OMG! New GW fic stuffs!

Feb 21, 2008 23:40

And for everyone who's still insterested in this fic, here's the new part. Enjoy. (Also this is the last thing I'm posting today. Sorry about the triple post friends-list!)

Mistakes and Misdemeanors

A Gundam Wing Fanfiction

By: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Pairing: 2x5x2(1+2+1)(1+5+1)=>1x5x2(1x2)(1x5)1x2x5; 3x4x3 [Whoo! Math is fun in this context!]

Warning: YAOI, boys kissing boys, Heero Yuy with a libido, OC’s, and crack

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam, the series, the pilots, or the history. This fic is my work, so if you would like to archive it somewhere, please ask me first. Copycats will be mocked and persecuted. Your cooperation is expected.

AN: Special thanks to everyone who has reviewed my work and expressed their opinions on my writing skills. Your kind words filled me with warm fuzzies, and fed my muses as well as my ego. Behold the power of a (mildly) renewed work ethic!


Recap Last Episode:

Ah well, only a few more days left before he could start playing the game. Then he had a whole two months to catch them, such bliss. He knew the area where they were going. Hopefully his contacts were still operational in the same places. If not, it should not be too hard to track them down.

His reports were finished. Perhaps he should look into the matter now while he had spare time.

Life was good, and well on the way to getting better.



Mistakes and Misdemeanors

Episode Three: What It Is To Be


Heero frowned as he unpacked, noticing again that there were a few things he needed to do before he started his version of courting. Duo and Wufei were some of his best (only) friends. He needed to plan carefully to prevent anything from going wrong.

Any number of problems could occur in this situation. Inserting himself into an established and apparently stable relationship was something he had no experience with. There was also the problem of gauging how the other two felt about him. It could be that only one loved him, or they could just lust for his body, or enjoy the challenge he represented. Heero did not want to give away his heart only to discover that he was just a passing amusement.

The first thing he had to do was discover how both Duo and Wufei truly felt about him. It could be any number of things. Friendship, lust, camaraderie, empathy, or perhaps it was something more.

Heero paused and looked down at his things again. Shaking his head he tossed the last of his clothes into the drawers and grabbed his jacket.

Correction, the first thing he was going to do was go shopping.


The city was a full hour drive from Quatre’s estate, and Heero enjoyed the chance to ride one of the well-maintained motorbike’s he found in the garage. Navigating the streets by memory and guess, Heero eventually pulled into a small side street in what could be aptly termed the red light district.

Heads turned as the rumbling growl of the motorcycle slowed and stopped as Heero parked. Admiring gazes appraised the well-muscled form clad in jeans and a leather bomber jacket. Heero pulled off his helmet and raked a hand through his attractively mussed hair, preening just a little as he relished the knowledge that he could finally do something with the blatantly admiring stares.

Not that he would, since he was after something far better than what the random person off the street could offer, but he could if he wanted. Having the choice was what made all the difference. It felt so good to feel again. To not have to worry about making false promises, to know that he did not have to worry about leading people on with false hopes.

Stepping up to a shop just down the street from where he parked his bike, Heero smirked slightly as he looked up at the florid, yet somehow tasteful sign that hung above the door of ‘LT Leather and Harness Shoppe’. He shook his head, dislodging his musings, and turned the knob, walking inside to the jingle of a bell.

He looked around the comfortably lit shop, spotting a familiar head of dark, curly hair atop a slim figure rearranging the display behind the till. Heero sauntered over and leaned against the countertop, raising his eyebrow as he was ignored.

Apparently things had not changed very much since he had last been here. The small bell above the door that had rung at his entrance had gone unnoticed. He would have to put some effort into getting the shopkeepers attention.

“Konnichi wa, Lindsey.” Heero greeted the shopkeeper, amusement obvious in his tone.

The gorgeous man behind the counter gasped and spun around. One hand going to his chest as his eyes widened. Shock dominated the pretty-boy features as Heero smirked, and after short consideration, gave a small, mocking wave ‘hello’.

“Bloody hell! Kodi? Is that you?” Lindsey stared for a moment in disbelief before the dark haired man stepped out from behind the counter and engulfed Heero in an enthusiastic hug.

“Hn. ” Heero grunted as his ribs were compressed by the high-pressure greeting.

