Event Horizons part 4: Complete!

Nov 02, 2007 15:01

Event Horizons

A Pet Shop of Horrors fanfiction

By: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Rating: R

Pairing: DxLeon

Warnings: YAOI, AU, and TWT. There’s implied Non-Con, supernatural things, speculations on the mating habits of non/super-human sentient life, etc.

Disclaimer: If I had my way PSoH would end with D shagging all the silly accusations out of Leon’s pretty blond head. So obviously I do not own PSoH. I do own the fic itself, so please do not take without my permission. Your cooperation is expected. ^___^

Event Horizons

Part Four: Midnight Haunts


They are beautiful. Bright with a glory that blinds mortal reason. The burning light of sun-bright flame forms their hair. The many brilliant hues of the sky are reflected in their eyes. Skin shimmers in dawn shades of rose and gold and ivory. The well-formed bodies and graceful limbs match well with the pleasing features and attractive faces.

These are creatures of fire and wind, light and ether. They dance above the earth, barely grounded in the physical. They are wild and free, untamed spirits molded of flame and life and passion.

Their rage burns brightly for they are trapped. Caged. Held back. Hidden far away from the light and the sky and the winds.

They are so few. Far, far fewer now than they ever were before. Some they lost to despair, others to the machinations and whims of their captor. Long have they waited, as mortals measure time, buried deep, forgotten in the frozen dark.

There is a glimmer on the horizon of their restricted awareness and they pause for a moment in their fury.

Recognition. They had thought this one lost long ago. Lost like their hope, lost like their joy.

They settle, the seething morass of their emotions focusing with sudden purpose.

They glitter in the clinging shadows of their longtime cage like torchlight off blades, a warning gone unseen in the depths of their prison.

They wait.

Stillness always led the charge. Silence was always the herald of an approaching storm.



He was much alike in appearance to those he held caged, but he was frozen where they burn, his spirit cold ash next to their firestorm blaze. There was darkness about him, heart-rot under varnish and gold foil. His eyes were a flat, drab non-color that reflected nothing but void, vile chill.


The one addressed is empty, his soul gutted, lacking even the rot of his master. Not even the glitter of deception remains, he is colorless and blank.

“There was a trace of the one you seek.”

“I know. The protections around the child must be weakening. There were two instances of detection today alone. That is more than we have felt in the last five years.”


“Send out the hunters.”

“Yes Master.”

The dark one bared his teeth, harsh laughter ringing out. His glory cold as an assassin’s poisoned dagger.

“I’ll have you soon, my beauty. Very soon.”


Leon shuddered.

“Fucking hell it’s cold in here. Would it kill him to turn up the heat?”

The fireplace on the far side of the room lit with a click and a hiss.

Leon stared.

“Oh-kay… must be voice activated or something. I didn’t think D went for that kind of thing. Huh.”

‘And I will not think about whether or not that fireplace was there earlier. This place is freaky enough without spontaneously generating fireplaces.’

D had been acting strangely for the last week. It was almost like he was avoiding Leon, though it was probably just the detective’s imagination. After all, D had a shop to run, and Leon was capable of taking care of himself. It was not like D was expected to devote himself to Leon’s care.

It was still strange. Even though he had stopped taking the painkillers prescribed by the doctors he still did not hurt they way he expected to. D had not fought him about it either, just insisted that he keep drinking the herbal crap he always gave Leon when the detective came over. He had to admit though, he was starting to get used to the stuff. It was not so bad, once you got over the lack of caffeine and the fact that you were essentially drinking boiled grass.

Chris was doing well, hell, Chris was doing great. The kid loved the pet shop, and had re-learned practically all the animals’ names by the end of his first day. Chris had slipped back into life at the pet shop like he had never left. It was wonderful to see his little brother smiling and playing, even if that damned goat seemed to be following the kid everywhere again. Leon could swear the animal was sticking close to Chris to spite him, even if it the thought did make him sound excessively paranoid.

Yet the longer he spent in the pet shop the more certain he became that there was something not right about the place. For one thing, it was far larger than it had any right to be, especially in Chinatown. Sure, D was rich, and they were in America, but still…

Even taking into consideration the chance that D owned the entire building, there was too much inside the shop for Leon to be entirely easy with the place. The narrow twisty hallways may have been part of the problem. Messing up his sense of space and direction, but there were a lot of doors and the rooms were large. He had taken a look at both his and Chris’ bedrooms, they both had ridiculously large beds, and Leon was not even going to think about the size of the bathrooms. Who needed a tub that big anyway?

‘I don’t like baths either. But there’s no shower. Maybe it’s a Chinese thing, or maybe D did it on purpose, he’s gotten really overprotective since I moved in.’

The blonde snorted and shook his head, tapping his fingers on the bedspread.

It was not just that D had been taking care of him. It was that the freaky Chinese pain-in-the-ass kept popping up in the strangest places! Leon had not been outside since D had carried him in a week ago. Whenever he found his way to the front rooms D would find an excuse to usher him back into the living area. Leon needed to stay off his feet (he really hated that one now) had been D’s favorite choice. So Leon’s first three days at the shop had been spent in bed. Not an enjoyable experience for the active blonde. Other excuses were that he should spend time with Chris, would he mind taking this or that little thing into the back…

It was enough to drive a saint insane. And Leon had never claimed to be a saint.

If it were not for the sunroom Leon would have done something drastic by now.

The sunroom was on what Leon thought must be the top floor of the shop. It was basically a greenhouse, except that the ceiling had mirrors that caught and reflected the light, increasing it. It was where Leon liked to relax, and Chris usually found him there. D seemed to like letting most of his animals run around the shop unrestricted, and they really seemed to like Chris. The kid usually had three or four animals with him, if not more.

Idly Leon started bouncing his foot, staring up at the ceiling of his room with a scowl.

‘I am so fucking bored!’

There was nothing to do. The sun had set already, so there was no reason for him to go up to the greenhouse. D would not let him help because of his injuries. Going into the front rooms was a big no. Especially after what had happened the last time he had done that.


