Feb 14, 2007 12:57
Hey all..Happy Valentine's Day....i figured since i haven;t written since like before xmas i would update ya.
not a whole lot has happened. my xmas was amazing. i wouldn;t have changed it for the world. i got home on Andrew's birthday so i spent all day with him. i was so happy to see him. then the rest of xmas consisted of seeing my sisters for a few days...gettin our xmas tree and decorating it. haveing family suppers and i spent alot of my nights at andrews. He liked his present and he gave me gold earrings. i love them and have been wearing them ever since. So overall it was a great xmas but i was very upset to leave.
Since ive been back its been back to the school work. i already got a couple tests done and some assingments but i cant wait for the midterm break. i need a reak from classes. yes i'll be doing alot of work over it but i'll be able to be a lil more leasure with it.
Ive also hung out with Joey and Keith a few times which is awesome. me, amanda, steph, katie, keith and joey all went bowling 2 weeks ago and had a blast. then we went to tims and cracked jokes at joey then went to mandy's and played board games. fun times. last weekend we went to lip sync at the school and i met up with lots of people. mandy and jill were trashed. i had 7 screw drivers and only just got a buzz from it. i was not happy. but whatever it was a really fun night.
now my attention is focused on 20 more sleeps. my boy is coming in for a couple days and i totaly cannot wait to see him. it'll be an awesome time. thankfully i dont have alot of school work for when hes here! i cant wait to see him. and for Vday he got me a necklace with a labradorite on it. its very pretty and he drew me the cutest picture. and an update...he also sent me a dozen roses... i havent; talked to him yet today so i dont know if he liked his present. but anywho....i guess thats everything....i'll try to update more often haha. until next time