“It’s been ages since I’ve seen you!” Lindsey squealed joyfully, “My, look how you’ve grown! Not that you weren’t attractive before, dear boy, but you’ve become a stunning young man. If it weren’t for Tony I’d try for you myself!”

Heero listened in vague amusement as the flighty British man babbled in his ear, running his hands along Heero’s shoulders as if it had been only days, instead of nearly ten years, since they had last seen each other. The Japanese teen let the shopkeeper drag him across the shop to flip over the ‘Closed’ sign and then up the short flight of stairs into the living area that was above the shop.

Heero was pushed into an overstuffed armchair as Lindsey bustled around the kitchen. As he watched the older man make tea, Heero found himself thinking of the past times he had come to the shop to be given the very same greeting each time.


AC 186, City of Rome, Old Italy.

He was only six years old, but he did not act it. For such a small child he was very quiet, with grave blue eyes and a serious expression. Supposedly, his name was Odin Lowe Jr. His so-called father was not very imaginative when it came to names.

Unlike other children his age he drank the bitter tea plain, with no milk or sugar. He did not fidget, or whine, or do any of the other things small children were supposed to do when made to sit in one place for extended periods of time.

Junior thought the older boy sitting across from him was about fourteen, sixteen on the upside. No combat training, clothes chosen for style rather than comfort or durability. The shoulder length tumble of raven-black curls was uniquely distinctive, and the hazel green eyes were expressive. The open face hid nothing, every emotion showing up in three foot neon lettering. Junior estimated that it would take him approximately thirty-four seconds to disable the brunette or knock him out, and thirteen to kill. The holster that hid his gun at the small of his back was easy to disguise, but hard to draw when he was sitting down.

Lindsey thought that the son of Tony’s friend was creepy.

After about ten minutes of staring at each other, Lindsey got bored and decided to try and talk to the creepy kid.

“Your name is Junior, right?” Lindsey asked tilting his head to one side as he examined the little boy.

“Aa.” Junior dipped his chin in a nod.

“You don’t look much like your father.” Lindsey mused mostly to himself, “I suppose you take after your mother?”

“I don’t know.” Junior shrugged.

“Oh, that’s right. You’re adopted aren’t you?” Lindsey’s hand fluttered up to touch his lips with two fingers as he thought, “I remember Tony telling me earlier that Mr. Lowe picked you up a few years ago.”

Junior shifted for the first time, moving forward so he had room to draw his gun. He could probably gain a few seconds if he threw his cup at the other boys face. Lindsey went on unconcerned.

“Oh, I’m sorry, that was rather rude of me wasn’t it?” Lindsey flushed slightly, but kept up the running commentary. The creepy little brat still had not blinked, it was really rather off-putting, “You really don’t look much like Mr. Lowe at all you know, except perhaps around the eyes, they’re nearly the same shade of blue. Your eyes are canted though and I’d say you have some Japanese blood in you, at least half if I’m any judge.”

Junior really wished that the stranger his foster father had left him with would shut up. Or at least talk about something interesting. Who cared about what his eyes looked like? As long as they worked well enough to sight his gun he was happy.

“Do you speak any Japanese?” Lindsey finally stopped to wait for an answer.

“Hai.” Junior allowed a blink. His eyes were starting to dry out, “It was the language I spoke when Father took me in. He made certain that I didn’t forget it.”

“Oh? Why’s that?” Lindsey asked curiously.

“Languages are useful.” Junior answered with a twitch of his shoulder.

“I would think so!” Lindsey giggled, clapping his hands, “I assume that you’re going to become an assassin like your father. Have you started training yet?”

Junior stared.

“No worries, this room is secure, so you don’t have to worry about anyone listening in.” Lindsey assured the boy, leaning forward in his seat to fix an earnest stare on Junior, “And I’ll just bet you already have started training haven’t you? Mr. Lowe isn’t one to waste time. He probably started teaching you the moment he found you, silly man. That’s just the way he is I suppose. You seem to be taking after him. Hmm, quieter though, you’re not much one for small talk are you?”

Feeling overwhelmed it took the six year old a few moments to realize that the talkative teen was waiting for a response. Junior shook his head.