Leon had not seen D when he walked into the familiar front room where a few of the less exotic pets were kept on display for the customers. A woman had walked in then, she was pretty, a curvy bottle-blonde in tight jeans. They had talked for a bit. She was flirting, though that had been toned down once she realized he did not work at the shop. Obviously she had been hoping for a discount, which had amused Leon briefly even though it stung his pride a bit. In revenge, he had started bringing up some of the cases connected to the shop. He warned her away from the rabbits and the fish, suppressing his glee when she started eyeing the cages with trepidation.

It had always surprised his co-workers when Leon told or read ghost stories. He had a reputation for having a very weak stomach at crime scenes, which was rare in a homicide detective. Even stranger was that he had not ‘toughened up’ the way others did. Even after a few years on the force he still threw up at the sight of blood. So, when Leon was caught reading horror novels or scaring the pants off the kids who came in on Go-With-Your-Parent-to-Work day, they were quite justifiably shocked. Leon found their reactions amusing.

Over time he had noticed a certain pattern in his tolerance levels. For some reason, accident scenes did not affect him as much. It was the suicide, murder and rape crimes that made his stomach rebel. Unfortunate then, that as a homicide detective his job was to deal with suicide, murder and rape. It upset him that he was thankful when a case turned out to be a suicide, since that type bothered his stomach the least. Another piss-off was that he usually gauged his gut-instinct about cases by how badly he was sick afterwards.

Anyway, back to the chick. D had swept in then, doing his usual spooky shit about selling dreams and wishes. The poor woman had been nearly hysterical by then. Leon had wandered into the back again while D calmed her down. With the Count around he couldn’t continue his fun. The Count had found him a little while later.

“Detective, what ever did you say to that poor thing? She very nearly broke down in tears when I offered to help her find a pet.”

Leon had tried to hide his amusement, speaking innocently as possible.

“How the hell should I know? Maybe the chick just doesn’t like animals.”

What? That was innocent for him. D obviously was not buying it though.

“Keiji-san, please. She left here quite happy with her new finches, but she warned me that the ‘scary blonde man’ had tried to scare her off.”

“Shit. Um…Oops?”

D sighed.



Pausing at the interruption the Count looked at his guest curiously.

“I’m sorry. What?”

“Call me Leon. I’ve told you before that I like being called by my name when I’m not on duty, and I’m getting tired of all the ‘Keiji-san’ crap.”

Blinking, D slowly started to smile.

“As you wish… Leon.”



Leon pulled the pillow over his face. Ever since then D had been even more of an oddball than usual. He was always smiling and touching him and saying his name…

‘I know I asked him to use my name when he talked to me, but does he have to say it the way he does? And why does he keep touching me all the time? It can’t just be him checking on my injuries, not unless he thinks the dust-bunnies are out to get me.’

‘Though with what I’ve seen coming from this shop, they just might be.’

Leon sat up scowling as he threw the pillow across the room.

“That’s it. I need to get out of here or at least out of this room. I haven’t seen D for more than five minutes at a time and nice as Chris is, if I don’t have an adult conversation soon I’m gonna start talking to the pets like D does.”

That decided Leon started to get off the bed. Forgetting about his cast for a moment, Leon flinched at the loud thump when the plaster bounced off the floor.


Leon looked down at his foot, bouncing it a few times experimentally.

“It doesn’t hurt?”

Bending down Leon started poking at the places he knew were badly injured. Nothing. No pain, no twinges, no sudden flare of agony sending the refrain of oh-fuck-what-was-I-thinking running through his head. Leon pulled up his shirt, staring at the faded lines of scar tissue that should have been the livid red of healing wounds.

“What the fuck?”

Confused the detective shook his head and stood up. Leaving his crutches behind he limped out of the room to go find D. The bastard probably knew what was going on. And maybe this time Leon could get him to stick around and give up some answers.


The sitting room was shadowed, lit by a shaded lamp in the far corner of the room. Soft Chinese voices murmured in the dimness.

“How is my younger brother faring, Grandfather?”

“Very well. And how is your detective? How is he healing?”

“Quickly. It is a trial to keep him still. His energy is boundless, it seems.”

“I must commend your control, grandson. It has been a week since your Seeding started and you have managed to avoid any action which may harm your chosen.”

“Thank you, Grandfather. It is kind of you to say so.”

A moment of hesitation, masked by a teacup, then…

“If I may, Grandfather, you are taking my choice of the Detective quite calmly. I would think you would have issues with my mate being Human.”

“I am not happy with your choice, no. However the Seeding does not really leave us with much of a choice. You yourself have even less of a choice than your father or myself did. This may well be your only chance to create a child. You know why I will not jeopardize that.”

“Mm, yes. There is no guarantee that the next time my Seeding occurs I will have found a compatible mate.”

“Indeed. Hmm, tell me what troubles you, grandson. You seem… distraught.”

“It is… difficult to keep myself away from him. Every part of me insists that I must go to him, keep him close, make him mine… and I am not certain how much longer I can resist the temptation he unknowingly presents.”

“Ah, well he is a very healthy human. I suspect that you may only have to wait a few days more-”

“Hey, D!”

Both kami twitched in surprise, nearly spilling their tea as the tall blond thundered down the corridor. Exchanging a look that was ruefully embarrassed on one side and tolerantly amused on the other the small family said their goodbyes silently and parted.

D rose from his seat as Leon stomped into the room, mismatched eyes widening as the off-duty detective slammed his cast-covered foot onto the low table.

“Leon! Your injuries!”

“How long have I fucking been here D?!”

D faltered, blinking in surprise at the unexpected question.

“Why, detective, you have been here for less than two weeks. Whatever is the matter?”

“This is ‘the matter’, D!” Leon shouted as he bounced his foot a few times in demonstration, “My leg was shredded and broken D, and now it feels good as new! Fess up! Have you been drugging me? Is that why I don’t remember how long I’ve really been here? And don’t give me one of your bullshit stories!”

