Beetles make really cool armor...

Apr 17, 2009 23:54

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Soundwave is really starting to wonder about Starscream's intentions.
Timeline: Wow, this thing is getting long...


(In which Starscream hits on Soundwave.)

“Somebody has a se~ecret.” Starscream sing-songed into Soundwave’s audio, darting away with a disconcertingly charming laugh when the telepath spun around, “Now, now, Soundwave. No need to get violent. I’m going to think you aren’t happy to see me!”

“Insinuation: Unnecessary.” Soundwave glared at the hovering Seeker, still undecided on how to feel about the part Starscream had played in the survival of his creations, “Requested: Clarification of intent.”

“Hmm… you refused Skywarp rather rudely when he asked you over for a drink.” Starscream glanced at Soundwave, searching for some hint of emotion. The sight of a heightened glow behind the concealing visor rewarded his study, “There are some things we need to discuss that are best spoken of in private.”

“Subject of discussion: Cassettacons.” Soundwave said flatly, “Suggestion: Forget about it. They are no longer your concern.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Starscream purred dangerously, sliding forward into Soundwave’s personal space, but not quite touching the telepath. Looking up, Starscream idly noted that the height difference between the two of them as perfectly portioned to fit Starscream snugly against Soundwave should either of them take that last step forward. Putting the thought away for later, Starscream continued speaking in a whisper too low for any surveillance systems to pick up on, “You see, they’ve Imprinted upon us. That makes them our responsibility as much as yours. Beyond that I’ve noticed some… particularities in their coding that I would have you explain. Just because you had them first does not mean that the Imprinting is invalid on anyone’s part.”

“Invitation to quarters: Accepted.” Soundwave growled back at Starscream at the same low volume, giving in with ill grace, “Blackmail: Will result in failure. Suggestion: No attempts to do so should be made.”

“So paranoid over a simple invitation for a friendly drink.” Starscream murmured almost absently, leaning up closer so that his lips almost brushed Soundwave’s facemask, the Seeker’s energy coaxing against the telepath’s own field, “You’d almost believe that we weren’t on the same side.”

Frozen by the Seekers unheard of proximity, Soundwave automatically tried to read Starscream’s intentions. The rush of excitement and lust made him break the connection to Starscream’s mind as quickly as he had formed it. As calmly as he cloud, Soundwave responded to Starscream’s words, ignoring the undertone implied by the caress of energy fields, “Starscream: Planning something.”

“Oh Soundwave, you should know by now that I’m always planning something.” Starscream chuckled, the happy sound threatening to fritz Soundwave’s logic processors. Starscream was not supposed to make sounds like that, “But for once I doubt you’ll object to my plotting. I no longer have any intention of overthrowing Megatron. He can have command of the Decepticons and be welcome to it. I don’t need the headache.”

Stepping away from Soundwave, Starscream very deliberately turned his back on the larger mech, wings displayed at their best. Knowing that he was in no danger of being shot in the back as Soundwave glowered darkly at the upheld wings, because the telepath’s passive scans had picked up no hint of falsehood from the Seeker’s words. And now Soundwave was curious, frag it all.

“Starscream.” Soundwave called after the retreating Seeker, “Request: Date and time of meeting.”

“We seem to have overlapping off-shifts in six cycles. Come over then. That will give us the megacycle to discuss everything that needs discussing and we can have that drink Skywarp offered.” Starscream paused at the door and looked at Soundwave. Then the Seeker winked, startling the telepath and purred, “We’ll see you then.”

As the red-edged white wings disappeared out the door, Soundwave’s mind reeled at the implications. The Cassettacons poked their heads out of their hiding places, having followed Starscream in and secreted themselves away to watch the confrontation between their Creator and Imprinter. Sometimes Soundwave regretted raising his creations to be such sneaky little glitches.

“Projection.” Soundwave said to his creations, “Trouble: Wears turbine heels.”

“At least you’ll die smiling.” Frenzy offered, unknowingly confirming Soundwave’s suspicions.

“Hey.” Rumble said, pocking his twin. Catching Soundwave’s un-amused look, Rumble just grinned unrepentantly and shrugged, “There are worse ways to go.”

Or perhaps knowingly confirming Soundwave’s suspicions… Oh yes, he had raised sneaky little glitches. They knew that the Seekers would hit on him and had hung around to watch his processor crash. Well. The Seekers could not be planning anything too horrible. Embarrassing perhaps, which was why the Cassettacons would be left in Soundwave’s quarters when the time for the meeting came, but if there was any ill intent towards Soundwave on the Seekers parts his creations would have picked up on it. They would not be this amused if the Seekers intended Soundwave harm.

Which left only two possible options.

One: They really just wanted to talk. Unlikely, considering that Skywarp and Starscream were involved, but still possible.

Or two: The flirtations and innuendoes the Seekers had bombarded Soundwave with since his return had been in earnest. Mind breaking as it was, logic indicated it as the most likely outcome.



Which higher power had he offended - or pleased - to deserve this?

(Word Count: 853)


Well I lost my job. Curses. I work two more weekends, but I need to find a new job. Blah. I also need to get my portfolio finished for school. Blast and damn.

So, what does everyone think? ^_^

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos

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