Jul 16, 2009 14:48
yesterday i went to work and felt a little strange. I thought it was because i had not eaten, so during break i ae a whole can of raveloi. However this was lost soon after, i though "I ate too fast no big deal" because i didnt feel bad. After work I went to Barns and Nobel and felt dizzy, so i drank water felt better. The woman who was going to train me at lense crafers left early so i couldnt work there yesterday. Then off to the brea mall. Dan started to complain of chills, but wanted to go to best buy anyways. then we took amy home and on the way back to the apartment It finally hit me and i felt like utter shit. Took our temps when we got home, we were both over 102! Later in the evening my fever spiked to over 105 and everything hurt. It stayed at 105-105.7 for a while. I took all the midicine i could, and was able to get it down to 103.5 in the morning so I called out. I am down to an even 100 now. I am glad because i couldnt get anyone to take me to the doctor and standing makes me feel really weird, i cant even sit up for long periods of time. i hope to be 100% by morning though. Wish me well please!
Words provided by Onyoukai
Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.
In order of frequency...
reptiles- i have always had at least one cat and one reptile as a pet ever scince i could remember. I even went to reptile conventions before anime conventions, which are not the same though I once had a comical dream about people dressing up as reptiles at a con, but thats just as i said, silly! Also I always felt like they were misrepresented. In ads against animal abuse and the like reptiles are never shown, once in a while youll see a bird but never a reptile. They just get a bad rap. They can show affection just like any other animal, it just takes them longer. All of my reptiles have had ery complex personalities and show affections in different ways.
bright colors my favorite color is rainbow, which is totally a color! But i like to wear clothes that look like a highlighter spilled all over them.
rum party- I believe it was animagic 2006 i became an official member of the rum party, a lot has happened from when I started within the group but I have fun with it. I think its a great social event to have at cons. But i can fully understand how it is not for everyone.
cat ears- neko mimi mode! HAHA I am not sure what else to say, except sometimes i Bite my cats ears when playing with him.
cons- total addiction! Some of my best freinds i met by going to cons.