Soy lattes are GOOD. A definate yummy alternative.
Hahahaha, oh god, that'd be soooo radical. I'd give Hunt a handful of balloons and a supercool pair of white fuzzy dice for his car! [::cough"WITHADAMSNAMEEMBROIDEDONTHEM"cough::] Hahaha, Billy Idol is so fucking cool. I seriously wish Hunt would dress up like him one day if he grows back his hair. He reaaaaaaaally looked like him in the Total Immortal video when Dave's doing the whole, "I know your deception!" and you can see Hunt acting all cocky with the mic and go nutters after... ::fans self:: gosh darn he's so beautiful. Haha, but that's Hunt for ya!! ::shrugs sillilly... "Yes, that's a word..." shifty eyes::
Meep, hehe, wonder if I could hold me hands still long enough to give Jade his cheese bagel... ::sighs:: I love AFI way too much and I love the guys equally... but... for some reason... ::shakes head::
Like last night, I was listening to that "The Lock Up" radio show and at first it was Ad talking, then Hunt, then Dave and I was all chill, you know? Then JADE comes on and is all, "I'm Jade from AFI and I play guitar" and I almost squeeeeeee'd myself to death simply because I couldn't get over how insanely adorable and childlike his california-boy accent was when he said "guitar". ::crosses arms and scoffs at self::
I really love them all and don't favour one over the other...
But Jade does this madweird thing to me where I'm all, "Pssh, what he said was really mean and not cool..." but I STILL squee.
Kinda reminds me of the abusive husband who's wife is still with him because she secretly gets off on being smacked... ::brows furrows:: Sorry if that's offensive--I've had that phrase used on me in the past anyway and it just sorta came to mind as the only thing I could compare the situation to, haha.
This is a seriously long comment and really REALLY... off topic? I've no idea... ::nervous laugh, rings hands::
*shrugs* You've said everything I could possibly say. For the longest time, I really didn't care about addy or hunty or Jade. It was all Davey. Then they grew on me....
I think the mean nasty comments Jade says are because he's a saggitarious and he can pull that kind of thing off while still being incredibly sensitive.
So while you're home sick, while you're awake and feel well enough to actually do something, you should update.
But yes, I promised myself I wouldn't fan girl, and if I did, I would fangirl in my head and not outwardly. I think I'd just treat them like old friends... "Hi, how are you? How's smiffykins?" ::squirks and twitches:: I love smith. I want to give him a hug. <3.
SO YES, we are the kings [or queens, if you prefer, but I tend to talk funny and refer to myself as a boy. It's the strangest thing, since I'm actually quite girly. Force of habit; Drama still hasn't left me. o.0] of off-topic conversations/comments.
Hahaha, Jade's sensitive... I bet some parts are even MORE sensitive... hehehe... Damnit--my mind just ran away with a Javey idea... Naughty fangirl! ::strangles Fangirl #48::
Awwww!! ::pounces:: You're so sweet, thank you! It means a lot. I really take writing seriously and though I know slash isn't the best genre I can write, I'm thrilled people think I do a pretty shnazzy job at it. ^_^
Actually, as I type, I've a Word document open with Chapter 22. I'm working on it tonight. Let's just hope my Advey fangirl comes in and pokes me and wants me to read slash in stead of writing it... ::pouts:: It's hard to block out Ad--he's a sexy sexpot. ::big goofy grin::
Yeah, I agree. I'll probably act as if they're old friends. That's were a good imagination comes in, ya know, so ya DON'T fangirl and you can keep your cool. ::puts on sunglasses and crosses arms::
Hey, question, do you remember that rap group that wore their clothes backwards... uhhh... Criss Cross? Yeah, I think that's them... Sorry, just had a whackedout brainwave and that reminded me of them... ::shakes head::
Hahahahahahaha, and WOW. I JUST realized what your last paragraph was and that I just went SO off topic it's not even funny and I really didn't mean to either. Wow... that's really REALLY bad... But we are the kings! And that's totally cool that you're into drama! I would be, but I have a feeling I'd be a shitty actor only because I'm not sure I can remember lines all that well... I can do improv like nobody's beeyotch and people say I'm pretty badass with it, but I think I'd fail miserably as an actor. ::shrugs:: Oh well. ::sighs::
I love to sing. I'm a very artsy person. I do that froo froo girly singing dancing drama painting drawing clay working thing. i love our music director; She's a total nutcase. She's seen Bare Naked Ladies over 20 times. She even skipped school one day to go see Dave Matthews Band.
You are a magnificent writer. I love the way you describe things. I know, all the boys in afi are giant sexy sex pots. I think Hunter and Adam are totally in love<3
and 22 blew my mind. In case you were wondering. It was FANTASTIC.
yes! Kings unite!!!!
