I want everyone to hear about two amazing discoveries I have made. 1. Solar power technology was being developed in the 1800s. How crazy is that? 2. Frozen Cool Whip is AWESOME.
My thanksgiving was great. Got to see the fam, eat good food, write with Amy. Couldn't have asked for a better one, honestly. And the following day I helped my mom decorate the Christmas tree. It was so good to see some ornaments we'd made when I was 5, or 8, or that mom bought for us as we were growing up, or the beautiful spun glass ones my mother so lovingly puts on every year (and sometimes let us put up, like a little reward when we were older... boy we were easy. XD). Sadly she lost one of her favorites somewhere, but I hope we'll find it in the future.
You can't see it too clearly, but the train ornament is from 1990 and has a picture of me and my brother on it. XD
I had a huge problem with the camera and flash. Such a pain. So you get a dark version, heh.
Lit up.
And my cat. Just because. <3
So it's been hinted at that I should do this wish list that
crystallekil started. I'll be honest that it makes me a little uncomfortable if only because I worry people will think I need them to do something on it. I totally don't. But I also know that sometimes I think to myself that I would REALLY love to do something for this person, but I don't really know what I could do. A wish list eliminates that problem. So if I can do that for you, I will. Hopefully you'll do it for me, too. :D
Fic Wish List
Pairings I like: KoyaTego. (Really. I'm sure some of you are shocked. XD I don't care if it's gen!KoyaTego plot to prank Nino or 'help out' Shige's love life, or if romantic!KoyaTego share cuddles on the couch or get it on under a bridge late at night because they're lost and can think of nothing better to pass the time.) KoyaPi. (There is not ever enough KoyaPi. Ever.) TegoShige. (Come on, who doesn't love when the group grouch and the group sweetheart butt heads?) KoyaMassu. Just. Yes. KoyaShige, KoyaRyo, ShigePi, MassuPi, TegoPi, MassuShige, Koyama/Jin, Koyama/Yoko (honestly, you can put Koyama with mostly anyone and I'll be happy.) Something for everyone, really. XD
1. I'm sure you all know, but I love science fiction, specifically the
punks. Even if you don't want to write any of them, it's an interesting article to read, especially all the Cyberpunk derivatives. Beyond those, I like the idea of space cowboys (Firefly), themes dealing with artificial intelligence, or creepy things technology brings like cyborgs (quite a few people are these days, with artificial organs and such) and what happens when we become too dependent on technology in and out of our bodies. I don't expect anyone at all to write in these but it's definitely something I love, so it had to be on here. XD
2. I love when mythology meets today's world, or plain old mythology, all kinds.
3. I really like sappy romances as long as the boys aren't girly. I also enjoy crack. (Which is what Pi said.)
6. I am SO down with het, porn or not.
7. Drama fic is also really cool. I kind of really want Nurse Aoi/Code Blue crossover... or maybe Pi's lovesick Takuma Fukuzawa (Sore wa, Totsuzen) will finally get over his really dense chick and fall in love with Koyama's country bumpkin Jiro Azuchi (Hanayome wa Yakudoshi) or Shige's Riichiro Katase (Hokaben) will get a hard-on for Koyama's Satoshi Tanabe (Kurosagi) since they're both clearly gay and neither of their love interests want anything to do with them. Katase should stop fooling himself into thinking he's het, anyway. ;)
8. I love supernatural fic (not the show which I haven't seen but the premise is similar so it'd probably work?), ghosts, demons, possession, things that go bump in the night.
9. I really enjoy dark fic. Please don't kill anyone senselessly (*coughIWGPcough*) but I don't mind character death at all if it fits. Psychological thrillers, mental confusion are okay. I like my mind messed with.
10. I'm equally happy with platonic or romantic. Porn or not porn. Full-length or drabble. I'm pretty happy to please. <3
ETA: I am totally excited for intergroup fic as long as at least one NewS member is involved. I like everyone in Kanjani8, KAT-TUN, and Arashi, and I also like Jin, and Toma. :D
Non-fic Wish List
1. I want pictures of pets! If you're holding, petting, entertaining your pet, all the better.
2. I would love to have something handwritten from you. :) Take a picture or scan it in, I don't care.
3. I think it would be cool if you picked someone on my flist you're not friends with and dropped in on their journal just to tell them something you like about them.
4. Make me laugh. I think many of you fulfill this on a regular basis, but I love laughing, and I love talking to all of you, so that works.
5. Tell me about something that randomly reminds you of me. It's sure to make me smile.
6. Last of all, I saw this elsewhere and I love it. I'd like a picture of you smiling, making a ridiculous face, anything. :D I think you're all beautiful and seeing your faces makes me happy.
As we make our way through this holiday season, I'm finding myself more and more grateful for all of you. I'm thankful you're my friends, and some of us have been together for 2 years, some of us only a week, regardless, I'd like to keep getting to know all of you and having fun with you. Thank you for being with me. <3