New Years Resolution

Dec 19, 2006 17:14

So! I have decided on my New Years resolution. I will write 100 words every day, and a full page on my days off. And thusly, I shall begin now so that I don't forget when the new year gets here.

kitlin! nukichan! You should be especially interested in this! It's the beginning of the Power of n^2!

... I got very bored on the go-train.

Lemme know what you think peeps!

The Power of n2

Part the First: 1/??

The spider was pleased. The prey caught in its web was large, yet still small enough to have been trapped by its web. It would eat well from that one. Crouched on the wide leaf of the plant from which it had strung its web, the spider patiently waited for the struggles of its dinner to weaken enough for it to approach. The boom was commonplace, and was ignored, as was the passage of the large creatures that shared to spiders territory.

But today something went differently.



“Ick. I’ll get it.”

Things went very abruptly dark for the spider.

Part the Second: 2/??

Niko let the door slam closed behind her as she exited to house, grinning up at the bright summer sun. She was interrupted when Nuki screeched and hid behind Kitlin. Pointing a shaking finger at the freakishly large spider sitting casually on one of the plants planted in front of their house.


And it was. The spider was easily as large as Niko’s hand and was obviously not native to the area.

“Ick.” Niko looked disgusted, glancing around before she spotted what she was looking for. “I’ll get it.”

The tall blond bent over and lifted the cinderblock they sometimes used to hide the keys or hold flowerpots. With a small grunt she sent it sailing in a neat parabolic arc. It crashed down dead centre on the monster spider camping outside their home, landing with a gentle crash of crushed greenery and the wet pop of the spider exploding under the pressure.

“I win!” Niko cheered as she and Nuki did a victory dance. Kit looked at the squashed remains of the spider with a vaguely sickened expression, and that was how she was the only one to see the spiders prey, still mostly covered in webbing crawl onto the top of the cinderblock.

“Oh, it’s a butterfly.” Kit started to smile, but froze as the ‘butterfly’ spat and ripped off the webbing.

“Oh gross, it’s in my hair!!”

“… !”

It's only a page long but oh well...

(And Kit, Nuki if you have something you wanna add or change, lemme know okies?)

Word Count for December 2006: 356

o-fic, life in general, power of n^2, collab fic

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