Nov 05, 2004 16:07
So, i've been out of the loop for a while. Wowzers, the layout has changed!
I'm in the same routine as always. I'm not really happy with it, but i hold on to the hope that it might lead me some where. Work wise, i have realised i'm never going to be allowed the freedom to be the arty farty person i want to be. I've been doing a graphic design course for a while now and it seems not it is fairly pointless. I am stuck though, i have no qualifications so i can't see freedom for a long while. Shame. If other sides of my life weren't so positive then i probably would of hit self destruct by now, but luckily for the moment i'm comfortable with not moving forward.
On a brighter note, i am getting my new Mini Cooper on the 27th. I'm really looking forward to it. My dad has spoiled me by providing a 'dad loan' opposed to me getting a proper bank loan, with crippling interest. So yay for that.
I'm going to the fireworks tonight, better be good, otherwise i'll feel bad for making my girlfriend want to go!
I better work now.