“My dear Detective, please watch your language!” Count D chastised as he circled the low table to stand beside the blond American, “Now then, come with me.”

“Where to?” Leon growled, not ready to let go of his suspicion.

D sighed, realizing that against all odds he was finding the Detective’s temper tantrum amusing rather than aspirating. Oh dear, he really was rather far-gone on Leon, wasn’t he?

“Really now my dear, we are going to your room so that I may check your injuries. Are you quite certain that they are healed?” D felt a little thrill go through him as he gently lead the scowling detective back the way he had come. If Leon really was completely healed then… maybe…

“I’m pretty damn sure they are D! This is crazy, you have to be lying or something. The docs said I’d have a months recovery time at least, and then I’d still be stuck with desk work for at least another month after that!” Leon continued ranting all the way down the hallway to his room. The blond stomped inside, gait made a little awkward by the bulk of the cast.

D swept in after him, mismatched eyes glittering as tension coiled underneath his skin. Body and soul aching to claim, D swept a disinterested gaze around the room, lingering on the fireplace for a brief moment as he quietly locked the door. Leon’s clumping steps covered the quiet click of the latch settling into place.

“Do try to calm yourself, Leon.” D said gliding over to where Leon had flopped down on the bed, “Now let me see your injuries. Take off your shirt.”

“Jesus fuck, D.” Leon grumbled, rolling his eyes, but hauled his T-shirt over his head anyway.

D leaned closer as he pulled bandages away, revealing healthy, whole skin where there should have been healing lacerations. D felt his heart jump in his chest, thought he forced his breathing to remain steady and his face impassive. He drew his hands gently over Leon’s chest and shoulders, testing the healed areas with his own energies.

“Well, you do seem to be completely healed from you adventure, Mr. Detective.” D said amazed that he managed to remain calm as his energies surged inside of him, his tenuous control over his driving instinct slipping now that he no longer had an excuse to hold himself back.

“Yeah. Fuck D, I know I heal fast but this is ridiculous.” Leon said shaking his head, “I mean, I can almost understand the cuts and stuff healing this fast, what with all the special healing crap you’ve been smothering me with. But broken bones just don’t heal in a week!”

“Mm.” D drew back a little, breathing carefully, “Perhaps I should look at your leg as well.”

“Whatever.” Leon grumbled crossing his arms as he scowled across the room.

Feeling happily dazed D slid his hands down Leon’s previously injured leg. Of all his wounds, the leg had been the worst, so D made certain that he probed carefully. If Leon were still to be hurt anywhere, it would be here. But the D’s delight, Leon was completely well.

“My goodness, your leg seems fine as well.” D smiled, nearly purring with eagerness.

“Um, yeah…” Leon blinked, looking a little confused, “Hey, space.”

D just continued to smile, sweet anticipation sweeping through him as he swayed closer to the Detective. Leon’s lips parted slightly and D could not resist the temptation. D knew the pheromones in his scent had taken effect when Leon did not resist being pushed onto his back.

“D? What-mmn?”

D purred into the kiss as he licked his way into Leon’s mouth, knees planted on the edge of the bed between Leon’s spread thighs. Leon’s hands rose to D’s shoulders, not pushing him away, but not pulling him closer either, just sort of holding on. Cupping Leon’s face with his hands, D kissed his mate-to-be deeply, pressing the detective into the mattress. When D pulled away from the kiss, finally satisfied with his possession of Leon’s mouth, the blond was gasping for breath. Leon’s lips were kiss-bruised red and full, and he was gaping at D as a blush spread across his features.

Leon tried to speak, but only managed to produce a squeak that deepened his blush.

Still smiling serenely, D set his claws under the waistband of Leon’s jeans and pulled, fabric shredding with a rip. The destruction of his jeans was followed by the crunch of the cast being torn open and tossed away.

“Holy shit!” Suddenly naked, the decimation of his clothing having taken no more than a moment, Leon scrambled back further onto the bed, staring at D in shock as the Count discarded the tattered remains of denim to one side and shrugged out of his own elaborate clothing in a deceptively casual gesture. Just as he reached the center of the bed, D’s hand lashed out and tightened with misleading gentleness around Leon’s ankle.

“Really now, Leon. Where do you think you’re going?” D asked with a small laugh, eyes bright with merriment and enough lust to trigger Leon’s fight or flight instincts. But before Leon could take action, D… changed. Vines unfurled from D’s body, sliding out from under his skin until his legs were lost in a mass of shifting green.

“What the fuck, D?!” Leon gasped as his arms and legs were caught and bound by friendly green tentacles. Leon stared at the vines that curled snugly around his arms; they were waxy, dark green and had an odd texture. Not quite skin, not quite vegetation, more like a cross between the two. But they were tough, Leon pulled against the vines with all his strength. They were vines with muscle.

“Finished?” D asked pleasantly, as if he had not just sprouted tentacle-vine things in order to molest innocent police detectives, “Really, one would almost think you’re not enjoying yourself.”

“D!” Leon howled, trying to kick and mostly just ending up squirming in his bonds as D watched appreciatively, “What the hell are you doing?!”

“Really now, my dear Leon. Calm yourself.” D smiled predatorily, running gentle talons over Leon’s skin, “I would think my intentions were obvious.”

Leon shrieked something inarticulate but no doubt profane in response as D bent his head and licked his chest, paying particular attention to his nipples. Leon shivered, his targeted flesh drawing tight as D chuckled, pulling the hard bud between his teeth and nibbling.

“Nngh! D, s-stoppit… dn-don’t…” Leon keened as tendrils wrapped around his stiffening length, D’s hands stroking down his back to cup his buttocks, pulling Leon’s hips further up, vines spreading his legs open until the blonde’s thighs trembled with the strain. “Oh god, what-?”

Leon closed his eyes and turned his face into his arm, biting his lower lip as more tendrils wrapped around his balls, pulling them gently up, exposing the tender, hidden place between his legs to D’s greedy, hungry eyes.

