I Wanted To Be Like You, I Wanted Everything

Dec 18, 2007 09:07

It's raining. &hearts

Which means I get a ride to school today! >D Yes! I'm way too tired to walk...

Despite the rain things are looking up~ x3 A lot of the problems I had a few days ago are out of the way and fix'd, winter break starts next week, my cosplays are done, I get to visit Josh in ten days... Stress is a thing in the past (at least for now).

I got little Christmas gifts for everyone that I'll be giving out at Anime LA~ (Because like everyone and their mom that I know is fuckin' going to that con... XD;) It's not much cause I lack a job and I'm super poor, but at least I tried okay?! T__T

Noogums, my little kitten is getting so fat. He weights more then Bradley now... XD;

Anyway, time to get my shit ready for school~ D; Boo school!

rain, christmas, life, random, school

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