
May 01, 2009 09:37

I don't get it.  Ok, so there was this nasty flu going around Mexico City.  An article I read at the start of this said there were thousands sick and at least a hundred dead.  Tally yesterday...130 US cases, 250 world wide with 100 of those in mexico city.  1 death in the US, 12 in Mexico.  A news report coming in from NYC said three public schools were closed adn St. Francis Prep had "hundreds" of sick children.

If this is such a big, nasty, scary flu bug, why is everyone who's getting sick jsut staying home, taking some nyQuil and getting better in a couple of days?  Why did our own goverment say to stay away form sick people yet H1N1 can be transmited 1-3 days before symtoms start?  None of this makes sense.  The last pandemic (Not counting HIV/AIDS) was...what...1918?  Nearly 100 years ago?  We have more people living on the planet, and more medial advances.  Someone please take thier elbow off hte panic button...I'd like to watch the news again.
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