“No, I didn’t think so.” Lindsey sat back with a satisfied expression, “Now I believe Odin said your name is Junior, isn’t it? Pfft. That’s just like him, no imagination at all! We can fix that now, can’t we? So, do you know what Junior is in Japanese?”

Junior stared at the teenager. Was he insane? Why should it matter what he was called? Finally deciding to answer, if only to keep him from going off on another crazy tangent, Junior replied with a curt, “Ko.”

“So your Japanese name is Koh?” Lindsey asked, just to clairify.

“Iie.” Junior shook his head, “Ko. Lowe Odin-ko desu.”

“Hmm… Ko.” Lindsey muttered, shaping out the sounds, “Odin-ko… Ko-Odin… Kodin… Kodi… Kodi. That’s it! I’m going to call you Kodi!”

Lindsey hummed happily to himself as poured more tea, chattering merrily about everything that crossed his mind. Lindsey decided that all Kodi needed was someone new to talk too. He probably did not have any friends with the way his father moved around. Assassins like Mr. Lowe probably did not believe in things like parenting guides or playgroups.

Junior decided that Lindsey was a fluff-brained idiot.

Later that night, after Odin had finished his business and they had left, Junior asked what use they had for someone like Lindsey. Odin laughed and ruffled his hair, not making any noticeable change in the already messy locks.

“Lindsey may look weak and act like a fool, but he and his partner are some of the best sources of information we have.” Odin told his son, the man’s tone letting the child know that this was another lesson to remember, “They know everyone and have connections everywhere, and if they don’t know something they can be guaranteed to soon find out. If something happens, or is going to happen, they’re the most likely to know about it. And no one ever suspects them because they act the way they do.”

“So it’s all an act?” Junior frowned pensively. Not knowing how he felt about the friendly smiles the older boy had given him being fakes.

“Some, not all though.” Odin answered, thinking the explanation through as he spoke, “It’s easier to deceive with a partial truth than with a whole lie. Remember that kid, it may come in handy one day.”

“Hai.” Junior said, already committing the lesson to memory.


They met with Lindsey and his partner Tony several more times over the next few years. Each time Junior learned something new about the swishy young man, and gradually came to respect him. The informant had perfected his fools-mask into a work of art. The gestures, the clothes, the quirky expressions, they were all calculated to distract people. Lindsey saw far more than anyone realized, not much got past him. The rapid-fire stream of babble kept people off guard and made him appear to be even less of a threat. Lindsey had a naturally flamboyant personality, so he built on that, and exaggerated it, until no one could see through his carefully constructed artifice.

Lindsey taught Junior most of what he knew about reading people and gathering information from body language and words left unsaid. The lessons from Lindsey made it much easier for the young assassin to read the movements of his opponents and targets. Truthfully, Lindsey found it a little frightening how quickly the boy picked up the knowledge, but shrugged it off and attributed it to the young assassin being an overachiever.

On Lindsey’s part, the informant took a strong liking to the solemn little assassin who drank his tea bitter and carried his weapons around like other children carried their favorite toys. Sometimes, when both Tony and Odin left the two together for several days running, Lindsey would take his young friend out. To a carnival, an arcade, a show, even to dance clubs. Anything and everything that offered entertainment that most people in their line of work did not usually make time for.

They developed a close friendship. Lindsey took great glee in coaxing a smile and a laugh from Junior. In turn, Junior enjoyed being able to kick people in the shins when Lindsey indicated that their attention was unwanted. Odin and Tony learned to stay well out of the way when the younger half of their teams went out and bonded over events of public mayhem.

And time passed.


AC 189, Undisclosed location, L-3 Colony Cluster.

The sound of typing slowed and eventually stopped as the email message was sent and confirmation received. The laptop softly clicked shut, the last glow catching the faint impression of sadness in cool blue eyes before they froze over.

Odin Lowe was dead. And his son was prepared to go with him.


AC 189, Undisclosed apartment, Madrid.

“Oh no…” One hand lifted up to cover his mouth as the young man finished reading the email.

A man of swarthy Italian descent looked up form his book at his lovers soft gasp of dismay, “Linds? What’s wrong?”

Hazel eyes shone suspiciously bright in glow from the monitor. The pretty British man sniffled and sent a mournful look over at the other man. An expression of true anguish had settled on his features, “Tony, Odin’s dead!”