“So lovely.” D murmured, gently rubbing the back of one knuckle against the oh-so-soft skin behind Leon’s scrotum. Satisfaction and possessive lust curling through him as Leon twitched at his touch, a muffled whimper escaping from between clenched teeth.

“God, D, please…” Leon whimpered, straining against D’s hold, feeling the burn in his inner thighs at the way he was being splayed wide open, “Stop it…”

“Hush now.” D cooed as he nuzzled the springy curls at the base of Leon’s penis, breathing in the wonderful, musky scent of the detective’s arousal. D licked the head, trailing his tongue over the slit before licking down the underside of Leon’s length until he was mouthing the fuzzy sack at the bottom. Leon was breathing in gasps, and his words degenerating into broken, trembling moans. D placed his mouth over the thin, tight skin of Leon’s most hidden place, gently scraping his teeth from Leon’s balls to his back passage. Leon screamed, wailing and pulling against his bindings as D trailed his lips over the tight pucker.

D paused, eyebrows raised as he took in the detective’s reaction. A predatory smile curled his lips before he leaned back in and deliberately pulled the flat of his tongue over the fluttering opening. Leon’s chest heaved, thin tendrils curling around his nipples and tightening until even the touch of air produced nearly unbearable sensation. Leon fought his bonds, hating the way he could not escape the touches, hating the way being tied down made everything better, made him feel everything more. Hated, hated, hated the way D’s mouth on his ass was the best thing he had ever felt.


Sofu D paused outside the door to the human detectives room, head tilted elegantly to one side as he listened. Sniffing delicately, the elder kami smiled. An expression of lazy satisfaction settling on his features as the eldest D very calmly stuck a ward to the outside of the door.

It was essentially a magical do-not-disturb sign, which created a barrier that could only be broken easily from the inside.

With a pleased hum, Sofu D continued on his way to the nursery to check on his infant grandson, already counting his great-grandchildren. With the manipulative glee common to those who are anticipating children they will not have to bear or raise themselves, the eldest D began to plot out his family’s future.


Inside the bedroom D spread Leon’s cheeks further apart with his thumbs and shoved his pointed tongue past the tight ring guarding the way into his detective’s body. Leon’s eyes flew wide at the feeling of being breached, mouth dropping open in a scream as light flashed across his vision and he came, harder than he ever had before.

Purring, D moved from between Leon’s thighs to lap at the white spilled over Leon’s stomach. The blonde’s breath came in muffled sobs, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as the kami cleaned the remnants of his release from his skin.

“Shh. Shh. There we are. Poor dear, this is all new to you. No wonder you’re overwhelmed.” D soothed, brushing Leon’s mussed hair back as he gently kissed the detective’s neck. “Don’t worry, beloved. I’ll make it better, never fear.”

D kept petting the detective, stroking his hands over shivering skin and carding his fingers through wild blond hair. Gradually Leon’s shaking stopped, and his breathing eased, though he kept his face averted. Shame weighed heavy on the detective’s mind. Shame at being too weak to stop D, or escape. Shame at enjoying what had been done to him by that, that-

‘Oh god Fucking damn it D isn’t normal what the fuck is he -he isn’t human he’s got fucking vines or tentacles or something and he totally just molested me with them and holy fucking hell I just got tentacle raped okay so the tentacles didn’t do much but hold me down all the raping as being done by D’s way-to-fucking-talented mouth but it was still done by the guy I keep trying to arrest and shit I was almost starting to like him!’

D touched Leon’s cheek, directing the blonde’s face towards him, and Leon jerked, trying to twist away, staring wide eyed at D in apprehension.

“Really now, there’s no need for that, my dear Leon.” The way D was saying the American mans name, like he was caressing each letter, made Leon shiver.

“What are you?” Leon whispered, voice a tortured rasp as he fought more hysterics, and D frowned at the tone, “What are you, and why are you doing this to me?”

“Curious.” D mused softly, thinking aloud, “You shouldn’t be objecting, or questioning. In fact, you should be begging me for more right now. How very odd.”

“D, what the fuck do you mean by that?” Leon looked almost frightened, his scent edging back towards panic and shame. D frowned. That would not do at all. This was the sort of situation that the special property of his scent during the Seeding was supposed to prevent.

“Oh, my beloved, how precious you are.” D spoke with nearly gleeful understanding, sympathy and pride and possessiveness setting off sparks in his odd eyes, “To be thus unaffected, how wondrous.”

“D?” Leon squeaked as more of D’s vines lovingly curled around his body, his torso and limbs a crisscross of affectionate green tendrils of varying sizes.

“Shush my heart, and I will explain.” D gathered Leon up into his lap, multiple limbs handling the detectives weight easily, “As you must have deduced by now, I am not human.”

“Sorta guessed that when you went all space-alien on me, D.” Leon groused as he glared at the other male, anger at being manhandled overtaking fear and shame.

“Hmm.” D hummed agreement as he nosed the soft skin behind Leon’s ear, ignoring the way the detective tried to shake him off, “This is as close to my true form as I can reach on the earthly plane. Now that I have released my control, I will be unable to return to my human form until after I have finished the Seeding cycle.”

“True form?” Leon glared, furious blue eyes demanding answers, but wariness remained present, “Never mind. What the fuck is a ‘Seeding Cycle’? Like a plant? Are you trying to tell me that you’re pollinating or something? And what? You need to get in a little hanky-panky before you can get your legs back?”

“Something similar to that, my dear.” D answered blithely, smiling at the detective who had relaxed into his hold, soothed by the familiarity of their exchange, “My body is flawed. I cannot produce a child on my own as my forefathers have. I require aid.” At this point, D gave Leon a significant look, and Leon began to feel a bit of foreboding about what D’s was telling him, “I need to plant my Seed in the body of my mate. Once the implantation has occurred, the fever will calm and I will be able to regain control of my form.”

