please don't suck. please be excellent and awesome and make douglas adams proud. please be cool and froody and please don't be dumbed down for the sake of anticipated american audiences that inexplicably haven't read
the increasingly inaccurately named hitchhiker's trilogy, please really know where your towel is. please make all the geeky fanboys and fangirls who can (and do) quote lines ad nauseum (much to the annoyance of non hhgttg people) happy. please be so cool you can keep a side of beef in you for a month. please be so hip you have trouble seeing over your pelvis. please allay any doubts i might have about this movie upon beholding this studio still:
i realize that quite a lot of what made the trilogy so supremely entertaining was douglas adams' actual writing style and i realize that it's impossible to make a direct translation of a page long description of absolutely nothing at all other than the author wittering on about the room description and random tidbits into a movie scene, but please be as
awesome a movie as the hitchhiker trilogy was a series of books. that's all i'm asking.
please also make the mental dissonance of professor snapes' voice coming out of
this guy's body
somehow work.