“WHAT?!” The Italian man shouted, his book thumped to the floor as Tony leapt up from the couch and appeared at his lover’s side, “Who sent the information? And what about Junior?”

“Kodi’s the one who sent the message, Tony.” Lindsey’s voice was choked with tears he refused to shed, “Apparently Odin’s contract on L-1 was a setup, and he was killed. Kodi was with him when he died, and he finished the mission for Odin and got out, but he’s going underground now.”

“Changing his name?” Tony asked, still stunned by the news of his friends death.

“Deeper.” Lindsey shook his head, “He’s disappearing.”

“Damn it.” Tony’s shoulders slumped for a moment before he spun and punched the wall, shouting, “Damn it!”

“There’s nothing we can do.” Lindsey whispered, heart aching.

Tony was silent, unable to refute his lover’s statement or answer the unspoken question. The large man’s shoulders were tense and his hands clenched into shaking fists. It was nearly impossible for people in their line of work to make friends. Real, true friends rather than contacts or allies of convenience. Odin Lowe had been one of those rare people. They and Odin had actually had the kind of friendship where they did not need to keep track of who owed whom a favor. And now Odin was dead, and his son was gone forever out of reach. It was a smart choice, now it would be harder for Odin Lowe’s enemies to track the kid, and pretty much impossible for them to figure out that Lindsey and Tony had been Odin’s informants. But still…

But the truth still stung.

“No.” Tony shook his head. Wishing with all his might that the hit had never taken place, or at least taken place on Earth, so that he and Lindsey could have had a chance to pull Junior out themselves, “There’s nothing we can do.”

Gravity finally won out against will, and tears escaped to slide silently down Lindsey’s face.


AC 198, Apartment above LT Leather and Harness Shoppe.

“We worried about you, you know.” Lindsey told Heero as he put together a tea tray, his back turned to the younger man, “There was no way for us to contact you, and tracking you down ourselves would have led Odin’s enemies right to you.”

“I know.” Heero said, watching his old friend from where he sat in a ridiculously squashy armchair of the type Lindsey loved, “I apologize for your distress.”

“No need for that, dear boy.” Lindsey said gaily, bringing the tea tray over and setting it down on the low table next to the chairs, “Now tell me what exactly you’ve been up to the last decade. Is this really the first time it’s been safe for you to come out of hiding? Or have you been up to some other mischief while you were away?”

“I’m going by Heero Yuy now.” Heero said, watching in amusement as Lindsey’s eyes went wide in recognition of the significance of the code name, “I was the pilot of the Wing Gundam, fought in the war, and am now working for the Preventers.”

Lindsey choked. Heero patiently sipped his tea, made just the way he liked it. Lindsey had an amazing memory for the littlest things.

Lindsey managed to find his voice again, and reacted predictably.

He exploded.



Meanwhile, at the Winner Mansion…

“Guys!” Duo hollered, racing into the foyer, “Heero’s gone!”

“What?” Wufei asked, emerging from the Library as Quatre and Trowa descended the stairs, “Are you certain?”

“I checked the security camera’s on the front gate.” Duo scowled, “Heero left about an hour ago.”

“Where could he have gone?” Quatre asked, visibly fretting.

The four young men looked at each other helplessly.

That was a very good question.


Back at Lindsey’s Apartment…

“You!” Lindsey seethed, jabbing a graceful finger at Heero as he fumed and vented his wrath, “You said you were going under! That you would be safe from discovery!”

“I did. I was.” Heero said with a careless shrug, “Odin’s enemies have been eliminated, and I’ve helped resurrect the peace he thought he’d killed.”

“Brat.” Lindsey’s lips quirked in a smile, “I suppose you have a point. So you aren’t working in assassination anymore?”

“Hn.” Heero twitched his shoulder in a nostalgically familiar gesture, “I’m using my training to keep the peace.”

“Ah.” Lindsey sighed knowingly, taking a biscuit from the tray, “I see.”

Things were silent for a moment.

“So then, why come to me after all this time?” Lindsey asked, eyeing the younger man across from him, “I doubt it’s just to catch up on old times.”

“Actually…” Heero smirked, his eyes glittering with a look that Lindsey was intimately familiar with from the pilot’s youth, “I need your help.”

