Life, Universe, and Everything...

Nov 09, 2015 00:47

Am posting from my phone, AGAIN, because the silly mail service doesn't run on Sunday's and so there is at least another week until I get my shiney new laptop. Good news is that writing does not depend on electronics, because I am a weirdo who writes my first drafts longhand. As in, using pen and paper. Yes. This means I have several hundred pages of fic written. I only need a working word processor to type them up and edit them for spelling and flow and awkward phrasing and whatnot. Which, you know, is the bad news. Need a computer to do the posting thing, because no way am I typing fic up on my gorram phone touchpad. You couldn't pay me to do that shit. Way too fiddley with all the tiny little buttons and thbbbt-! Nope. I refuse. Someday my laptop will come.

IN OTHER NEWS does anyone else do that thing where you go "I wanna read a character driven longfic with and epic plot and juicy bits of porn!" And then get really sad because you can't find any and the fic you REALLY want to read is the one you haven't finished writing yet? Anyone? No? Am I the only one with this problem? That sucks. Especially when you go looking for porn and none of it works for you so you go and write one off (yes, the pun is intended) and decide to compromise with character exploration and shenanigans instead and you've already read all the decent stuff at least three times each...


So now everyone knows why Sanjuno writes so much. It's because I want more to read. Also, I always end up writing something new when I read my own work. I am a Möbius strip of literary production. Fear me, or worship me, but sacrifice unto me your commentary and reviews!


Shit, I really should be sleeping right now. Fucking mirgraine meds...

random, computer woe, not!fic, fic status, life in general

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