“Right.” Leon swallowed, noticing for the first time the unnaturally raised temperature of D’s skin, the bands of heat laid across his skin. And he really did not want to ask the next question but his curiosity demanded satisfaction. He just knew this was going to get him in trouble, “And who exactly is this mate you think you’re implanting anything in? ‘Cause I know for sure I ain’t no woman!”

“Oh, Leon!” D laughed, and Leon felt a knot of apprehension form in the pit of his stomach, “My dearest love, I am not bound by mortal gender conventions. Do you really believe that your being male would prevent me from getting a child from you?”

And D was still smiling, that inhuman bastard! Smug and happy and so fucking pleased with getting one over on Leon again!

Then the understanding of what D had said washed over him like a bucket of ice water, and Leon’s thoughts screeched to a halt.

“Get a child from me?” Leon’s voice was stunned, his mind blank, and D chortled as he snuggled the gob smacked detective.

“Oh yes.” D watched Leon make fish faces with some amusement for a moment before he kissed that temptingly open mouth. The kiss snapped Leon out of his daze, only to send him right into a daze of a different sort.

“Mmm, your taste is addictive.” D confessed in a hushed voice against Leon’s lips, watching as Leon breathed and tried to gather his thoughts. D kissed him again, just enjoying the way Leon jumped and squirmed even as he was kissing back. D wondered if the reciprocation was voluntary of instinctive, but determined to enjoy it nonetheless.

“D.” Leon replied desperately, “What did you mean, earlier? When you said I shouldn’t be fighting you off?”

“That?” D pulled back reluctantly to look into Leon’s eyes, “I am producing an aphrodisiac in my scent and fluids. A side effect of the Seeding meant to help pacify my mate during the implantation.”

“But it’s not working on me.” Leon stated, looking back at D for confirmation.

“No, it’s not.” D’s smile was wry as he caressed the edge of Leon’s jaw, “You seem to be immune. It’s really quite strange. However, I find myself glad.”

“What do you mean?” Leon asked, turning his face into D’s touch as he faced him more directly.

“You are…” D hesitated, looking a bit rueful, “You are still you. Still thinking, instead of driven to mate by lust. I find that preferable.”

The admission looked like it cost D something. And Leon’s eyes were wide as he realized just what, exactly, the Count was admitting to.

“You?” Leon found his breath cut off in a rush as he was crushed to D’s chest, lips plundered with a sudden desperation.

“Please do not hate me. I could not bare it.” D pleaded against Leon’s mouth, even as his extra limbs spread Leon’s legs wide once again, pulling his arms up above his head until his back arched and his chest thrust forward.

“D?” Leon choked out as he was rearranged, staring at the other who had so suddenly switched from calm rationality to fevered desperation.

“I am sorry, so sorry, dear heart. But I can no longer hold back. I cannot deny myself this. I can only ask your forgiveness once it is over.” D’s eyes were glassy with what Leon recognized as lust, and the bound detective swallowed.

“Shit. D.” Leon whimpered as the tendrils around his cock and balls began shifting, squeezing and flicking rhythmically, quickly driving him back to hardness.

“Mine. You are reacting to me, to my touch. I am what brings you pleasure, not the magic.” D was muttering, breath washing hot over Leon’s skin as D licked at nipped at Leon’s neck. Leon gasped, his neck arching back to give D more room as the detective took in the words, absorbed their meaning, and was left stunned.

D wanted…

Oh holy fucking hell, D wanted…

D wanted him.

D wanted Leon, not just a warm body to implant his seed or whatever, but really wanted Leon. That was… That was actually rather flattering, in a really intimidating kind of way.


Tetsu sighed as he dragged Chris by the collar towards the boy’s room.

The brat had been gone for less than a year and Chirs had somehow gotten even worse with the tears than he had been the first time the kid showed up.

Tetsu really wanted to eat someone. Preferably someone who had made Chris cry, and he was not thinking about that. He did not care about making some human kid happy. He was an evil, man-eating demon beast. He was not a fucking comforter!

Freezing with his hand on the door handle, Tetsu stared across the hall at the door to the assholes room. There was a ward on the outside. It was the kind of ward that the D’s put up when there was a mating going on.

Tetsu choked.

“Tet-chan?” Chris asked his protector-friend in the silent language, “What wrong? Why did we stop?”

“Er.” Tetsu looked down into big, wide, innocent blue eyes, trying to think of an answer that would not make him spontaneously combust from righteous horror and total embarrassment. After a frantic moment of trying to produce something sensible, Tetsu decided that denial was the better part of valor, “I’ve got an idea. Let’s sleep in my room tonight.”

“Really?!” Chris beamed as he was hauled up under Tetsu’s arm like a sack of grain, used to the way the taller boy tended to pick him up when he decided Chris was being to slow.

“Yeah, really.” Tetsu answered, mollified by the excitement Chris was displaying. If nothing else the kid would keep him distracted from thinking about his master and that… euugh. At least in his own room he would not be next door to or have to listen to or smell what was happening.

Testsu shuddered and sped up his steps.

He was so going to have nightmares about this.


Leon was stunned and really, did not know what to make of his realization. It had been hovering around the edges of his mind for the last few minutes. Now what was he supposed to think? D had always been weird; the tentacles were just raising the bar on weird a bit. The casual molestation Leon could handle, hell he had always known he was irresistible. And it was pretty damn obvious that D went for guys, when you got right down to it… but to have D actually wanting Leon? And not just wanting Leon’s admittedly smoking body, but wanting Leon himself? Wanting the detective as a conscious, aware participant in this little act of interspecies debauchery? That took a bit of effort to get his mind around.

“Holy shit D, how long have you had a thing for me?” Leon blurted, gasping as those tiny, way-to-fucking dexterous tendrils flicked and pulled at his nipples, the rest of the fever hot vines crawling over his skin in constant mind-bending caresses.

“I really have no idea.” D sighed softly, nipping at Leon’s ear, “Far to long for my comfort, I would assume. Now try not to upset yourself, dearest, but you may find the next few minute slightly discomforting.”

