Sep 30, 2013 12:49

No Evil - Arc One: To See None
A Transformers G1 Fanfiction
By: Sanjuno Shori Niko

Summary: Silly jets are going back for remedial classes!

Timeline: TBA


(In which Thundercracker and Skywarp get schooled.)

Skywarp and Thundercracker were not happy with their current situation, and they were not above letting everyone around them know it. Their emission fields were thick with resentment and dark expressions had firmly settled on their faceplates. Skywarp had complained during the entire flight over and had only fallen silent when they landed at the entrance gates to the War Academy.

Of course, Skywarp being Skywarp the silence would not last for long. Stormwing called in their arrival and prayed that their escort arrived quickly.

“Why are we here? From what I remember, TC and I have already graduated from this place.” Skywarp was pouting in a manner unbecoming of a Decepticon warrior, but knowing him he was already aware and did not give a flying frag.

Stormwing resisted the urge to smack the black Seeker. Nothing pleased the annoying teleporter more than a reaction, and nothing got under Skywarp’s plating more than being ignored. Stormwing had gotten quite good at remaining unaffected by Skywarp’s antics. So instead of denting Skywarp’s flapping jaw, Stormwing calmly answered Skywarp’s question.

“We are here because the two of you need a third to complete your wing.” Holding up a hand to forestall the inevitable oncoming protests, Stormwing continued. “I am not asking you to bond, all I’m telling you to do is to fill out your wing. You are Elite, and that gives you some leeway. Since you have taken advantage of that leeway to avoid responsibility... well, we’ve decided to take steps. You refuse to take on or choose a new wingmech for yourselves from the ranks and have somehow managed to rid yourselves of every replacement I’ve assigned to your wing, so High Command has authorised my decision to post the two of you here at the Academy as Mentors until you find yourselves a permanent third.”

Stormwing had the rare pleasure of seeing Skywarp speechless. As the black and purple Seeker squawked in outrage, Thundercracker took up the conversational slack. “How long will we be here?”

“Until you find a third who can survive flying with you two with their battle efficiency and their shell intact.” Stormwing’s flat tone brooked no argument.

Skywarp found his voice again just in time to howl in outrage. “We’re being demoted?”

Stormwing shook his head, finding some amusement in Skywarp’s theatrics. “No, you are not being demoted; only temporarily re-assigned.”

“Until we get a third.” Thundercracker slowly shifted his shoulder pauldrons.

Stormwing cast a thoughtful look over Thundercracker’s too-calm expression, and chose to keep his answer short. “Yes.”

“There’s no way to get out of this?” Skywarp twitched, glaring at the massive structure of the War Academy.

“No. The two of you have already exhausted all of your other options. The only flyers left in the Empire who don’t know of your reputations for devastating your thirds or have heard the rumours but are willing to risk it anyway for a chance at Elite status are here at the Academy.” Stormwing snapped his wings in punctuation. He was getting tired of this nonsense.

Skywarp scowled, acknowledging the jab but not ready to give up yet. “So why can’t we just wait for the next batch to graduate and pick one then? Why take us out of the field?”

Stormwing vented in exasperation. “Because...”

“Because most of our Cadets have the sense Primus gave a glitchmouse and have already decided on trines by graduation, as well you know Skywarp.” A sharp voice interrupted, making the three Seekers jump and look around as one for the source. Stormwing saluted to acknowledge the stealth jet who scowled at them from just inside the now open gates.

“Academy Flight Instructor Willowisp.” Stormwing greeted politely.

“Flight Commander Stormwing.” She saluted back with an irritated twitch of her wings in Skywarp’s direction. “Come in, you’re expected.”

Stormwing followed the Flight Instructor into the Academy, Skywarp and Thundercracker sullenly falling in behind. Stormwing felt a momentary longing for his wingmates, who were watching things back at base while he ran this errand, the lucky fraggers. He was just glad that once he turned them over to the Academy, Skywarp and Thundercracker and their Supreme-sized commitment issues would be Somebody Else’s Problem.

Their stubborn refusal to fly with a third limited their usefulness. Any mech who did not request a transfer to another wing immediately usually ended up badly maimed, and in a few occasions dead, in ways that had not once been traceable back to Skywarp and Thundercracker.

Stormwing’s superiors had finally noticed the trend and, not wanting to waste any more resources, had ordered the two stationed at the Academy until they picked a third to fill out their wing. Hopefully until that happened Skywarp and Thundercracker would do more good than harm assisting in the training of the Cadets at the Academy. At least the Academy instructors knew what to expect, and could handle the two jets. After all, they had done so once before. Instructor Willowisp certainly was not impressed by them, especially if the look she had thrown them earlier was any indication.

