Jan 03, 2005 22:06
I had a pretty cool dream last night once I finally got to sleep at 5.. I dreamed that for a project in school we were doing a survery, one of the questions was..
"If you were going to be deported to a remote island and could only bring one person, who would it be?" And I answered a KKK member. So I got sent to the principel's office to explain it, and I said that I put it because they would be good at making fires. Then the principel was like.. Hey, close that door.. Come take a look in my desk here.. and he had all this KKK memorbelia and I was like.. WHAT!!?
I think I have a detention tomorrow.. actually I think it was today but I didn't really feel like going without my minidisc becuase I have to wait almost 90 minutes after detention to get home becuause of the screwey busses.
That's all for now.