Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Defection
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: The best cover is one that is true. That doesn't make doing the job any easier though.
More fic here. (
I'm awfully mean to the Autobots, aren't I? )
Comments 21
also, the title is hilarious.
Eye is better now. Thanks for the well wishes! ^_^
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I think this chapter was very well done. Jetfire likely thought about some of the same things as Hound. Yet both knew what the reactions were likely to be. Hopefully there will be some who will understand. I know some are going to likely feel used, and those who are going to have their heritage laid out for them are not going to want to believe it. You did a good job in this piece of showing the divided loyalties, even as he knows he's doing this for the right reasons.
Now I can't wait to see the next chapter.
Poor Hound, I don't think convincing the others that the Seekers aren't so bad will be easy. Especially because he will have to do it in a way that nobody will feel betrayed and doubt his words once he reveals his true colors.
But perhaps he will get help from an unexpected source.
If I read Optimus' reaction right, it could be that the Prime himself will begin to carefully test the waters and change the opinion of his mechs.
He's smart enough to see the problems a sudden reappearance of the Seekers and age-old prejudices coould cause.
At least I hope so.
Balrog Roike
Hey, if it were easy there wouldn't be much of a stor now would there?
Prime is one rather large ace to have up ones sleeve, yes. XP And he's good at what he does, that mech.
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