Eehehehe we celebrated easter yesterday cos I gotta work today. *cries* Anyways, me and Jesse took lots of pictures so here they are.
I did Jesse's make-up yesterday.
LOL I wore the new hairband and shirt that Jesse got for her birthday!
The cousin's new house is a lot further from their old one so during the car ride Jesse and I got bored so we TOOK MORE PICTURES!!!
Hehehe, Jesse always makes the funniest faces. We had to put it on nightvision cos it was kinda dark in de car.
Fake picture smiles. LOLz.
That kid is SUCH a little devil.
LOL don't ask.
Awwwws. Sister luv. <3
Jesse poking me. Apparently, I have very soft face skin.
Jesse's going in for another poke.
Layla & Eric eating chips.
Jesse's emo eye. Make-up by Laura.
Holy shit, Eric is so skinny.
Now I leave you with this wonderful amazing fantastic picture.