“Here we are.” Willowisp announced, the brighter lights of the Head Office reflected purple off her Decepticon allegiance sigils, which were the only break in the traditional black and grey Wraith paintjob.

The green and ochre-brown mech at the Headmaster’s desk looked up as they entered the room, dropping the datapad he was holding into a bin full of the same. “So these are our new Mentors, eh?”

The next few breems had Skywarp sulking, Thundercracker growing ever more sullen, and Stormwing signing them over with a strong feeling of relief as he escaped back to his command post.

The Headmaster smiled the whole time, radiating amusement over their suffering. “Well then, I suppose we should get you two settled in. Willowisp?”

The stealth jet snapped to attention. “Yes, Shakedown?”

“Are our guests quarters ready?” He asked without a hint of irony in his tone.

The dark painted jet looked at the Head of the War Academy in amusement. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good, good.” Shakedown smiled affably and waved them on their way. “Please escort them to their room and get them settled in, would you dear? We’ll get them started on their duties next class cycle.”

“Of course, Sir.” Willowisp nodded to the Headmaster. Turning on one thruster, Willowisp led Skywarp and Thundercracker out of the Head Office and down the halls until they reached the residential section of the Academy.

“These aren’t the cadet barracks.” Willowisp lectured as they walked through a security checkpoint. “As you should remember, those are three floors down. Instructor’s quarters are none of your business. This is where we house Mentors, Instructor’s Assistants, and the occasional Tyro.”

“Tyro?” Skywarp’s optics flickered in a blink of confusion as his curiosity drew him out of his sulk. “What is that supposed to be?”

“War Academy students who have pervious schooling or rank in other fields, show exceptional skill, or have particularly high level patrons.” Willowisp explained with what could almost have been a conversational tone. “Sometimes an Instructor’s favourite, but that’s rare unless they have the skills to back it up. Most are too skilled or well connected to be kept as simple Cadets. Tyro students tend to go directly into a command position of one degree or another.”

Skywarp exchanged a wary look with Thundercracker behind Willowisp’s back. If the impersonal Flight Instructor meant her words as a veiled warning or taunt... they both remembered back to when they were still Cadets themselves, already well on their way to Elite status, and had made a game out of tormenting the ‘Instructor’s Pets’ whenever they could get away with it.

Finally coming to a stop, Willowisp jerked her head to indicate the door on the left side of the hall. “These are your new quarters. Better remember where they are. You’ll be staying in here with two of our highest rankling Tyro. They’re both unattached jets so you don’t have to worry about clashing with an established trine or dodging jealous potential wingmates.”

Skywarp glanced at Thundercracker, who was already looking back at him with an expression of perfect understanding. The two of them were going to be up to their exhausts in unattached jets until they picked up a third and got out of the Academy.

“Here are your pass codes.” Wi8llowisp handed them a datapad. “A list of your basic duties is in there too. More will be added later when we figure out where you will actually be of use. If you have anything to complain about, don’t. I’m your direct superior and I don’t care.”

Finished talking, Willowisp turned on her thruster and keyed open the door. With a twitch of her wing, she led the two other jets inside the room.

Thundercracker looked around the main chamber in appreciation, taking in the clearsteel windows that took up most of the outside wall. The stealth jet must not have been joking when she said that their new Tyro roommates were highly placed.

#This is a fragging command suite!# Skywarp muttered to Thundercracker over their internal radios.

#Got that right.# Thundercracker sent back. #Check out the windows!#

The two jets were standing in a spacious common room. A communications unit was on one wall near a decently sized vid-screen. The screen was the focus of an arrangement of luxury seats. There was even a small personal energon dispenser in one corner. There were six doors along the wall adjacent the windows. The suite was probably meant to house two or three full Seeker triads’. To reserve this much space for only two - now four - jets was unheard of. Exchanging another glance, Skywarp and Thundercracker wondered just how much clout these so-called Tyros - or their patrons - had.

“I trust that there will be no objections over the accommodations?” Willowisp’s question was rhetorical as she finally grew tired of watching the two Seekers stare at the common room. Willowisp decided to get things moving again, even if they did look far too amusing with their jaws flapping open.

Skywarp and Thundercracker shook out their wings and turned to look at her while she smirked at them. Identical scowls appeared on their faceplates.

“Heads up!” The staring contest was interrupted by the far left door swishing open. Two blurs that might have resolved themselves into jets at lesser speeds burst out into the common room.

“Fire in the hole!” The gleeful carol was at odds with the warning. Both figures vaulted over the back of the couch to duck and cover. Willowisp backpedalled out the entryway as something in the room beyond the still open door exploded violently.

“Hmm...” A charcoal helm lifted over the edge of the furniture. “I was certain I had it right that time. Ah, well I think I know what went wrong.”

