Hunter's Moon

Aug 25, 2005 13:48

Because kyouketsu won a prize by posting the first response in my LJ after I managed to recapture my muses. I decided to work on Hunter's Moon for her... Actually she just kept poking me. *shrugs* I figure it amounts to about the same thing in the end. See? I writed. I'm a good author, I am.

So here is the new stuff for all you KouInu fans. And Kaim, if you're reading this, don't click the link.

Title: Hunters Moon
Fandom: Inuyasha
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Warning: YAOI, dubious consent, lemon
Disclaimer: Do I look like Rumiko Takahashi to you? No? Didn’t think so.


The dog demon burst into a clearing thick with the scent of oni and blood, his headlong flight halted by the sudden appearance of a looming figure blocking his path. The sliver dog demon leapt back, trying to snarl a warning although his lungs were panting for air and his fangs are longer than he is entirely used to.

The ogre roared back and leapt for him. He dodged, claws leaving deep bloody furrows on his opponents outstretched arms. The ogre recoiled, bellowing in shock and pain, one wrist pared down to the bone and sending streamers of blood into the night air. The dog prepared himself for another clash, heart pumping rapidly in his heaving chest.

A rush of night-dark wind and fur passed him by, the deep snarl of his pursuer sending shivers through his frame. There was a wet, tearing sound as the ogre’s head left it’s body. The remains hit the ground with meaty thuds, muffled by the blood-slick grass.

Gore scent and battle scent filled the dog’s nose, his vision hazed blood-crimson. His pursuers eyes were red in the relected starlight, their youki pulsed and tore at the shadowed air around them. He tossed his head, silver-white mane brilliant against the darkness around them, and growled a challenge. The heavy musk-scent deepened as his pursuer rumbled a snarling answer.

Again he took off through the trees, this time only steps ahead of his challenger. Again he was herded in the direction his pursuer wished, but the knwledge no longer filled him with resentment, instead a feeling of excitement powered his legs, lent strength where there was none before.

The scent markers took him by surprise and he stumbled, knowing even as he did that he was caught. The wolf gave him no time to recover from his falter, bearing him to the ground useing momentum and superior body-weight. They landed hard, rolling together, a tumble of black and white fur. Snarls and growls filled the air around them as they fought, one against the other. Large sections of cloth, armor and fur wrap remained on the churned up ground in their wake.

The wolf snarled and finally forced his prey under him, sinking his fangs into sweet, tender flesh and moaning when the blood flows over his tounge. The wolf pressed down on the smaller body benieth his own, forceing the dog to submit.

The dog yelped when he was pinned, struggled as the wolf’s limbs restrained his own, whimpering when sharp fangs bit down on the back of his neck and finally going limp at the feeling of the wolf’s hot, heavy weight along his back. The strangth that had sustained him this long vanished, his body trembling in reaction as he went lax in the wolf’s hold.

Blood slid down his throat and he whined, shivering as a rough growl vibrated against the back of his neck. He whimpered again, something inside cringing at the blatent submission in the sound, but he didn’t care, didn’t care! Shivering as he lowered his head and chest to the ground, rediculously pleased by the approving growl against the back of his neck. Short burst of panic when the fangs were removed, soothed by the rough-gentle tounge lapping the blood that had spilled from the claim-bite.

Large hands were lifted from his wrists, heavy claws helping with the removal of the last tatters of his clothing. Something should be wrong with this, he’s naked and exposed to the cool night air, on his knees with his face pressed willingly to the ground, the feral wolf pressed against his back. He’s startled when the wolf licks down the middle of his back, straight down to the core of him.

The wolf was pleased with his prey, the show of obedience only increasing his lust. The hunt had been long, and difficult, but the prize was worthy. The wolf scented and tasted his prey, enjoying the small sounds and trembling. The wolfs pleasure spiked with each sign of the dogs submission.

The shivering got worse and he twitched, stilling when he heard the growl. He lost, the other won, he must submit, he belongs to the other now, to do with as the other will. All this is whispered to him, deep rumble-snarl voice harsh and dominating in his ears. The white dog can only whimper when the slick-wet heat is again pressed against the opening to his body. Virgin entrance trembling from the insistant attention, the first penitration shocks him and he cries out.

The wolf only tightens his hold on pale hips, pressing deep before pulling back only to push back in. The wolf’s prize is sweet, and he revels in his triumph. The dogs squirming attempts to get away grow weaker, and eventually turn into attempt to push back, get more. The dark wolf smirked and licked back up to the dogs neck, the heavy proof of his lust pressing against the fluttering hole.

The dog moaned when he was suddenly left empty, only to gasp when something larger, harder nudged against him. He’s being stretched wide, opened and claimed in ways he had never thought to be. It aches and burns, forcing the breath from his chest as the wolf pushes into him. Suddenly he’s full, stuffed to bursting with the wolf inside him and on him, breathing harshly against his back.