“D?” Leon asked, real apprehension taking root, “What do you mean?”

D did not answer, at least, not verbally. Instead he directed Leon’s attention towards two vines that were not wrapped around him. Instead of tapering at the ends like the ones holding Leon, these bulged at the ends. The tight, shiny skin was interrupted by grooves that ran from the tip to about a foot down the vine, where they terminated at a thicker round bulge in the vine stalk. As Leon watched, the grooves deepened as the skin peeled back, the petals - holy shit, those were the craziest fucking flowers Leon had even seen - were fuzzy on the inside, and were a deep burgundy. A thick - rather disturbingly phallic - carmine pistil remained upright in the center. The stamens were fused to the pistil, evenly spaced ridges of darker crimson that textured the surface of the dauntingly large shaft.

Leon looked at the very phallic flowers, and very slowly turned his face back to D.

“You can’t be fucking serious.” Leon’s eyes were very wide, and his voice was that of someone holding back panic with sheer pigheaded stubbornness to accept reality.

“I do apologize, my sweet, but try to relax.” D’s voice was breathy, and his eyes were dark, glittering with lust.

“D! Don’t you dare-!” Any further protests on Leon’s part were cut off as the tip of one of the flower shafts pushed against his lips. Leon wrenched his head back, but it pushed forward with his movement, the bulbous head sliding into his mouth. Leon made a muffled sound of rage and shock, trying to push the intruder out with his tongue. This produced a small flood of thick, sweet fluid from the smaller bulbs of the fused stamen. Leon had no choice but to swallow, a heavy, sweet scent chasing and mixing with the taste in his mouth, sliding down his throat. Heat pooled in his gut, and lower, his loins pulsing with sudden urgency.

“Oh my.” D growled, watching hungrily as Leon coaxed more fluid from the hot length pushing deeper into his mouth. Leon moaned, sucking fiercely, trying to make the sweetness flow faster. D leant in and licked along the tight stretched seam of Leon’s lips, loving the way Leon whimpered around the flesh in his mouth. D kissed Leon’s cheek before moving down to the detective’s neck, feeling the way Leon’s throat worked as he swallowed and whimpered and moaned as D slowly pushed a little deeper, trying to work past Leon’s gag reflex.

“Well now.” D laughed gently, sounding relieved, “It seems that you are not immune to all of my charms, dear heart. That is good. I was beginning to think I would have to resort to drastic measures.”

Some distant, hazy part of Leon noted that D was probably saying something important, but Leon was far too focused on the fullness in his mouth, the sweetness on his tongue, the thickness pushing down his throat to put much effort into understanding speech.

“Now then, my love. Shall we proceed?” D crooned as he once again pulled Leon’s legs as wide as they would go, spreading Leon’s buttocks with his hands. The second, all but forgotten flower was gleaming with a thick layer of the fluid leaking from the stamen. D watched in breathless greed as the mushroom head rested gently against Leon’s opening. Slowly the thick shaft pushed into Leon’s body, the tiny ring of muscle giving way reluctantly, fighting the strangeness of invasion.

Leon screamed, muffled by the stalk in his mouth, when the head of the second pistil made it past his sphincter in a rush. Leon panted, whimpering as the rest of the length followed, shoving inside with willful determination until the blonde could feel the fuzzy insides of the petals pressed against his ass.

It should have been too much. Too much, too soon, Leon knew, it a hazy sort of way, that he should be in horrible pain. Something that large, shoved inside of him with no preparation, and Leon never having anything bigger than D’s tongue up there before? Leon should have been in screaming agony.

Instead Leon felt incredibly full, filled and held and safe and cherished. His body felt hot, his pulse pounding in his ears as he whimpered and keened around the shaft in his mouth. Leon felt good, all over, everywhere D touched him sending sensations of perfect pleasure spiraling through his body. Nothing had ever felt better than this, just being held and filled in every way conceivable by D.

Leon whimpered again, and D shuddered, feeling every movement his mate made, especially around the exquisitely sensitive flesh that pierced the Detective. D kissed Leon around the shaft in his mouth, and began to move.

Leon strained against D’s hold. He had been wrong before; this was the best thing ever.

D moved inside of him, huge and hard and inescapable. It was like Leon had a hundred little pleasure centers and D was the perfect shape to hit them all. Leon shook and keened, sucking in air whenever the length in his throat pulled back enough for him to breathe. Leon mistimed and choked. D growled and Leon’s mouth was abruptly empty. Leon panted for a moment, screaming without obstruction as the thick shaft in his ass twisted and thrust, pressing again and again against an utterly wonderful spot inside of him that made Leon wail and shake and demand moremoremore. D growled, pulling Leon up to his chest as he plundered that wantonly open mouth, devouring the needy, shameless sounds Leon was making with a deep, possessive kiss.

They panted against each other’s mouths, lost in their bodies and the pleasure that kept spiraling higher and higher. D threw back his head and roared, a primal sound of triumph, of claiming that declared to all and sundry that Leon belonged to D!

Leon’s eyes were wild, disbelieving as the shaft inside of him thickened, then erupted. It was like being punched in the gut, leaving Leon breathless and gasping, a sharp spike of should-be-pain that faded into a mind numbing rush of pleasure as Leon climaxed, mouth open in a silent scream.

Leon hung limp in D’s clinging vines, still held up and open as he tried to regain control of his breathing. D had his arms wrapped around Leon’s waist, resting his head against Leon’s chest as they both recovered. D absently rubbed his head against Leon’s chest, lips curving gleefully as the detective shuddered.

“D!” Leon groaned as the Count licked one to-sensitive nipple, “D, I can’t!”

“Of course you can.” D purred as he pulled the spent stalk from Leon’s body, only to replace it with the other, pushing it inside Leon without pause.

