Sometimes I'm really surprised by the people I see on the street. Does that make me a bad person?

Oct 02, 2013 20:13

Out From Under
A Transformers G1/Beast Wars Convergent Fanfiction

By: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Summary: War makes victims of us all.

Timeline: TBA


(In which humans are rescued.)

It had been bound to happen. It was war - it was the War - and war beget tragedy. It was almost inevitable that one of their human allies would suffer for their attachment to the Autobots. In fact, it was a minor miracle that none of the humans had since sustained injuries that they could not recover from. Even that ‘Autobot Spike’ debacle had been easily forgotten once it was over.

At least… until now.

It was ironic actually. The Decepticons had used humans in their plans before, but no one had actually given serious consideration to the possibility of the Decepticons having human allies. After all, the Decepticons wanted to wipe out the humans, so who would be suicidal enough to even consider the arrangement? The Autobots often spoke of how the Decepticons overlooked the human’s ingenuity and courage, but in turn it seems that the Autobots had forgotten that every race capable of good was equally capable of doing evil.

It was an oversight they were now paying dearly for.

Human terrorists, equipped with Decepticon technology, had kidnapped all four members of the Witwicky family as well as Raoul and Chip. It had taken the combined efforts of the Autobots plus several human international agencies more than six months to track down the group that had taken their friends captive. Even then, several more weeks were spent pinpointing the location of the cell holding them prisoner and then planning the rescue mission. Execution of the plan only ramped up the tension levels throughout the Earth-bound Autobots.

So now here they all were; Ratchet, Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Hotrod, Tracks, Hound… all the bots with special, particular attachments to the kidnapped humans had been restricted from participating in the rescue. They were impatient, waiting for the human agents, accompanied by Mirage and Jazz, to return with their missing friends.

The hardest part, Bumblebee reflected, was that the Decepticons had played it smart for once. By staying away from the human criminals who had taken the Autobot’s friends, the Decepticons had complicated the rescue. Once the deal was done, the Decepticons had gone about their usual business, forcing the Autobots to concentrate their attention elsewhere and rendering the usual method of locating kidnapped humans - that is, locating the Decepticon that took them in the first place - ineffective.

#Jazz t’ base.# The saboteur’s voice pulled the yellow scout away from his thoughts. Jazz’s tone was grim, making Bumblebee’s spark sink in its casing.

“This is base.” Optimus Prime moved to the communications consol. “Report.”

#We got ‘em all back, Prime.# Jazz was emotionlessly professional. #Alive an’ in one piece. Carly an’ Daniel ‘re only a bit banged up, but the other four ‘re in a bad way, health-wise. Dunno how badly, but have Ratchet an’ the human Docs ready fer when we get back. We rendezvous wit’ Skyfire for pickup in five kliks.#

The joy at having their friends back was squashed by that darkly foreshadowing warning.

“Understood. We’ll take care of things on this end, Jazz, you just get everyone home. The Arialbots will be flying escort.” The Prime stood as if his armour weighed heavily, no doubt blaming himself for the humans suffering.

#Gotcha, Prime. See ya at th’ landing pad.# Bumblebee slumped against the wall, trying not to imagine the worst. #Jazz out.#

(Word Count: 552)


Woo... ok. So once upon an internet browser I read something along the lines of;

"You're a guy?!"
"... I'm a robot."
"You're a guy robot!"
"I'm a robot in disguise."
"You're a guy robot in disguise!"

And I went, haha that's a funny prompt. It'd be cool if someone actually wrote that. And then I did research into Pretenders, and watched the second Bay'formers movie, and I went... hmm. Hello, little temporal anomaly bunny. Please remove your teeth from my ankle.

Just to keep you all informed as to where my thoughts wander? This is one of two convergent fanfic universes I have planned for G1/BW. This one takes place circa 2000 AD, whereas the other takes place post Great War (circa 2300 AD.) Oh the fun I have playing with timelines and random throwaway comments. XP

Also, Rings fans? Just because I play in other sandboxes does not mean the Rings updates are gonna slow down. I've got a scrapton of fic ready to post. I just don't want to kill my momentum by posting more than one fic-thing a day.


... So one of our horses went and cracked her skull on one of the bolts holding the barn support beams in place. She had a five inch gash that needed sewing up that ran from the corner of her right eye up to the forelock. She's a Clydesdale cross, so she's got a lot of forehead. It was not pretty to walk out there and see her skull, I'm telling you. But Elmira will be fine once she heals up, and so far there are no signs of bone fragments. Which, when you manage to get an injury two inches from your brain, is a good thing.

Our oldest mare colicked and had to be put down last week, so my foster sister was understandably a bit distraught when her "baby girl" came up injured.

Oi, the drama. Sometimes I wish life would just slow the fuck down.


series: out from under, transformers fanfic, fanfiction, horses, dragons

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