The wolf growls, eyes slitted in pleasure at the tight, hot grip of the body under him. He nuzzled the back of the bowed neck, nipping at his claim and enjoying the small sounds his actions caused. The wolf pulled back, groaning at the way the silky passage tried to hold him in. Then he gave into his desire and took his mate, under the stars on the forest floor while to dark moon sang in his mind and blood.

The dog panted as the wolf withdrew, feeling as if his insides were being dragged along. The first thrust in made him scream, the force likely to split him in two. Each thrust scattered what thoughts he may have managed to gather, concious of nothing but the length inside him, dominating him. Then the wolf’s fangs bit into his neck again, reinforcing the knowledge that he was claimed, owned. The dogs back arched and he screamed, physcial proof of his surrender falling to the forest floor.

The wolf felt the dog’s body clench and spasm in release, the conractions causeing his eyes to roll back in his head. Thrusts gaining strength as his own completion drew nearer. The dog continued to twitch and cry out in his grasp, limp, sated body so sweetly compliant in his grasp. The wolf stiffened and howled, marking his prey, his mate, with his seed, finalizing the claim.

The dog could only submit, pleasure wracked body sensitized beyond belief, mind sublimated by the continued pounding. He clawed at the ground, seeking relief from the continuous overload of feeling. The wolf howl took him by surprise, so consumed had he been by betrayal by his own flesh. The liquid burst of heat that coated his insides was too much for the dog to take. He screamed again, overwhelemed by all the unfamiliar sensations and gratefully surrenedered to the darkness.

The wolf panted, mind clearing somewhat now that his lust had been slaked. Kouga leaned up shaking his head in an attempt to order his thoughts. The wolf prince could feel the urges prompted by the mating season waiting just under his tenous control over his thoughts. He looked down at Inuyasha, at his mate, and felt a surge of renewed lust. He withdrew from the limp body stretching and feeling equal parts smug and appaled.

Leaving Inuyasha sleeping where he lay, Kouga gathered up their scattered belongings, dumping them in a pile nearby. Returning to where the white dog demon lay, Kouga crouched down and flipped his rival onto his back. He had heard about Inuyasha’s transformation into full demon from Kagome, but he didn’t think this was what she had spoken of. Inuyasha smelt like a full demon, and he had a purple stripe on each side of his face, but his eyes had remained gold and the dog demon had seemed to be in control of himself when the change had first happened.

Kouga didn’t feel like lying to himself. If he had fought Inuyasha while the other had been in berserker form, it would not have ended without one of them being seriously injured or dead. What was more concerning was that Kouga’s instincts had led him to choose Inuyasha as his mate. Kouga had to smirk, feeling completely justified in having come out on top, so to speak.

Remembering the last few hours caused Kouga to feel a resurgence of lust, his vision hazing red for a long moment. When he could see and think clearly again, Kouga found himself kneeling between Inuyasha’s thighs. Blinking the wolf shook his head again and looked consideringly at the white dog demon. Making his decision, Kouga leaned forward and set about enjoying himself.

“Wake up, my sweet puppy. I want to play.”

Inuyasha moaned, eyes fluttering open to stare into Kouga’s. The wolf leader felt a certain amount of glee as he watched Inuyasha go through the process of remembering the events that had lead up to their current situation. Predictably, Inuyasha’s first recaction was to fight.


“Stop that.”

Kouga growled, pinning the struggling dog demon to the ground. Inuyasha froze, to panicked to even consider hiding his fear as he usually would.

“No, no, no…”

“Shh… That’s better.”

Kouga stopped holding Inuyasha down, slideing one hand behind the dog demon’s head to press against the claim-bite. The resulting gasp and sudden relaxation made the wolf chuckle. His other hand was occupied with petting Inuyasha’s body.

“Why… why are you- no! Stop it!”

“Ah, but my sweet, pretty puppy. I didn’t get a chance to enjoy this properly the first time. I want more. And you’ll give it to me, won’t you.”

It wasn’t a question Inuyasha realized, even before Kouga finished speaking. What was more, he couldn’t fight it. It wasn’t that Inuyasha didn’t want to tear the mangy wolf to shreds, but every time he gathered himself to attack his body wouldn’t respond, and for some reason he felt ashamed for wanting to attack.


Kouga’s fingers flexed against the claim-bite, and Inuyasha’s neck relaxed, letting his head fall back.

“Mmm, no. I won’t stop. Why should I? Especially when you like it so much.”

Kouga nipped at the exposed flesh of Inuyasha’s throat. Leaving bright red marks on the pale skin.

“No I don’t! Let go!”

“Oh? This says differently.”

Kouga slid his hand down to Inuyasha’s rear and pressed two fingers inside.


Kouga flexed his fingers, enjoying the way Inuyasha squirmed under his touch. The remains of their earlier coupling slicked his fingers and the wolf demon growled in satisaction. Inuyasha was still stretched, and opened easily under the invading touch. Removing his fingers, Kouga lifted Inuyasha’s hips and thrust inside.