“Oh-ho?” Lindsey raised his eyebrows, “Whatever for?”

“I’ve decided to seduce two of my teammates.” Heero stated blandly, “I need new clothes to continue with my plan.”

“And these teammates of yours are attainable?” Lindsey asked, grin spreading across his face as he leaned forward, the familiar urge to cause chaos kindled in his soul by the simple presence of his old partner-in-crime.

“Easily attainable.” Heero answered in kind, “They are currently in a relationship with each other, but my surveillance reveals that they wish to include me.”

“But?” Lindsey prodded.

“But I want to play a bit first.” Heero smirked as Lindsey cackled gleefully, then his face grew serious, “And I wish to ensure that I remain included.”

“So it’s a seduce and ensnare mission?” Lindsey clarified, twirling a lock of his hair around his finger, “Hmm, sound like fun. Count me in, lovely.”

“Domo.” Heero said, shifting in his seat to lean forward, “This is my mission plan so far…”

Lindsey leaned forward, eyes sparkling with the joy of finding a friend thought lost and the promise of mischief to come.


Tony walked into the apartment and sighed, dropping his bag on the floor near the door, “Linds! I’m… home?”

Two dark heads were bent together over the coffee table, a mostly empty tea tray pushed to one side. Lindsey looked up at his long-time lover and grinned. Heero looked up with solemn blue eyes at his foster fathers old friend.

“Welcome home love.” Lindsey trilled, giddy with the anticipation of shared joy.

“I take it this is why the shop is closed?” Tony finally managed to ask, staring at the grown up ghost of times past sitting in his living room, “Is that you, Junior?”

“Aa. I go by Heero Yuy now.” Heero inclined his head, a small smile on his face for the man who had once been an uncle to him, “It’s been a long time, Tony.”

“Nearly ten years.” Tony replied faintly, blinking as he walked further into the apartment, taking a seat next to Lindsey, “How have you been?”

“I was a Gundam Pilot in the War.” Heero blinked calmly as Tony’s face froze, “Now I’m working in the Preventers.”

Tony made a strange strangled noise that might have once passed for language. The large Italian cleared his throat and tried again, “Preventers? You aren’t here to arrest us are you?”

Heero snorted, shooting a look at Tony that clearly stated the foolishness of that question, and Lindsey slapped his lover’s arm.

“Ow!” Tony frowned at his pretty lover, “I was just asking, Linds. No need to get violent over a joke.”

“I’m not here to arrest you.” Heero cut in, looking faintly amused, “I just wanted to get back in touch with old friends. Odin’s enemies are dead, so it is safe to contact you again.”

“What about you being a Gundam Pilot?” Tony’s brow furrowed, “Are you in any trouble over that?”

“Iie.” Heero shook his head, “The identities of the Gundam Pilot’s are classified. We did our best to remain unidentified during the war and managed for the most part. The few who do know who we are will keep the secret, and the new World Government pardoned us for our actions during the War Crimes Tribunal after the Eve War.”

“That’s a relief.” Tony sighed, leaning back in his seat, “So what are you doing here?”

“Vacation.” Heero said simply.

“And where are you staying?” Lindsey asked, tilting his head to the side.

“At the Winner Mansion.” Heero informed them.

“… That’s right out on the edge of town, isn’t it?” Tony asked after a moment, blinking in surprise but recovering quickly.

“Never mind that!” Lindsey broke in before Heero could answer, “How on Earth did you get an invitation to stay at the Winner place?”

Heero just shrugged. Lindsey and Tony exchanged a look, ah well, they could get it out of him soon enough. For now, they had catching up to do.

“So, then.” Linsdey said, setting down his teacup with a sense of finality and gathering up the tray, “We have shopping to do!”

“Shopping?” Tony mouthed at Heero. Who just shrugged again and stood up.

“Let’s go!” Lindsey giggled and grabbed Heero’s arm, dragging him out the door, “We have a mission to complete!”

Heero’s eyes gleamed, “Nimue kanryou.”


Once again at the Winner Mansion…

“WHERE THE HELL IS HE?” Duo howled as he paced, minutes away from tearing at his hair in frustration.

“Duo, please calm down. He’s fine.” Quatre tried to settle his friend down.

