Aug 11, 2004 04:13
Hello there my lovlies!
I had to watch over some kids yesterday while our parents visited but they were pretty cool and they had Gameboys which made everything awfully easy. I gave them each a couple gameboy games I had kicking around and they were super pleased, so it's all great! I went over to Charleh's afterwards, too!
Around 12:30 tonite Cameron telephoned to go bicycling with him and Gregory. We went farther than ever before and ended up on the U of M campus. We went to Macs.. Ok get this.. I took a cup so greg and cam could and i could try the frozen vanilla cap. thing, then while they were trying a little bit I took another cup.. went to pay for it.. and he made us pay for the cup we used to sample even tho there was almost NOTHING in it. "Oh, you no pay for drink, it is cup that cost money! YOU CANNOT WASTE CUP, HOW CAN YOU WASTE CUP?!" I wonder what would happen them, if you brought your own cup and filled it with the drink. Ok I know exactly what, BUT STILL. CUP NAZI. (Which, BTW, was a nasty and it ended up in the Red.) Soo I got home around 4ish.. CURSE THE SILLY motion detector light that shines light into my moms whole room whenever it goes off. Ahh, tomorrow I should clean my basement it's such an INSANE mess. I think I'll do some before / after pictures.
BY THE WAY, am I the only one who can't get enough of these stupid home makeover shows??