Title: The Nine Rings of Vos A Transformers G1 Fanfic Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko Summary: Bored Starscream is bored. But still prettier better off then Megatron! Timeline: More fic is here.
*scratches head*arahsiFebruary 2 2009, 07:26:36 UTC
I'll admit I'm a little lost as to where exactly things fit, but your authors notes have placated me enough that I'm willing to wait for the answers. :D
Other than that, Yay more Screamer! And, lol, you poor thing having *that* in your head.
*giggle snort* Sire Starscream the Whiney, Winglord of Vos, nancing pillock? *falls on floor and laughs self almost to death*
Oh this is *priceless*. I'm speechless. I can't wait to see what the El Screaming One has gotten you to write.
Re: *scratches head*sanjunoFebruary 2 2009, 17:11:04 UTC
Er, this is one of the reasons that I update so slowly at FF.Net, I tend to write things out of order. This bit comes after the second bit I posted but before the first bit I posted. I'll start including a timeline in the posts to avoid confusion. I would have before but I'm a fundamentally lazy person. XP
Interesting how the Authors Notes seem to have gotten more acclaim than the ficbit... oh well. XP Whatever floats your boat!
Aren't Seekers LOVELY... I've yet to know one who isn't absolutely thrilled to us ALL about themselves. It's the arrogance, it has to be... Demanding buggers. 'Wave's almost as bad... >.> Which brings me to giggling over empty-nest Soundwave. POOR Megatron. ^_^
Seekers are the greatest muses ever. They never shut up and as such I find it difficult to get writers block with them, which is one of the reasons I write for so many different fandoms, my interest goes in cycles depending on how bad I'm stuck on a fic. XP But yeah, Soundwave's being awful chatty for a stoic character. Oh yes, poor, poor Megatron... *remorseless* Teach him not to pick on the pretty ones! Oh yes I will, ugly old rustbuckethead!
It Soundwave isn't chatty, it's usually because you're doing him wrong. *nods firmly* And... I dunno, I kinda like Megs... Of course, that might be because MY head-space Megs is horribly patient. Never realized how CREEPY patience could be, until Megs started WAITING. Primus... it's creepy!
I have the sneaking suspicion that you're right about that... *realizes that her headspace is filled with giant robots who can talk the ear off a donkey and all want a say* ... *is doomed*
Meh, I'm only really fond of Megs in an "and Starscream" manner. And whoever said that patience is a virtue obviously never had a younger sibling sit there for hours and stare and stare and stare at them... My cats do the same thing, only they're much more adorable about it.
Comments 16
I'll admit I'm a little lost as to where exactly things fit, but your authors notes have placated me enough that I'm willing to wait for the answers. :D
Other than that, Yay more Screamer! And, lol, you poor thing having *that* in your head.
*giggle snort* Sire Starscream the Whiney, Winglord of Vos, nancing pillock? *falls on floor and laughs self almost to death*
Oh this is *priceless*. I'm speechless. I can't wait to see what the El Screaming One has gotten you to write.
*smiles sweetly* Moar please :D
Interesting how the Authors Notes seem to have gotten more acclaim than the ficbit... oh well. XP Whatever floats your boat!
Ach, s'ok, everyone's entitled to some be lazy time ;)
Um, is that upsetting? I hope not, it's quite fun to write back and forth ;p
Anyway... I really like this story so far! And it sounds like you've got a lot more to throw at us... bring it on! :D (Please?)
*pfft* Winglord of Vos... nancing pillock... XD
I have lots more to throw at you! XD
His Majesty Starscream the Drama Queen resents your amusement, but can do nothing! *points and laughs from safety of reality*
*bows* I send my most sincere apologies to the Winglord.
*the Winglord accepts the apology and tasteful groveling* ... the arrogant prat.
And... I dunno, I kinda like Megs... Of course, that might be because MY head-space Megs is horribly patient. Never realized how CREEPY patience could be, until Megs started WAITING. Primus... it's creepy!
Meh, I'm only really fond of Megs in an "and Starscream" manner. And whoever said that patience is a virtue obviously never had a younger sibling sit there for hours and stare and stare and stare at them... My cats do the same thing, only they're much more adorable about it.
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