Radndom update

Dec 19, 2008 12:34

My christmas party was yesterday and it went well. About 23 poeple showed up! =D
I had my ups and downs thoughout the day
We had lots of cake and a random red penis candle was one of the white elephant gifts XP.
there were some other quarkie gifts like laptop ram, lightsabers, chinese star lanturn, CANDY!, pokemon cards among about a dozen other random things.
Everyone walked home with at least one  gift =D
Danny had a bit too much to drink but all had fun <3. He is all hung over today but i made him soup for breakfast and he is doing better now and will be OK to work today!
I didnt really take pictures but all in all the party seemed to be a sucess!
OMG I got one of my gifts early A limited edition Bolt Disney cast pin! We watched Bolt too!  it was a bad quality bootleg that my dad gave me but seriously when it comes out on DVD i am probably going to be working that day and before i clock in guess what ill do <3

i found out that my mom threw this away
http://sanjicat.deviantart.com/art/a-clockwork-pony-Pendulum-96311648 <~ Which WAS a gift for a freind of mine so i was super sad when i found out it was thrwon out
Damn hasbro and making their toys so well made D=
It takes a lot of effort just to remove the ponys mane hair.

YUCK i have work to go to D=

ALSO my defualt LJ icon was not of sannjicat when i logged in! In fact that icon is gone completly! I wonder what happened :A;
I changed my password though just in case.
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