Well well well. Today I've got a new header. Its like a collage of some of the "experimental" pictures I took today. I have a head ache. I want to go to bed and read now, but I thought I should at least type something before tomorrow. I'm still sick. I really want to get better soon. Yawn. Wow, I'm listening to this odd song. "DIE DIE DIE DIE FOR THE GOVERNMENT". I love itunes. It has all these spiffy radio stations. God, this song is catchy, I bet its gonna get stuck in my head...
I have a bunch of pictures of people that I'll put up tomorrow. I'm just too tired right now.
Cheers, until next time,
edit: I decided that I didn't like it very much, so instead I've got a nice simple one. You can look at the photo collage
HERE! Theres four pictures on the side. Hehe, my friends have binder heads.