I ge tto be king of emo, though. People call me emo all the time because I listen to thing liks MCR and AFI. I used to get really annoyed, but now I just go with it. If you can't beat them, join them, I suppose.
I'm actually horrible at improv... But people tell me i'm a good actress, so though I don't do well taking compliments, I can reserve myself to nodding nd agreeing.
Our first performance of 12th night is this evening at five thirty,I'd invite you to go but I don't know where Enfield is. YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT'S WEIRD?!?!?!?!?!
We live in the same state. I have NEVER MET anyone who lives in the same state as me who likes writing AFI slash. They all live in like... other places. Like California. It's so rad!
but, yes, back on topic [not that there really is one.]
::reads reply below this one and sniggers::
I've never had eggplant pizza. It sounds WICKED yummy. But Hillsboro isn't exactly vegan/veggie friendly. Though they do sell Tofu at shaws. Yum<3
novel much?
I can't wait to meet you in person. Then we can run around throwing bagels and lattes at each other. Oh, this will be fun!!
Yeaaaaah... I'm not a huge fan of MCR, but I just kind of think, "Hey, ya like the band, ya found stuff about them to respect, good for you, I'm glad." towards bands people like, though I might not dig them. I don't bash anyone's music. There are different genres and subgenres for a reason. People have different tastes and wants. Simple as that.
And dude, it totally blew my mind when I saw your highschool thing on myspace. I was all, "I TOTALLY KNOW THAT SCHOOL!" and remember playing there. I think it's pretty freakin' shweet that we've finally met someone who likes AFI and slash and is in the SAME STATE not too far away. It's pretty rad if you ask me.
As for the eggp. pizza--oh, it's yummy. Yeah, I'll just stick to saying NH isn't very veggie/vegan friendly. And tofu is lovely, haha. I moved here three years ago from a city 45 minutes south of Boston, Mass., so I'm still totally not with it up here. I'm so thankful that I get to visit my old friends in Mass. and crash at their houses... that's how I'm going to the AFI show!! Oh and did I tell you!? I'm going to see NIN and FUCKING BAUHAUS that SAME week??? AFI on tuesday, NIN and Bauhaus on friday... I'm going to die from happiness that week.
Novel much as in do I write novels? If that's your question, haha, I try my HARDEST to write short stories... I admire simplicity, but anyone who gets to know me or even gets to have a lengthy conversation with me will see that I am personally not simplistic and cannot create anything simple. I admire those who can though. So, I write novellas... which are basically shorterish novels... yeah. But my current AFIslash? Can't Hardly Stand It? Yeah, that thing is no where near being done and I'm NOT kidding. I'm sure it'll end up around chapter 48 when I start to end it. Seriously, if I were to show you my basic time-line I wrote up... HAH. You'd laugh. Hard.
I can't wait either, man! This is going to be so totally badass it's not even funny. I seriously can't hellafuckingwait until we get to the show... ugh, the anticipation.
And dude, it totally blew my mind when I saw your highschool thing on myspace. I was all, "I TOTALLY KNOW THAT SCHOOL!" and remember playing there. I think it's pretty freakin' shweet that we've finally met someone who likes AFI and slash and is in the SAME STATE not too far away. It's pretty rad if you ask me.
Well Said!
Novel much... We're writing a book in comments, it's quite funny. I've never done that before. But I suppose it happens, yes? I'm at Kat's house, and since they just bought a new computer, I'm not allowed on Myspace or anything.
I think you should come see the play next Friday, unless you're going to Mass or you dont' want to or something. I just went to Boston at the beginning of May, to see Wicked the Musical [which ROCKED, by the way. I love musicals! <3] It's really cool to meet someone so close that shares the same interests as you. Simply Wonderful, in fact, especially considering you're so friggin cool. We have a LOT in common.
Especially the love for Eddie Izzard. "Freshly squeezed Mango Juice!"
and OMG. Kat saw an ad for Ceser Dog food- and Eddie was right. There is no A.
in any case, if you feel up to it, you can come visit my school, with the whole 400 students, ha ha ha!
I wish NH was a little more veggie friendly, I don't like eating meat at all but there's really not much alternative. I would eat tofu, but my dad won't let me eat it cause he thinks it's gross. He's kind of small minded when it comes to the whole "veggie" thing. Gren Beans are cool... Corn and Beets and Carrots and all that... But then he just kind of looses it. But I love my father, even if he is old fashioned.
NIN?! BAUHAUS?!?!? not fair. I love NIN.
I've haerd the bauhaus on many occasions, but after that, not really. But I loved what I heard. It was wonderful!
