You know what happens if an itty bitty car bumps into you?
you repair your rear bumper.
You know what happens if an SUV hits you from behind?
I was on my way to meeting someone for dinner and traffic slowed in front of me. Unfortunately traffic behind me included a SUV with multiple occupants, one of which, namely the driver, wasn't paying close enough attention to the road and did that to the back of my car. The collision knocked me into the car in front of me for some cosmetic damage.
The interior of my car is sprayed with coke which exploded from my ever-present mug of holding. The lid shot off and coke sprayed everywhere. At some point in the collision my hat made a break for it.
We were in the #2 lane out of 4 and CHP showed up to stop traffic long enough for us to get off to the shoulder. Nobody was injured and the local PD showed up to collect all the relevant information. It appears that the driver behind me has insurance, which is good news.
I'll know more about the state of the car in a few days. I'll know more about the state of my joints by tomorrow, more than likely.