Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Karma is a wonderful thing. And Starscream likes to cuddle, he just can't help it!
More of the fic is found here. (
Imprinting! I'm sure it's what you've all been waiting for. Includes an exploration of Cybertronian genetics, such as they are. )
Comments 24
Does this mean 'Vage, Rum', and Frenz' will have door-wings? *giggles*
And ugh! Evil author of that book series! Poor you!
You guessed it! *giggles with* Though not "door-wings" so much as "back mounted senor panels".
Thanks. ^_^
Let's see - Vos now has Soundwave and the six Cassettecons. Megs, you are screwed. :D
Vos doesn't have them quite yet. But we're getting there!
"Better they return to the Well of Allsparks and try again later." XD It reminds me of a magic 8-ball... "try again later." XDXDXD Sorry, bitlet (*SQUEEEEE*)... better luck next time. Hahaha!
Pfft! Don't you know that shaking babies is bad? Now I've got this image in my head of Ultra Magnus shaking the Matrix a la the 1986 Movie and screaming curses.
Ratbat: Daddy! Help! *is being shaken*
Soundwave: "Outlook: Unfavourable." *shoots at*
Ultra Magnus: Oh, Primus dammit!" *drops sparkling and runs*.
Ratbat: *dizzy*
XD Bwahahaha! Thanks for that... that made my day. XD
I'm glad I could help. ^_^
Loved the part about Screamer screaming in rage about others calling all flyers 'seekers'!
And the info about Seeker builds and how none of them are ever truly defenseless.
Yeah, Screamer's just a tiny bit elitist.
And Seeker's are damn scary. There's a reason why survived so long as an isolationist state. XP
Just a tiny bit? I'd hate to see more than just a tiny bit, in that case.
Heh. Should be the unspoken rule: You do not want to mess with Seekers. Ever. Even the tiny ones. Actually, especially the tiny ones.
Exactly. Because when the tiny ones are around that means that Mama is also around somewhere, and where there's one Seeker, there are at least two more. Seekers travel in flocks and will eat your face if you touch their winglets.
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