Higher and higher the widening gyre

Apr 23, 2010 20:10

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Pain begets pain, misery loves company, and does Slipstream have to smack a glitch?
Timeline: More fic here.


(In which we have issues.)

The brightly coloured hatchling was confused. He understood, on a basic level, that his creator had lost the newspark he had been carrying. The little Seeker also knew that the scary Outsiders were the ones who had hurt his creators and killed the newspark. It had hurt when the bond shattered. It had hurt more than anything the Seekerling had experienced in his entire short, sheltered life. Nothing had seemed to be quite right since then. They lived in the same quarters. He played with the same toys. Yet something was off. Even though he did not yet have the words to explain, Starscream knew that his family was somehow broken.

Knowledge, however, does not equal understanding. Comprehension does not equate acceptance. Age does not necessarily bring grace.

Starscream stretched up on the very tips of his pedes to carefully slide the last building block into place. Stepping back, the Seeker hatchling looked over his construction with a critical optic. Leaning forward, he poked one block an infinitesimal amount to the right. Satisfied at last, Starscream looked over his creation, a spiralling tower-wall taller than he was that greatly resembled one of Vos’ historical sites. Chirruping happily, Starscream bounced over to where his creator was seated on the other side of the room.

“Matter!” Starscream trilled, tugging at his creator’s knee. “Matter! Lookit what I built!”

Starscream was excited. His creators always, always smiled when he showed them the things he made. Now Matter would look at Starscream’s tower and smile and be happy and things would be good again. Normal. “Matter, look!”

The adult Seeker did not move for a long moment. Starscream pouted in frustration, his voice grew louder, shriller, more insistent the longer he was ignored. Slowly, dull optics turned first to Starscream, who chirped happily at the movement, and then the adult Seeker looked across the room at Starscream’s painstakingly built tower.

“Matter?” Starscream warbled, head tilting in confusion at his creator’s unfamiliar silence and solemnity. “Do you like it? It’s my biggest tower ever!”

A beat of silence passed as Starscream waited patiently for the smile, the praise, the hug. It would come soon. It was just taking a bit longer that usual because Matter was not feeling well right now.

Then the adult Seeker’s composed face crumpled as he surged to his feet in agitation, the abrupt movement knocking Starscream back with a startled squeak. Roaring in outraged grief, Starscream’s creator hurled a mostly empty energon cube at the block tower, sending the majority of the structure tumbling to the floor in a rain of clattering crashes.

More shocked and frightened than truly hurt, Starscream began to wail while his creator stood stock still, staring with wide optics at the energon splattered building blocks like they had personally betrayed him.

“Nova! What on Cybertron is going on in here?” Starscream’s Tor and Trix rushed into the room, Slipstream following close behind them. While the two adults focused on their trinemate the young femme took in the tumbled, scattered blocks, the screaming hatchling on the floor, and most importantly the guilty look on her creator’s face.

“I-I… Oh Primus.” Nova sank to his knees, reaching for his creation. “Starscream, please winglet, come here. Matter didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.”

Starscream jerked away from Nova’s outstretched hands. Oblivious to the pain his seeming rejection would cause, Starscream reached imploringly to his sister, who had provided the majority of his comfort since the raid and its horrific consequences. His creators all flinched, and Nova’s face a picture of despair as Slipstream swooped in, snatching her younger brother up off the floor.

“What is wrong with you? With all of you!” Slipstream demanded, outrage plain in every line of her as she clutched Starscream close. The hatchling’s wails had reduced to whimpers once in his sister’s arms, intakes hitching as immature systems overheated in response to his distress. Slipstream looked at the spark-broken expression on Starscream’s face, like all his dreams had been crushed in front of him, before rounding furiously on her creators with a harsh scowl and a bitter hiss. “I know it hurts, Tor. I hurt too! I can only imagine what it’s like for you, having been bound that much closer, but that’s no excuse to take it out on Starscream! Or on me either! You can’t keep on ignoring us, or getting angry with us when you can’t! The newspark may be gone, but we’re still here. I’m still here. Starscream’s still here! You haven’t lost everything, so stop acting like it! You have a flock, here, now, alive! But you won’t for much longer if you don’t start acting like it! Get a hold of yourself, or get lost!”

Without giving her creators time to recover from her furious tirade or respond to her words, Slipstream whirled around and slammed out of the family unit’s apartment. Burying her own pain under righteous indignation and anger, Slipstream buffered Starscream as much as she could from the confused whirl of agony and guilt that plagued her creator’s side of the flock bond. Taking to the air, Slipstream headed for the Gardens. Chances were her friends would be there, if not now then sometime soon.

At least while they were in the Gardens no one would be throwing things.

(Word Count: 884)


And the countdown begins. XD With this post there are only three parts of Oppression left to go. Then comes the most difficult part: The Final Edit. XO *pained whimpering* At current count Oppression is 23000 plus words at 25 pages. And it will only get bigger. If all goes well (and no other brilliant ideas for Oppression occur to me) then in ten posts Oppression will officially be complete.

... Primus, but it's weird to say that. There were some times at the beginning I thought that this fic would never end. It's been over a year. And I'm almost done... the first of seven arcs that is. XP

Did 40 minutes on the eliptical this morning. I only meant to do 30 but I got in a groove. XP Then I weeded and cleaned out the flower beds. Which was made more difficult than it would have been if I had done this sooner. The iris, daffodils and tulips are well sprouted, meaning that using the rake would damage them. >.> ... I'm doing the flower beds early next year.

Here there be dragons. Thanks to everyone who offered to trade dragons with me, I really appreciate it! Just as a reminder, let me know when the egg/eggs are ready, we'll hop onto the IM of your choice, and once I have the egg you can tell me what you want as repayment. ♥ (And yes, for those of you howling inside about unfairness, any extra fic updates asked for will be in addition to the normal update schedule.) Also, if everyone can project boy-vibes at Hemp Fandago there... I wanna boy Purple. XP

series: nine rings of vos

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