Flu Season Ish Back!

Sep 09, 2009 03:52

Fever.. That was just a start. High fever followed closely on my heels after I spent (almost) a night at friends' place, partying. Lots of drinking, no puking (Thank God, I strongly believe that time I threw up was because I had not felt so good for WEEKS! and not because of a hungover. HONESTLY!) And a sleepless day of playing computer games. There's something about Zeus that draws me to my laptop every time I landed my eyes on it.

And the next thing I know.. I woke up late early Monday afternoon with high fever. I called my boss ASAP and he wasn't pleased due to the fact I called pretty late (just after 12pm). To my defense. I've just woken up AND if I am not mistaken in my contract it says that the latest I should call if I'm going to be absent would be 5hours before my classes, and my first class on that day was at 6.20. So I was only 10-20 minutes late, strickly speaking ^^

How did I spend the day? On bed, being sick. Until I realized that the last time I ate was 3am on Sunday and it was 3pm on Monday. I didn't eat for like 36 hours. And now I can tell my dad that even if I don't eat, I won't loose any weight. And if having my ulcer acting up is a good thing, I might as well jumped off the bridge near the boarding house. It was torture. Feeling nausea before and after I ate. Kept wanting to throw up. NO! It's not because of a hungover, OK!

And guess what, it being the fasting month, rice-porridge seller that I love especially when I'm sick is close during daylight. And I couldn't find any other restaurant for hot porridge (because i don't know any other place that would be open at 3pm). So, I ended up eating Pecel (http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pecel <-- sorry can only find an Indonesian web, because I'm too tired to look for others). Having it with warm rice, didn't help my ulcer. I needed hot soup or something but of course when I asked they said "Sorry we don't heat them up until later." Why did you think I forced myself to eat the peanut sauce with veggie that I love so much (on other days) and I ended up ordering more Rempeyek/Peyek (http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peyek <-- again, sorry it's another Indonesian page, just google it yourself you lazybones). It was my normal meal, however as soon as I was on my third spoon I realized that there's now way I could finish it without puking after I choked and gagged all the way. Then again, I'd again showed my mettle. My father didn't raise a whuss. I'm tougher than Pecel or Rempeyek, damn I AM tougher.

Gagging and choking, a long the way, I rode back to the boarding house. And somehow I stopped at the Es Doger (Doger Ice, Can't find a wikipage even in Indonesian, google it! and you'll see how tempting it is.) As I arrived back to the boarding house, I sat in front of the tv with other girls, chatted and they told me I looked pale, "really pale" those were their exact words. And I thanked God again for making my body so expressive whenever I'm sick. Yup, I don't have to lie when I'm sick because it'll be printed all over my ghostly pale face (and I don't have pale skin). Yeah, I was really sick, because of the flu, NOT wasted on booze!

I went back after ten minute hearing how sickly I looked, satisfied that I have proper eye witness to how sick I was. Then in the bedroom, it was time to devour the Doger ice. It wasn't as good as I had expected. I was kinda disappointed with that. Sitting and swaying and sneezing and blowing my nose on the bed, again, I felt the pull of Zeus. So, of course, I turned laptop on and played (I guess by this time you should know, I don't deal with temptation very well. Because I always succumb :p If you still don't know, Holy, how clear should I make it to you? Even a St. Bernard would know that by now.)

As I played and played, finished another adventure (YAY, I'm good!!!), right at 11 pm, I was feeling very woozie. I had just drunk my med and then I zoonked out. And the next thing I knew, it was Tuesday afternoon. Right after 1pm. It was a really good med.

Anf I went to the office with puffy eyes, my boss was a bit suspicious, he thought I had another allergy attack and I quickly corrected him :) I chatted with my upline from http://www.dbc-success.co.cc, she really tries to help me out. She doesn't want me to get an anxiety attack I guess. To top to that, I've realized that my Facebook ads were all disapproved. Huh! So I tried again this morning. And how do I get online without  my nice stolen-mobile? Net cafe there's how. So I'm spending another night the net cafe. My eyes teary with fatigue, sleepiness and smoke, all rolls into one.

Will I survived this? Do you think if I dropped here and injured myself in the process, my insurance would consider it as a legit accident? I sure could use the money ^^

Well, off for now, my bladder is full with coffee and water. Nature's call :) Night and Good morrow to you all <3

accident, flu, insurance, wipe nose, flu season, sneeze, teary eyes

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