in the bed and smirked.

“Well, I’ve wanted to have sex with you in this room, you know, doing bad things while your parents were downstairs, but I never had that chance.” Taecyeon’s smirked never left his face as he motion Junsu to come closer. Junsu shook his head,

“No. I’m going to have bath first.” Taecyeon’s eyes widen,

“What?? Why??” Junsu lifted his chin and shook his head again,

“No. I want to make it special.”

Taecyeon blinked at the smaller man, “Huh? Baby!! It’s not like this is our first time. I’ve taste you both before and after bath. Come on. Come here.” Taecyeon pouted.

Junsu smiled watching his lover’s action, but he then walked slowly to Taecyeon and straddled him to the bed, he pressed his palm hands against the taller man’s shoulder and caressed his nose to the younger’s cheek as he whispered,

“I want it to be special and I want to make you happy.” Junsu lean back a little, before he kissed his man passionately in his lips and stood up from the bed, making his way to the bathroom.

Taecyeon stay silenced in the bed as he trying to fathom what Junsu has just said, and once he understand it, Taecyeon immediately moved fast in the bed, throwing the entire pillows from their bed and stood up, releasing himself from his own clothes fast, and he didn’t forget to slide off his tight Calvin Klein’s boxer. Just as he make sure he was naked enough, Taecyeon throw himself in the bed, put his legs wide open, showing his semi-hard cock. Minutes waiting, Junsu finally came out from the bathroom, all naked and proud showing his hard cock to the tall man. Taecyeon’s mouth agape,

“Did you touch yourself inside, Junsu?” Taecyeon asked as Junsu walked and then crawled to Taecyeon on the bed,

“A little.” Junsu said before he straddled Taecyeon and put the tall boy’s waist in between his legs. Junsu lowered his waist, rubbing his ass against the tall boy’s now hard cock.

“Did you prepare yourself inside, Junsu?”

“Hmmhh…Yes.” Junsu answered as he enjoyed the friction of his husband’s hard cock against his butt hole and Taecyeon touched it, feeling it so wet and slippery. Junsu moved his hips fast against Taecyeon’s cock and the taller moaned before he pulled Junsu’s chin and slipping his tongue inside the other’s hot cavern. Junsu’s tasted so good as Taecyeon now position the tip of his cock to Junsu’s opening.

“No foreplay?” Taecyeon asked as he held on Junsu’s waist, leading it down to his cock,

Junsu moaned as he bit his lips, moved down his hips, trying to fit Taecyeon’s big hard cock to his, what Taecyeon said as a tunnel of heaven,

“We’ve had enough foreplay, baby. Beside, we could do foreplay our entire life together and the sex.” Junsu said as he closed his eyes tight when his tight cavern almost swallowed Taecyeon whole. Taecyeon smirked as he groaned and pushed his cock deeper, earned moaned from the small man above him as Junsu throw his head back. Junsu slide his body up and down to the tall boy’s cock, too slow for Taecyeon’s liking, but he could only down for it, since they had all the time in the world. Taecyeon then awoke his upper body from the bed as he pressed his chest to Junsu’s, his mouth traveled to Junsu’s neck as his hands fitted tightly in Junsu’s waist. Junsu immediately moved his feet, placing his foot on Taecyeon’s waist, widened his legs as Taecyeon thrust deeper and Junsu threw his head back as his one hand held on Taecyeon’s shoulder and his other hand were on Taecyeon’s dark lock, making it mess with all the sensation he got from the taller man’s thrust.

Taecyeon looked front as his lover moaned and screamed his name in pleasure, indeed, it wasn’t their first time having sex but every time Junsu showed this side of him, Taecyeon couldn’t help but to fall all over again. It was like addiction, Junsu’s sweat, when he moaned, when he screamed the taller boy’s name, his reaction when he moved his hips against his cock, the way the other’s panted telling him to pound hard, when Junsu’s face squirmed as he shake up his cock, and definitely, when Junsu had his orgasm and threw his head back as he gasped, moaned, screamed, yelled, and Taecyeon loved how’s Junsu’s cum erupted from his twitching cock down to his abdomen. Taecyeon could watch that scene all day, it’s an addiction.

Taecyeon thrust his hips fast; making the older man bounced on top of him, Junsu’s neglected cock was touching to Taecyeon’s abdomen as Junsu didn’t want to do anything about it, and he could cum only with Taecyeon’s cock inside him. Their mouth pressed and ended up in sloppy kisses, Junsu’s hands was messing to Taecyeon’s dark hair, Junsu’s whispered to the other’s lips,

“Faster. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. Taec…!!!!”

