Sep 11, 2008 19:53
I don’t believe that the right to vote should be given to everyone. I think that because it’s available to everyone, it cheapens it and downplays the responsibility attached. Too many people vote without ever truly making an effort to understand the issues, and send the country into unwise ventures. People who do not bother to inform themselves are often manipulated and swindled by the skilled. They often vote for the bait that a pandering politician threw their wait, without noticing the barbed hook attached. And then there’s worse; the people who don’t feel that voting makes a difference, and shirk their responsibility. It is my belief that the right to vote should only be bequeathed to one who is able to demonstrate an understanding of the parties and the people involved. And those who do not, should not be granted access to something for which they show so little regard.
I’ve made a decision this time to try to live of to the burden and responsibility of citizenship in a democracy during an election. When it comes to political issues, I’m certainly very knowledge, and able to discuss abstract principles, historical basis and current players with reasonable accuracy. However, much of this knowledge is gained through papers, television, radio and internet. Most of it from news type sources. And, after some recent reading I’ve done, I’m beginning to understand that most news available simply panders sensation with very few facts. So, this year, to be worthy of my right to vote, I’m going to read the policy platform of the four major parties available in my riding. If I’ve got time, which I have in abundance at the moment, then I will post my findings to my livejournal page, so that you too may be informed.
And, if I do my job right, you’ll vote for whom I want you to vote. That's deomcracy for you. ;)