Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression A Transformers G1 Fanfic Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko Summary: Jazz is a bit protective of Prowl. This is why. Timeline: More Fic is Here
Oh, I like this. Kids of any culture can be harsh and cruel, particularly against anyone 'glitched' or different. And Jazz and Prowl's reactions were perfect. *hugs them both*
Yeah. Pits, just look at how kids treat a smart classmate. I had shoes thrown at me in elementary just because I liked to read. Jazz and Prowl are fun to play with though. *pets* They're so pretty why they cry *evil giggle*
Ah, my OTP, how I have missed ye. Not enough ProwlxJazz fics out there lately I say, I'm going into withdrawal and this is just what I needed.
This fic was just sweet. Jazz has really fallen hard, hasn't he? Sure he's not a seeker? Although now I wanna see Jazz meeting Interceptor, or Interceptor puzzling over Prowl's 'new' emotions. I can just see him scratching his head and going 'wha? I'm happy but wha?'
Although my brain still goes back to the comment at the top 'Raiding enemy supply lines is NOT a date!' ^_^;
I can see someone shouting that at Jazz when he's asked where he brought Prowl for their first date.
Comments 18
I still haven't gotten any of the new dragons. T.T
*patpats* There there.
Its ok, I have all of those dragons now. ^^
Yay! ^_^
But he couldn't have ended up with a better mech than Jazz to open up to and to learn how to deal with his emotions.
( ... )
*pets dragons*
This fic was just sweet. Jazz has really fallen hard, hasn't he? Sure he's not a seeker? Although now I wanna see Jazz meeting Interceptor, or Interceptor puzzling over Prowl's 'new' emotions. I can just see him scratching his head and going 'wha? I'm happy but wha?'
Although my brain still goes back to the comment at the top 'Raiding enemy supply lines is NOT a date!' ^_^;
I can see someone shouting that at Jazz when he's asked where he brought Prowl for their first date.
Yeah, Jazz is helm over pedes for Prowl. And you know... I live to serve. XP
Yeah... that's jazz all right. *snickers*
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