“He has been gone for five hours, Winner.” Wufei seethed in the corner, every word perfectly enunciated, arms held tight across his chest, “Yuy knows that the reason we are here is to ensure that there are no more surprises coming, like his blackout last week. It is irresponsible of him to leave the grounds without informing at least one of us where he has gone.”

“Heero is not a child, Wufei.” Quatre chided, “He is capable of taking care of himself.”

Wufei continued to brood in the corner, Duo made another lap of the room, and Quatre failed to entirely hide his own concern about their missing fifth. This was the scene that Trowa walked in on a few seconds later.

“He’s back.” Trowa told them, “Camera’s picked him up coming through the main gates.”

The other three pilots stared at Trowa blankly for a moment before recovering.

“I’m going to strangle him with his goddamn spandex!” Duo snarled as he stalked out of the room, Wufei on his heels, muttering in Chinese.

Quatre and Trowa exchanged a speaking look before hurrying to catch up with the other two.

“Duo, Wufei, you have to calm down.” Quatre said firmly, eyes hard, “You won’t be doing yourselves any favors if you confront Heero in this kind of mood.”

Duo froze mid-step, Wufei going a pace beyond before he too stopped and turned to look back at Duo. Slowly Duo looked first at Wufei, and then turned to Quatre.

“You’re right, Quat!” Duo grinned widely, his eyes a bit crazed, “We should act as if everything is perfectly normal!”

Wufei looked pensive for a moment before his eyes hardened and he nodded sharply. Spinning on his heel, he and Duo continued down the hallway.

“Oh dear.” Quatre sighed, “This is not going to end well.”

Trowa just snorted in amusement.


Heero unloaded the things he had bought from the saddlebags of the motorcycle. Leaving the helmet where he had found it he picked up the shopping bags and left the garage, heading through the door that connected it to the main house. About halfway down the hallway he paused as Duo and Wufei rounded the corner.

“Hey, Heero!” Dup grinned as he bounced towards the Japanese man, “Where have you been man? We got here and you just went poof! Vanished! I was starting to think that aliens had taken you!”

Wufei was a quiet shadow hiding behind the braided pilot’s exuberance. Dark eyes scanning Heero for anything out of place, a visual check to ensure he was well.

Heero blinked, “Shopping.”

“You went shopping?” Duo asked, looking surprised, “What for? Quat’s got this place fully stocked man. Food, blankets, a spa’s worth of bathroom stuff, everything a guy needs. Did forget to pack your toothbrush or something?”

Heero shook his head, “Clothes.”

“You bought clothes?” Wufei asked, breaking his self-imposed silence.

Heero nodded and pushed past them, continuing down to hall. He walked by Quatre and Trowa with nothing more than a nod of acknowledgement and continued on towards his room.

“Heero?” Quatre asked cautiously as Trowa raised an eyebrow, “Is everything alright?”

“He’s fine, Quat!” Duo’s grin was a bit bewildered as he and Wufei joined the other two at the end of the hall, “He just went out for some new duds!”

Trowa and Quatre both blinked and looked at Heero’s retreating back before looking at Duo.

“Heero bought clothes?” Quatre asked, “New clothes?”

“That’s a first.” Trowa murmured with a small grin of amusement.

“He probably just bought more jeans and tank tops.” Wufei muttered in response.

Halfway up the stairs to the second floor where the bedrooms were located, Heero grinned, things were getting interesting now.



END NOTES: Yes, I know that there’s a lot of OC in this chapter, but it was needed to carry the back-story. If you can’t handle OC, just think of Lindsey and Tony as walking, talking plot devices. That’s all they are really, the pesky little enablers that they are. They just give some insight into Heero’s character before J’s training and the suppressants and the war and all that rot. And if anyone has complaints about how Heero was acting OoC this chapter, well, this is crack!fic. Deal with it or stop reading, I did my best to keep him recognizably IC while still taking the plot where it needed to go. (Besides, the whole point of this fic is Heero going crackerjacks. That’s why it’s funny.)

Now this chapter has been a long time in coming I know. I hope you all find that it was worth the wait.

Concrit is needed and appreciated! Let me know you’ve read my work, what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you think needs work. I want to know what you think. Thanks for reading everybody!

Yay! And that's the last of it for today. ^_^

fanfiction, series: mistakes and misdemeanors, gundam wing fanfic

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