Inuyasha screamed, and Kouga’s eyes rolled back in his head. It felt even better than the first time, if it were possible.

“Gods you’re tight!”

Kouga felt himself growl, but all he could hear were the delicious sounds coming from Inuyasha. He pressed his wet fingers against Inuaysha’s mouth, shoving them inside. Pale pink lips closed around the digits as Inuyasha sucked unconciously.

“Look at you, perfect little bitch. Should have taken you earlier. Who knew you were such a good fuck!”

Inuyasha’s eyes flashed and sharp teeth closed on Kouga’s fingers. The wolf snarled and tore his fingers out of the dog’s mouth to grip the back of Inuyasha’s neck. Kouga smashed his mouth against Inuyasha’s in a kiss filled with fangs.

“Go to hell!”

Inuyasha cursed breathlessly when Kouga ended the kiss. The wolf smirked and hiked Inuyasha’s legs over his shoulders to thrust deeper.


“Like that, don’t you. I’m going to fuck you in half! And. You. Love. It!”

Kouga punctuated his speech with hard thrusts of his hips, jarring Inuyasha with each plunge. A steady stream of whimpers broke into a scream as Kouga bit down on one nipple, sucking furiously. Kouga dug the claws of one hand into the ground by Inuyasha’s shoulder for stability as he sped up, holding Inuyasha’s hips steady with the other.

Panting, Inuyasha reached for his own length only to be stopped by a snarl from Kouga.

“No touching. You’re going to come from my cock in your ass, just like the first time.”

Inuyasha whimpered, head falling back, too fucked to even consider why he was obeying Kouga’s demand. Pleased, Kouga closed his teeth on the same area of Inuyasha’s throat he had marked at the beginning of the chase. As Kouga moaned at the taste of blood flowing into his mouth, Inuyasha jerked, tightening around the length buried inside his body as he came for the second time that night. Inuyasha’s claws raked across Kouga’s shoulders and Kouga snarled, releaseing his seed into Inuyasha’s body.

Breathing heavily, Kouga unclenched his jaw, licking the wounds he had left on pale flesh gently. Pushing himelf up Kouga looked at Inuyasha.

Two sets of faintly red eyes made contact, one pair lowering in unconcious submission while the other pair blazed in triumph.

The hanyou was panting, still shaking in the aftershocks of pleasure. As Kouga moved the dog demon whimpered, abused flesh still speared by a hard length. Kouga chuckled, feeling oddly tender towards his rival.

“Shh, settle down puppy. The knot will fade soon enough. Then we can go home.”

Inuyasha gave no sign of hearing the gentle words, but calmed under a soothing hand petting his stomach and flank. By the time Kouga was able to withdraw from Inuyasha’s body and stand, the dog demon had fallen asleep. Swiftly Kouga gathered their things into a bundle and slung it over his back, gathering his new mate in his arms, Kouga dissapeared into the dark woods.


His ass hurt.

It was the first conscious thought Inuyasha had upon awakening.

He shifted gingerly, attempting to catalogue his injuries. The hanyou didn’t remember getting into a fight. In fact, the last thing he remembered was…

Hunter’s Moon.



The Call.

The hunt.



What the hell had happened?

He became aware of a spot burning in pain on his neck. Brushing his fingers over the area, Inuyasha drew in a quick breath at the sudden ache that bloomed in his gut.

With one hand still pressed to his neck the hanyou sat up before paling and lying back down with a wince. Sitting was, apparently, a bad idea.

Resigning himself to a reclined position for a moment, Inuyasha finally took in his surroundings. He was in a cave, thin daylight filtered through the greenery screening the entrance. The floor slanted down towards the cave mouth, indicating that the cave would stay dry in all weathers. There was a fire pit just inside the opening, a few embers still burning faintly through the ash. Water jugs and packs of provisions were stacked against one wall. Inuyasha was lying in a pile of soft furs located in a shallow depression at the back of the cave.

Inuyasha drew a deep breath, paying careful attention to the scents.


The entire place positively reeked with the wolf demons scent.


Ok, forgive me for any glaring spelling mistakes, but for some reason my spellcheck is taking a vacation. Also, I wrote this with younger sisters, my mother, and my grandfather wandering in and out of the room I was in. So, please, if you see any mistakes let me know? I'll be your new best friend!

Hope you all liked this, please let me know what you all think.

In other news, I get to take the train in 9 days. Yay! I've never been on a train before. I get on the train in Colbourg at noon on Friday September 2nd, change trains in Montreal, and arrive in Sackville at 12:45-ish on Saturday, September 3rd. Waah! kitlin I miss you! I can't wait to see you and Kaim again! Hugs!

series: hunters moon, smut, warning: dub-con, fanfiction, inu-yasha fanfic, pairing: kouga/inuyasha

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