And Junsu widen his legs, feeling Taecyeon’s cock deeper as he had his orgasm, throwing his head back and moaned loud. Cum were spilled from his cock, it even reached Taecyeon’s jaw and fell to the taller man’s abdomen. It only took couple of minutes for Taecyeon to spill his seed inside Junsu’s as his lover’s tight heat drain up his entire sticky fluid. Both of them panted as they looked at each other, smiling at each other, and before Junsu could even react, he already had his back against the bed and he could only moaned, watching the other’s smirked, because his man already thrust his cock again, as his hands lifting Junsu’s legs apart,

“I’m not done yet.” Junsu laughed at his husband’s words,

“Sure.” He smiled, “And oh, happy wedding, hubby.” Junsu pulled Taecyeon’s ears as he kissed his husband lips before the taller man’s showed his wide smiled and answered,

“Happy wedding too, wifey.”


“Taec…Taec…Wake up.” Junsu said to his sleeping husband. Minutes of calling, Taecyeon finally woke up from his sleep. The taller man’s blinked, trying to focus and once he focused his eyes, he looked front to where Junsu standing, all naked and smiled so wide to the window.

Junsu turned around and gave Taecyeon his favorite gummy smiled,

“Taec, look. It’s raining, after couple of months in dryness.” Junsu looked back to the window, Taecyeon just smiled and putting his head comfortably in the pillow.

“And look, Taec. Your mom and dad were dancing under the rain. Aww…they are so sweet.” Junsu said again,

“Come here, Taec. Look at to your mom and dad.” Taecyeon could only groan as he moved his naked body off the bed and walked to Junsu, he then put his one hand in Junsu’s waist as his other hand held on the window frame, trapping Junsu between his hands. The taller male’s nuzzled his nose to Junsu’s hair before he looked to the window, watching caterer crew running around under the rain and then he recognized his parents dancing under the rain with the background music from the last night’s band as couple of people started to follow them dancing, they seemed want to celebrate the morning rain. Taecyeon looked to Junsu and realized how excited he was; he then kissed the older man’s shoulder and whispered,

“Get back to bed. Come back to me.” Taecyeon said before he walked back to the bed, and slipped under the cover. Junsu then looked at Taecyeon as the taller patted the empty spot beside him, Junsu never felt happy than this. Junsu then walked slowly to Taecyeon as he sang,

“Good morning, Good morning love, It's my favorite love song, I waited all night long…” Junsu sang as he crawled to the bed and hovered over Taecyeon.

“Before you get into the shower, before you worry about your hair, baby give me one more hour, I want you to stay right there, I dont wanna lose a moment, I dont wanna miss a kiss, If i could plan the perfect day, love, then i would start it just like this.” Junsu pecked Taecyeon’s nose as his lover caressed his side, listening to Junsu smooth voice singing,

“Good morning, good morning love, It's my favorite love song, I waited all night long for morning. Good morning love, before we start the day dear, I’m whispering in your ear, Good morning.” Junsu sang to Taecyeon’s ear as he bite on the earlobe,

Taecyeon kissed his lover’s face sloppily as they scrimmage in the bed, wanting to touch and do something further as Junsu voiced,

“Now baby how can i commence you, I'll make it so you can't resist, whatever else you have to do now, It can't be half as good as this, I'll case you underneath the sheets, love, and i won't let you get away, The day won't be complete, love, unless we get a chance to say.”

Junsu let his lips touched to Taecyeon’s wrinkle eyes as the younger smiled so wide,

“Open your eyes, see my sun rise…”

The smaller man put his hands on Taecyeon’s abdomen feeling his skin under his touch,

“I feel your skin, so warm inside. Day breaks so sweet, when you're next to me. So stay each night, so each morning will be…” Junsu looked down to Taecyeon, watching his now husband intensely as he sang,

“Good morning, good morning love, It's my favorite love song, I waited all night long for morning. Good morning love, before we start the day dear, I’m whispering in your ear, Good morning. Let's get lost together, I will smile forever, was morning…..” Junsu voiced gone as now changed to moan and the sound of two mouths tasting each other, Taecyeon’s hands caressed Junsu’s thighs as Junsu pressed his chest against Taecyeon’s, his fingers caressing to Taecyeon’s strong line cheek bones as he enjoyed his lover’s lips against his. Junsu stopped as he put his forehead to Taecyeon’s, stared at his lover through that dark orbs that could drove Taecyeon crazy all the time,

“I love you, love.” Junsu whispered before he captured his lover’s lips and earned moan from Taecyeon. Junsu then moved and laid his head to Taecyeon’s chest as Taecyeon pulled the blanket to cover their naked body and lingered his arms tight around Junsu.

“Good morning, Junsu.” Taecyeon said before he inhaled Junsu’s scent and kissed his forehead, smiling all wide, because now, he married to Kim junsu.

rating : nc-17, pairing : taecyeon/junsu

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