Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

Oct 12, 2015 00:48

The Nine Rings of Vos- Arc Three: War
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Summary: Even in the middle of a planet-wide civil war... it is still possible to arrange for a meet-cute with your honey-trap target.

Timeline: The war rages on here.


(In which a Prime and a Seeker meet.)

“Get down!” Bright lines of laser fire streaked over Optimus’ helm as he ducked, striking the purple-branded tankformer that had attacked along with a large group of other warbuilds. With his opponent down, Optimus was able to collect himself enough to really fight back. The upgraded frame came with battle protocols - how much was Alpha Trion’s programming and how much came from the Matrix, Optimus could not say - but to be effective, Optimus had to use them. It was hard - it was so hard - to strike out against a fellow Cybertronian, but Elita-One (Ariel) and Ultra Magnus (Dion) needed him to be strong this time (stronger than he had been last time.)

“Whoa! Easy, Prime.” The red and white jet stepped back, digits spread to show the lack of weapon in his grip. Optimus took a quick step back of his own, looking around and noticing that the attackers (Decepticons) were offline or fled.

“Who are you?” Optimus shook off his disorientation. Battle was still strange to him, but he would not let his mates be hurt again, so he had to fight. Something would have to be done about the fugue - he needed training, real training.

“Name’s Jetfire.” The blue-prismed visor brightened and the jet extended his energy field in a friendly greeting. “Saw the ‘Cons jump you and, well, what sort of mech would I be if I let the Prime get slagged by terrorists?”

“... You know I’m the Prime?” Optimus blinked in surprise, not even thinking of denying the claim as Elita and Magnus came up behind him.

“You do know that you have an identifying glyph engraved on you helm, right?” Jetfire’s tone was amused as he pointed at Optimus’ audio finials.

“I do?” Optimus looked at Magnus, who had turned to examine the side of Optimus’ helm.

“You do.” Magnus supplied with a nod.

“I never noticed.” Elita was suppressing a laugh, Optimus could tell.

“... So I take it you have no idea what you’re doing.” Jetfire relaxed out of a ready battle-stance. Optimus had not even noticed that the flyer mech was still tense until that point. The new Prime was reminded once again of how much he did not know about going to war.

“Not so much.” Optimus admitted, feeling his armour panels shift uneasily as he thought about how completely messed up the situation was.

“Right.” Jetfire rocked back on his thrusters, tapping a thoughtful digit against his gold battle-mask. “You may want to make contacting the Autobot Army a priority.”

“The Autobot Army?” Elita tiled her head curiously.

“Yeah, the core is made up of the Cybertronian Elite Guard and Enforcers. Sentinel Prime’s Second-in-Command - a Praxian named Prowl - has been leading since Sentinel fell in combat about three orns ago.” Jetfire knelt to snap stasis cuffs on the closest unconscious Decepticon insurgent.

“So I should speak to this Prowl, then.” Optimus was not making any judgment as of yet, just took a set of cuffs when they were offered and moved to restrain his former opponent.

“Yep. Prowl’s a tactician, so he’ll have some good ideas on how you’ll want to proceed.” Jetfire started dragging the cuffed Decepticons into a pile, lashing the cuffs together with high-tensile cable.

“Why not send us to the Council of Elders?” Magnus was only displaying faint suspicion. He must have seen something he liked in this new mech.

“The Elders chose Sentinel. They chose the Prime that came before Sentinel. Did they choose you?” Jetfire looked over his shoulder vent at the uncomfortable silence that followed in the wake of his question. It was answer enough. “I thought not. The Council would argue your right to the Matrix, and by the time you’d soothed their offended dignity, the Decepticon’s will’ve gotten stronger. The Autobots need their Prime - their real Prime. Not another political figurehead.”

“I see.” Optimus watched Jetfire cheerfully and efficiently drag their defeated foes into well-restrained piles. That irrepressible optimism reminded him of those winged strangers who had helped Alpha Trion save him, guarded the transformation from Orion Pax to Optimus Prime... and then disappeared. Optimus was tired of people disappearing. “Would you consent to coming with us?”

“What?” Jetfire almost dropped the last Decepticon with a surprised beep. “Me? Why?”

“I’m going to need an Air Commander.” Optimus shrugged as his mates whirled around to look at him. “Decepticons fly. Even if you can’t hack the tactics, you can at least give me some advice.”

“... You have a point.” Magus’ admission was grudging as he looked Jetfire over with an appraising optic. “They do say something about the best fearing not the second best, but the worst.”

Jetfire looked uncomfortable but thoughtful as he returned to his task without saying anything in response to Magnus’ barbed comment. Elita hummed a curious note, glancing sidelong at Optimus. “Are you certain?”

“The Matrix likes him.” Optimus admitted sotto-voice, and both his mates relaxed. The Matrix offering an opinion changed things, and in their current state of changed circumstances and uncertainty it was the best guide they had.

“... I’ll take you to Prowl.” Jetfire stood up, finished with his self-appointed task. “I can’t promise you anything more.”

“I will not ask you for more than you can freely give, my new friend.” Optimus promised, and was gladdened to see Jetfire’s tense wings flex once and then relax.

“Alright.” Jetfire paused and looked around. “Now then, how’re we going to get these slag-heads to the closest holding cell?”

(Word Count: 916)


And Jetfire wondered why Skywarp and Thundercracker wanted him to stay the pit away from Starscream. The mech is a charmer, he is. Oh yes, he is. XP If it didn't help him so much with his job I'd worry about it, but at least we know why Sunstorm doesn't melt him into a puddle later on. Mwahaha. XD

Went riding today, and had a great time... until my younger sister took a tumble after her horse bucked. This is just one example of why you don't wear leggings to go riding. Denims or britches people, for safety reasons. She's fine, just very very bruised. Mum and I had to take the horses back to the barn and then go get my younger sister and my dad in our cars. So that kinda cut the day's entertainment short. My younger sister and Mum watched movies, and since I'm not all that fond of TV I just... typed up some fic. Meh. My mum and I are going to go out on the horses again tomorrow, of course.
Hope my fellow inhabitants of the True North had a good long weekend. Love you all!


HERE THERE BE DRAGONS!! (Who brought the ketchup?)

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, sisters, horses, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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