“Tsk. Mix was imbalanced, that it was.” Red lights flashed as a glittering white bi-layered helm nodded to punctuate the words. “To your beloved roommate, you should listen, that you should.”

“Beloved nothing.” The first jet lifted his wings in haughty distain. “I’m the one with the science degree, so you can be silent.”

“Me, you wound, that you do.” The second jet dipped her head in mock-sorrow. “Yet, the mix balance correctly you did not, such is true.”

Thundercracker and Skywarp could only stare at the two bickering jets who were to be their roommates, smoke pouring slowly out along the ceiling from the still-open door of what should have been personal quarters, but looked more like it had been turned into some kind of home lab.

“Well, at least you know what you’re going to be living with.” Willowisp stepped back into the room. The four jets on the floor turned to look at her. Thundercracker and Skywarp boggled in disbelief while the other two adopted looks of mildly interested surprise.

“Oh, Instructor Willowisp, greetings!” Spoke the one with the pale helm, waving an arm to shoo away smoke and finally drawing attention to her odd paintjob. It was not white as first assumed, it was prismatic. Skywarp gaped, was that dazzle camouflage?

“Tyro Glitterblind.” Willowisp’s voice was dry. “Tyro Starscream. Do get up and meet your new roommates. These two are Air Warrior Elites Skywarp and Thundercracker. They’ll be Mentors here at the Academy until they find a third to fit their wing. Play nicely now.”

With that said, she left without further explanation. Four bemused jets stared as the door closed behind her.

“Tch! No manners, that one.” Glitterblind clicked in disapproval, drawing the attention of the two Elite warriors away from the now-closed door.

“Did you honestly expect otherwise?” Starscream stood up from behind the couch, nonchalantly examining his claws with a sly smirk.

Tapping her chin in thought, the other jet stood up as well, staring up at the ceiling in contemplation.

“That I did not.” Glitterblind flicked her wings dismissively. It was a very expressive gesture, as she had six of them. Skywarp tried not to stare too obviously. Six wings. What kind of jet was she?

“Hey.” Thundercracker called, gaining the bickering duo’s attention. “That had better not be one of our rooms.”

“... If I said it was?” Starscream crossed his arms, giving the Elites an arch look.

“Then we’ll take yours.” Skywarp shrugged, grinning challenge at the silver jet.

“I’d like to see you try.” Starscream glowered at the two invaders, the set of his wings angry and tense.

“Tcha!” Glitterblind walked between the two posturing jets as if the stare down was not in progress. “Over there, your rooms are, that they be.”

Blue-black talons pointed to indicate the door in question, furthest to the right, next to the window-wall. “Then the room of Starscream. Washracks. Room that is mine. Workroom. Such it goes, that it does.”

“It’s not a good idea to go into our personal quarters or the workroom without permission.” Starscream gave them the warning in an absent tone as he wandered over to the doorway that was now only lightly hazed with smoke, the air filters having taken care of the rest.

“We appreciate the warning.” Thundercracker’s voice was completely without irony as he watched Glitterblind join her roommate. The blinking helm poked into the charred room and a thoughtful hum echoed back.

“A warning for your own good you should heed, that it is.” Glitterblind flicked her wings in good natured amusement. “In your room your selves you should settle, that you may. In here, cleaning we will be.”

A forlorn sigh trailed behind her as she trudged into the soot-blackened room. “That we will.”

The door hissed shut behind the two pale painted jets. Thundercracker and Skywarp were left alone in the common area. They looked at each other. Skywarp lifted his hands in confused surrender, and Thundercracker sighed. “I call the outside bunk.”

(Word Count: 2,478)


This is old fic. As in, I wrote this slag more than three years ago. But hey, I figured people might be interested in reading Glitterblind's origin story. I had this *hand wave* massive three-part epic about the beginning of the War and Starscream's origins and what it was like to be mostly-civilian in the Decepticon Empire. (Because that doesn't sound familiar at all, eh?)

I've unearthed a lot of fic I'd forgotten about or thought I'd lost this summer. The things that turn up when you finally uncrate your paper files, eh? Anyway, I have some... two or three hundred plus KB of fic that is typed up and just needs editing. So at least while I do Nano this year I'll have things that will keep people entertained. I have only one more notebook that needs typing up and I'll have caught up to myself. I'm sure you're all very excited. (You don't know finger pain until you go from spending five hours writing in a notebook straight to four hours non-stop typing. My back is killing me.)

Yes, for those who are here for something other than Transformers (rare as you are,) I wrote more chapters for my other fics too.

I have to go pick up my little sister from Ottawa later this afternoon. Turns out going to visit the family we have there was a bad idea and she ended up back in the hospital. I kinda knew she was coming down with an infection, but I figured they already had her on antibiotics. Teach me to make assumptions, eh?

series: no evil, transformers fanfic, fanfiction, dragons

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