The day started with a line. The convention center did nt open its door until 9AM.
I worked a bit at the info desk before going to the Worldcon Businsess Meeting. I had cosigned a resoultion to extend the Hugo eligibilty for the film your name, a very good anime feature film that a very limited release in 2016. Fortunately no one challenged the resolution and it passed. No if we can get it on the ballot next year.
Then I went to some panels. I was able to go to all of my panels. I did go a little ealry to make sure I got in. I did a 2 hour shift at a registration. It was busy but not as busy as the first day.
I was on the Reviewing 101 panel with John Clute, a renowed reviewer in the field and contributer of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. It was intimating but I answered the questions and contributed. We had a reasonable audience. We did not shut down the room but there were a lot of people.
I went to Clipping concert. They have an album that is a Hugo finalist. It was fun and the crowd was energized.
I checked out the art show. It was small but mighty. They even had Hi-Def monitor showing a slide show of more art.
I got to see a lot people and catch up a bit and got some cosplay pics. I dropped by the party area and then headed out.
Panels I went to:
- Guest of Honor Interview: Nalo Hopkinson
- Guest of Honor Presentation: Walter Jon Williams
- Guest of Honor Interview: Johanna Sinisalo
Today the Hugos, and I am doing a panel on The Future of Doctor Who (I wonder what will talk about).