Leon’s mouth dropped open and his eyes squeezed shut as his body was taken once again, the touch screaming against too-sensitive nerves. D was huge inside him, unstoppable in his utter possession of Leon’s body. Leon soon found himself lost in the feeling again, offering up his mouth, neck, his chest, to D’s touch. He found himself fighting to get more of D inside him with each thrust of the thick stalk, writhing around the hard length that pierced him. He could not stop screaming, fighting D’s hold, pushing into the movement inside him. It was almost a relief when he felt the stalk swell, spilling a rush of fluid into his body with a sudden full body shock. The feeling of another orgasm rushed through Leon in response, set off by D’s, though he did not come again and his penis remained soft.

The now depleted stalk withdrew from Leon’s body as the Detective groaned, eyelids fluttering. Leon’s inner thighs and the valley between his legs were slick with a mix of fluids, and D chuckled darkly as he licked at the delicate skin. Leon whimpered, skin still twitching with over sensitivity as D continued to stimulate the overwrought human.

“D…” Leon keened, toes curling as the Count drifted back up his body for a kiss, fingers pinching and pulling at Leon’s swollen nipples as D plundered Leon’s bruised mouth. D spent a moment admiring lips turned red and full by his attentions as he teased his mates flushed body.

Struck by a sudden desire, D arranged Leon on his back so he could see the sweet little pucker that gave him entrance to his mate’s body. Cooing, D blew a puff of air over the abused entrance, fascinated by the way the muscle twitched, Leon’s entire body going taught in his grasp.

“How cute.” D laughed, placing the pad of one finger against the hole and watching in satisfaction when Leon pushed into the touch, his body straining into the feeling D’s flesh against his secret place, “Don’t worry, sweet love, we are not finished yet.”

Leon whined, unable to produce words, shaking his head even as his eyes hungrily latched onto the new flower bulbs that were blooming around him. Then he was being filled again, huge phallus filling his mouth, pressing down his tongue, sliding down his throat so inescapably that all he could do was tilt his head back and take it in. Feeling the pressure against his anus, the slickness of the previous two times eased the way for a third stalk that felt impossibly larger. D’s hands were everywhere, tracing patterns on his skin as Leon’s body strained and shook and fell apart again and again. D seemed to be fascinated by Leon’s nipples, by the way Leon wailed and thrashed, muscles clenching in the most pleasing way as he suckled and pinched and tormented the reddened nubs. Another moment of being too full came as D spilled a third release into Leon’s body, sending lightning crashing through the blonde’s nervous system.

The stalk in Leon’s mouth was moved to his ass, his mouth filled again by another waiting hardness. Leon moaned, feeling his flesh stir as he began to harden again, the tendrils cradling his cock and balls twisting around him in a skilled caress of tender, too sensitive skin. Leon felt like a whore, soaked as he was in fluids, being fucked over and over again and enjoying it even without being hard. Loved being taken by D, who did not look like he was going to run out of flower erections anytime soon. What made it worse was how much Leon wanted it, wanted it bad. Wanted every thrust and twist and really, really wanted the thick, sweet flesh that possessed him and claimed him and forced him to open wider, spread himself open and just take it. A corkscrew thrust shoved against that special spot inside him and Leon’s vision blanked, leaving him screaming around the thickness in his mouth as D’s fourth eruption forced another simultaneous orgasm from Leon.

The latest wilted stalk was withdrawn with a slick noise, and Leon was really starting to feel utterly soaked. The length in his mouth pulled out, and Leon stared at the string of saliva that briefly connected the tip to his mouth.

“Oh gods D, please. Just hurry.” Leon froze when he realized that he had spoken out loud. D looked at him in speculation. There was nothing human or recognizable left in the Counts expression but for lust, and Leon whimpered when D smiled, dark and sultry.

“Very well.” D promised as he bent back to his torment of Leon’s chest.

Another stalk was being pushed into his mouth, while the pressure down below returned again. But something was different this time; it was too big, too…

‘Oh god.’

Leon screamed in disbelief as a huge, impossible pressure shoved into him. There were two shafts forcing their way into his body, moving in hard, synchronized thrusts. Leon’s eyes were wide as he felt himself being split wide open, his gaze blank and unseeing as the double thickness opened his body steadily wider. A continuous litany of screams vibrated in Leon’s chest, buzzing up past where D’s mouth tortured the near raw nubs of his nipples, up into his throat where the screams were blocked by the stalk moving thrusting in and out of his mouth, sliding into his throat without regard for a since vanished gag reflex. Leon was blind, deaf to his own screams, his entire being focused on the feelings D forced on him. Leon could feel every movement of the double lengths inside his body, and they felt perfect and horrible and wonderful. Leon wanted more, wanted it to stop, never wanted it to end. Then came the telltale swell, and both stalks grew larger. The moment lasted forever until Leon swore he was going to be ripped apart. Then his passage was being flooded, and the force of the double orgasm rushed through him, wrenching his body into peaking once more, and then again. Leon screamed, back arched into a painful looking curve, head thrown back as his whole body snapped tight.

Release left Leon dangling limply in the vines that held him, eyes closed, breathing quick and shallow once the erection was pulled from between his lips. D gathered Leon into his arms, leaning back so that the blond was resting against D’s chest. Leon was practically insensate, but he cried out softly when another shaft entered him. D chuckled, stroking his hands down Leon’s back as the mans inner muscles clamped down tightly on D’s shaft, still virgin tight even after all the abuse they had undergone, the fluid that leaked from D’s stalks allowing the muscles to stretch without damage and return to their original tightness immediately after. This made taking the detective all the more pleasurable for D, who could force himself into his mate however he pleased without doing Leon harm, and a sexual torment for the detective, as the aphrodisiac and stimulatory properties of the fluid forced the man to remain awake and in a permanent state of arousal throughout it all. Leon shivered and cried out again, eyelids fluttering as his hands clutched weakly, bracing him on D’s chest as he pushed back into D’s thrusts. D let his hands rest on Leon’s hips, just feeling the detective move for a moment before he tightened his grip and forced the man back harder, shoving forward at the same time in an aggressive thrust that made Leon’s mouth drop open in a shocked wail. D watched the expressions of tormented pleasure flitting across Leon’s face, still thrusting deep, twisting the length with calculated accuracy to drive Leon insane through constant stimulation of his prostate. D let himself come again; greedily appreciative of the way Leon writhed and wailed through the shared orgasm.

