First, I've been sad whole day because of this. Rest in peace Jen (aka weisy aka tuesdaymorning). It came too fast for you.
And then to Auntie B. when I caught you online, this is the movie I talked about.
The Dudesons MovieHere's t
heir websiteThey were looking for a Summer Pig (They own a pig called Britney, check out their website), photo or vidclip of "Finnish Summer Pig"
I told my dad I send his pic...but I never did.
And obviously their show in on in SpikeTV.
Then mooupdate.
Samantha got another babymoo, she's called Vanessa :D Such a pretty babymoo, tho bit shy. Samantha's older girl, Ultra is... erm... more sociable (read: Too sociable)
Diana has gotten annoying... :O I'm sorry but she kicks. Her daughter is cool tho :D She has some attitude, LMAO!
What else on moo section... oh, we ordered some Jersey semen. It's rare breed in Finland (first jerseycattle arrived in 2001) and we do little crossbreeding with some ayshires, esp those that have problems with fertility. See, often when problems with fertility (=moo doesn't get preggies, it's all AI stuff), using other breed is better success. We don't want to use beefcattle and I personally don't like holstein-friesians (the black 'n white ones) for several reasons, we've ended up to jersey. We have enough holstein-friesians, our main cattle is ayshire. Finncattle is great too, but we have one pure Eastern Finncattle, two mixed Western Finncattle (wfc+ay) and one mixed Northernfinncatle on the way (nfc+ay). And since they are not so good milk producers, we want to keep only 2-3 of them. we are getting some jersey :D
So yeah.
That's pretty much it