so tired

Feb 04, 2004 19:18

exams are done. two more days until the weekend. i just have to hold on for dear life... i'm just so tired...

>[ series 1 - your information ]
>-- Name : rachel
>-- Birthday : 6 feb, 86
>-- Birthplace : fort belvior, va
>-- Current Location: falls chruch, va
>-- Eye Color : hazel, mainly green
>-- Hair Color : brown, with reddish highlights
>-- Righty or Lefty : righty
>-- Zodiac Sign : aquarius
>-- Innie or Outtie : Innie

>[ series 2 - your favorite ]
>-- Music : heavier rock and punk
>-- Cartoon: simpsons
>-- Color: blue/purple
>-- Slushy Flavor: coke
>-- TV Show: csi
>-- Font: violation
>-- Song: too many
>-- Book: e.e. cumming's books of poetry
>-- Children's Book: i dont remember its name
>-- Language: italian
>-- Food & Beverage: pasta and mountain dew
>-- Subject in School: biology/english
>-- Weekend Activity: hooka bar
>-- Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla
>-- Roller Coaster: all that i've been on....
>-- Fast Food Restaurant: panda express
>-- Animal: my dog
>-- Store: thrift stores
>-- Shampoo: v8
>-- Number: 8
>-- Movie: jin-roh
>-- Actor/Actress: --
>-- Hobby: climbing
>-- Breakfast Cereal: frosted flakes

>[ series 3 - what is ]
>-- Your most overused phrase on aol : *hugs*
>-- The first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning : a two hour delay? sweet....
>-- The last image/thought you go to sleep with : school stucks
>-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
>-- The Best Name for a Butler : albert
>-- The wussiest sport : shuffle board
>-- Your best feature : my eyes
>-- Your bedtime : when i can no longer keep my eyes open
>-- Your greatest fear : spiders
>-- Your greatest accomplishment : being first in my class at MP school
>-- Your most missed memory : being held
>-- In your cd player now?: cherry pop (cd david made for brad long ago... then he copied it for me =))
>-- Your favorite car?: elanor
>-- The one thing you would change about yourself?: thinner

[ series 4 - who is ]
>-- Your Best friend(s)?: lisa
>-- Your biggest crush?: chris
>-- The last person that called you? : casey this morning to wake me up
>-- On your buddy list?: friends from school, and some people from online i know...

[ series 5 - do you ]
>-- Take a shower everyday? : yes
>-- Have a(any) crush(es)? : god yes
>-- Do you think you've been in love? : yes
>-- Want to go to college : yes
>-- Want to get married : eventually
>-- Type with your fingers on the right keys? : not at all, but i still type fast
>-- Believe in yourself? : never
>-- Have any tattoos/where?: no...
>-- Have any piercings/where? two holes in each ear lob, then one cartilage on my right ear
>-- Get motion sickness? : sometimes in cars...
>-- Think you're a health freak? : sometimes
>-- Get along with your parents? : yes
>-- Like thunderstorms? : love
>-- Drink?: not often

[ series 6 - the future ]
>-- Age you hope to be married : when it feels right
>-- Number and Names of Children : 2... kinda depends though
>-- Where do you see yourself at age 20? : college
>-- Describe your Dream Wedding : being with someone i love
>-- How do you want to die? peacefully
>-- What do you want to be when you grow up? : forensic scientist/medical person?
>-- What country would you most like to visit?: italy

[ series 7 - opposite sex ]
>-- Best eye color? : green or blue
>-- Best hair color? : brown
>-- Short or long hair? : short
>-- Best height? : taller than me!
>-- Best weight? : has to weight more than me... not too thin, not too chubby.
>-- Best articles of clothing? : wifebeaters if they have nice muscles
>-- Best first date location? : movie theatre, or a nice dinner... depends who with
>-- Best first kiss location? : a secluded place under the stars...

[ series 8 - other ]
>-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal? few months ago
>-- How many rings until you answer the phone? : 2 or 3
>-- What's on your mouse pad? : gateway stuff (came with the computer)
>-- How many houses have you lived in? : at least 9
>-- How many highschools have you gone to? : 1
>-- What color is your bedroom carpet? : green, red, tan, off white... it's more of a rug though
>-- If you were to own a bar or restaurant what would you name it?: your mom
>-- Have you ever run from the cops?: no
>-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take three objects: my msuic, a pen, paper
>-- If there was a movie made of your life, who would play you?: jewel
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