Title: Nine Rings of Vos: Revelation
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: The size of Ironhide's headache is directly proportional the the number of Seekers involved.
More of this fic here. =/=
(In which headaches abound.)
Ironhide groaned, coming out of stasis with myriad alerts demanding his attention in lurid, scrolling detail. He really needed to stop waking up this way. Of course, he would not need to worry about emergency stasis lock hangovers if the slagging Decepticons would just fragging surrender already.
“Welcome back t’the land o’the livin’.” Jazz drawled cheerfully, leaning in to block Ironhide’s view of the ceiling in order to beam down at the recumbent weapons master, “An’ how’re we feelin’ this mornin’?”
“Like recycled slag.” Ironhide growled humourlessly, shoving Jazz away as he sat up, wincing at the reiteration from his damage reports, “Git outtah mah face.”
Looking around, since a far-too-perky Special Operations agent no longer blocked his vision, Ironhide did a quick headcount. The mech relaxed only slightly once he found everyone on his team present and accounted for. Even Skyfire was there, taking up a significant portion of the floor, flat on his back and showing signs of recent repairs. Proper welding, nothing like the slapdash field job their kits would have produced. Which meant a real medic had seen to the shuttle. That could be either a very good thing, or a very, very bad thing.
Ironhide examined his surrounding more closely. The seven Autobots were in a holding cell. Not the single occupant cages of a brig or prison, but a large, secure room like those the Peacekeepers had once used to contain partygoers who had indulged a little overmuch with the High Grade. If he had not known better, Ironhide would have laid credits on having been picked up by a neutral group. There were no more Neutrals left. Not on Cybertron. Ironhide scowled, feeling confused and not liking it. “Did we git caught bah the Cons or naht?”
“Yes an’ no.” Jazz grimaced, looking around for himself. Bumblebee had just helped a woozy looking Mirage to sit up, and Skyfire’s optics were flickering in the choppy manner of a mech coming out of injury induced stasis. With everyone more or less awake, Jazz saw no reason to procrastinate. “Who here remembers seein’ a great big ol’ city right before we crashed?”
“I saw it.” Skyfire said groggily, still cycling back to awareness.
“Ah saw it too.” Ironhide snapped, “But what’s that got ta do with us being caught bah the Cons?”
“Well, fer one thing, we’re in that city.” Jazz said in a morbidly cheerful tone, “Secondly, uh… from what I managed t’see before getting’ thrown in here, well… this city is fulla Seekers.”
“Oh slag.” Blaster moaned, huddling next to Tracks.
“Well, look at it this way.” Bumblebee piped up, “At least we’ve succeeded in our mission.”
“That don’t mean a anything if we all git torn apart bah them yellah airheads.” Ironhide said darkly, “Seeker’s are cowards that’ll shoot us all in the back rathah than risk us gitting loose.”
“Chances are good that if this is where the Seekers have been hiding, then Starscream’s in charge. If that’s the case, then we probably won’t like what happens to us.” Tracks tacked on with a wince.
“Why repair Skyfire’s battle damage and fix up the rest of us if they want us dead?” Mirage asked, motioning to the weild lines and patches sported by most of the inhabitants of the holding cell. “Unless they want us in one piece for interrogation, but I doubt Starscream would waste the resources on us if that were the case.”
“Dunno ‘bout that.” Jazz said with a helpless shrug. “They could be plannin’ t’ransom us back, mebbe?”
“Prahm won’t let them sneaky robo-turkies get away with whatevah they’re planning.” Ironhide said with confidence, “He’ll shoot them all out of the sky! Now there’s all the ransom a cowardly cheat like Starscream deserves!”
“Well you haven’t changed a bit.” The amused (and somewhat familiar) voice pulled the Autobots attentions to the space on the other side of the energy bars. A white and red Seeker stood watching them with twinkling blue optics.
“… Jetfire?” Bumblebee managed at length, optics wide as he stared at the apparition of guilt from a long ago failed mission that had cost him a friend and comrade.
“Hey there everyone. Long time no see.” Jetfire spread his arms in friendly welcome. “So what brings you to Vos?”
(Word Count: 715)
This arc might as well have been titled "[Insert Designation Here]'s reaction to finding out about [blank]." (But no. That would be silly.) >.>
To whit, I have received for my birthday:
Mr. Potato Head Prime from the Younger Sister
A Kit-Kat bar from the Baby Sister
Flowers, teddy, and card from Job/Office People
Cake (and new brakes) from parents
Necklace, card and monies from Papa
A Pretty Face Update from
katsukoA oneshot from
silver_rayan A Pretty Card from
milhent A Cute Ficlet from
rosieknightSeveral LJ gifts from the friendslist.
And countless well-wishes from family and friends. ^_^ I am feeling very loved. ♥ (If I've missed you/something you gave, feel free to remind me. XP)
Here there be dragons. So I was totally unaware that you got the Blunas through breeding the same way you get Geodes. I feel silly now. Dur. XP Also, new sprites and breeds are soprettyeee~! I can't wait to get that special Summoned dragon. ~♥