Leon lay unmoving against D’s chest, panting little whimpers as he shivered with the aftershocks or orgasm. D slid one hand over Leon’s buttocks, spreading the cheeks as he rubbed two fingers over the wet, twitching hole, gauging Leon’s reaction. When Leon keened, legs spreading open and hips thrusting back D just laughed, dark and mercilessly possessive. Another stalk was selected and brought forward, thrusting smoothly into Leon’s passage even as the man whined, eyes glazed as he curled his body, overloaded on sensation to the point of mindlessness. D rubbed his fingers against the skin that was so tightly stretched around his stalk, holding Leon open as he plundered the mans body once again. All Leon could do was press his face into D’s neck, a constant stream of whimpers falling from his lips unnoticed. D lazily turned his attention to Leon’s mouth, watching the reddened, swollen lips before moving to claim them. D plundered Leon’s mouth with a forceful tongue, drew a sensitive, bruised lower lip into his mouth and nipped at it, bit and licked and stole the air from Leon’s lungs, drinking in the soft cries and kiss-muffled moans. D let his head fall back as he shivered in delight, releasing another flood of fluid into his mate’s body. Leon surged against D’s support, the young mans body thrashing through another forced orgasm.

D gently set Leon down on his back on the surface of the bed, resting the detective’s head against the pillows.

“Almost done, my beloved.” D cooed, “You’ve done so well, just a bit more and we will be through this.”

Leon’s eyelashes fluttered open in response to D’s words, but no attempt at speech was made. D just smiled in gentle understanding as he lifted Leon’s hips from the bed, vines still holding the humans legs spread open to D’s gaze and touch. D looked over at the last two flowers, lips set in a rueful smile as he considered his options. With an idle shrug, D twined the vines together, bringing the two stalks towards Leon’s opening as one. Pushing both into Leon at once, D gasped, reveling in the delightful sensations as Leon screamed. D stroked the insides of his mate’s thighs as he fucked Leon with two erections at once. Leon pulled weakly at his restraints, unable to really do more than shake and wail and take it as D played with him. D licked a path up Leon’s inner thigh to where his shafts pierced Leon’s body, D sucked gently at the place where they were joined, and appreciated the way Leon bucked with renewed strength. D drew back, speeding up his thrusts until Leon’s whole body was shaking with the force of D driving into him. D watched as his shafts disappeared into Leon’s body again and again. Finally unable to hold back any longer, D reluctantly permitted the final release. Leon’s body snapped tight, a long rising scream torn from him at the double orgasm.


The slave cringed against the wall, chains biting into wrists as the pitiful form tried to shield itself. It’s master raged on the far side of the room, screaming frustrated cruses.

“After all this time, after everything I’ve wasted on this hunt!” The soul-rotted creature roared as he raged across the room, destroying the furnishings, “The shield finally drops and I STILL CAN’T GET AN ACCURSED LOCATION?!”

The slave flinched, huddling even smaller trying to avoid attention. But thank the all the guardian spirits in existence; the monster still could not find the lost one. If the child stayed wherever he was, he would be safe. That thought gave the pitiable being strength through the terror as pitiless white eyes turned their furious attention to the slave.

As the monster tore into the fragile body, the slave looked his master in the face and felt one of the broken pieces of his soul slot back into place. Terror vanished, replaced by scorn. This monster could only cause his body pain, nothing more. The captive grimly clung to that thought through the torture that followed.

When he was later thrown back into the pit, he told his people the news. Hope blazed into existence as they curled around each other to wait.

Events were in the making, and soon…


Well, soon they would see who would have the last laugh, in the end.


D, in a state of bliss and total satiation, let Leon back down onto the pillows gently, a soft cloth and a bowl of warm water appearing on the side table. D cleaned his mate carefully removing the fluids that slicked his skin, there was not as much as Leon might of thought, and D noticed with well-deserved satisfaction that very little fluid leaked from Leon’s passage. The implantation had gone well, most of the fluid going towards making the pod-womb that would one day carry D’s children.

D looked fondly at his exhausted mate as he tossed the now soiled cloth to the floor.

“Come, dear heart.” D murmured gently as he lifted Leon into his arms, vines pulling away from the detective as D turned from the bed and headed for the door, “You shall be more comfortable in my chambers, where the bed is clean and you will not have the worry of you brother walking in on you in this state.”

Leon grumbled something insensate, quickly heading for the sleep his spent body demanded now that he was clean. D chuckled, opening the door and gliding silently down the hallway to his room. After all, it was only right that his mate reside within the same room, and especially the same bed, as D. Now that he finally had him, the Chinese kami was not about to let his detective get away.

Not for all the tea in China.


So this chapter is a wee bit longer than I expected it to be. Thing is, I think D was a bit frustrated, what the the wait I put him through. Once he got Leon pinned down it was like this:

D: Sex!
L: Nuuu! *flails*
D: <3<3<3 *molests*
L: Oooh! *likes it*
D: ^_^ *Vine-sex!*
L: x.X *shagged out*
D: *sparkles. More vine-sex!*
L: O.o!

I swear to god, D just wouldn't stop! He was like a porny energizer bunny on crack! With naughty tentacle-vines!

Anyway, tell me what you think. I tried my damnedest to keep them as IC as possible, though it's pretty much impossible to do so perfectly when writing AU fic, I hope I at least got close? And if they aren't IC, are they at least beleivable? If you see any mistakes with spelling or grammer please point it out to me. Hope you enjoy this part!

In other news I am now an Auntie. My older sister had a baby girl on Halloween, isn't that cool? My sister is going to save so much on party favors when that kid gets older. XD

pairing: d/leon, warning: dub-con, warning: tentacles, series: event horizons, pet shop of horrors fanfic, smut, fanfiction, life in general

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