And my sister weaned me on NIN from the time when I was like, four. Head Like A Hole has always been my favorite song. you can imagine my delight when AFI covered it, ha ha ha.
I try not to stereo type people based on what they listen to- Just like you said, everyone has their own taste in music. So I don't really care.... I mean, i get made fun of, and the term "emo" Has become so generic. But you know what Fuckers?! ::makes rude guesture:: Everyone's emo because everyone has EMOOOOOOTIONS. It's a shocker to deal with I know! ::swoons:: Fuckers. ::mutters other unpleasantries:: So I don't make fun of anyone's music. It's not fair to them and if I don't like it, that is my problem, not theirs.
Now, if only my siblings could swallow that... Life would be great.
Hahaha, oh man, I'd totally come, but I think there's a local show at my school that night. ::pouts and stomps foot:: Out of curiousity, ever hear of The Jonee Earthquake Band??
And we really do have a lot in common, I mea--WHOA WHOA WHOA, HOLD THE PHONE! YOU LIKE EDDIE IZZARD!?!? SHIT YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!! WHEEEEE!! YOU FREAKIN' ROCK, MY FRIEND!! Oh my god, I totally remember this one time when I was repeating that skit to my brother (he's 6 years older than me and loves it too) and my (undiagnosed, haha) dyslexia kicked in and I said, "Squeshly Freesed Mango Juice" and I STILL haven't lived it down... Acutally, this morning I said, "Yeah, I do my pen in math." AKA "I do my math in pen."
I'm awful. ^_^ My mind goes way too fast and my mouth can't keep up!!
Hahaha, yeah, I don't even think my school has 400 students... more like 325 or something.
Yeah, I'd been contemplating going veggie for a few years, I'd actually been thinking about it when I was younger, just because my body didn't like a lot of the foods I ate that were meat. I use to be able to just eat (::gags::) ground pork... in a bowl... with just salt and pepper... FUCKIN' GROSS. One morning, the morning that officially told me I'd never eat meat again... I woke up in the late afternoon to find HUGE. BLOODY. MASSIVE PORK RIBS ON MY KITCHEN COUNTER. I was planning on making myself some breakfast, ya know, a bagel, a bowl of granola, some fresh fruit... BUT NO. The fucking thing ruined my appetite and I didn't eat until supper where I HAPPILY enjoyed a soy buger. Meat = gross. My dad LOVES to cook, he's the chef type and I can't tell you how long it took me to get him to be cool with the whole veggie thing. He still says meat's good for you. "Brought you up with it for 15 years, all of a sudden it's bad?" Uhhh, I'm not even going to begin explaining what it did to my digestive system (even since I was a kid) and even now I barely eat dairy products because my system rejected eggs even BEFORE I became a veggie. It's just a healthier diet for me. I'm working on becoming a vegan though because to be honest... it's gross eating dead flesh and we're so advanced in technology that we don't NEED to eat animals--we have substitues and besides, they don't deserve it. They don't deserve to be tortured, killed, and eaten. Oh, and never let ANYONE tell you they don't torture animals. Do you KNOW how they kill cows?? I do and it's heartbreaking. If you want to know (it's really sad) I'll tell you, but I'll spare you right now, hahaha.
Anyways. Yeah, I could go on about the whole veggie/vegan bit forfreakin'ever because I am so strongly against eating meat, but ::shrugs::. I'm not trying to convert anyone.
Hahaha, yesss!! I'm seeing NIN and Bauhaus. My god, I too have loved NIN since I was little. My older brother got me into them as well and I've always, ALWAYS loved them. I'm actually going with him to see them. It's a family thing--definately supercool. I don't think I oculd choose a favourite song only because I can't even choose which CD's I wish to carry around with me. I have a 24 CD portable case and a million CDs... I have over 120 shoved in it. My point and case, hahaha. I can't choose.
Yeah, music's music. Just as long as people don't push shit on me, I'm happy. Like, "No, I will not visit "such-and-such-a-band"'s website because I don't care for their music." I actually will listen to any band at least ONCE and I will gain information about the band to get a feel for them. It's so I'm not ignorant, it's so I really do have a reason for disliking them. Like Gerard Way is italian, smokes, and totally has that skeleton one-sie outfit thing. I might not like him, but I know at least a little info., hahaha. And I might know some of the lyrics to a few of their songs. It's just how I am. I hate ignorance (especially with music) so I try my hardest to not be that way. It really gets to me sometimes.
I wish EVERYONE could swallow that.
And yes, yet another novel. I wonder how many comments we've made so far. I don't think I'm willing to count, but it's probably a hellalot, hahaha.
Gerard Way is italian, smokes, and totally has that skeleton one-sie outfit thing.
::is proud::
Well, I love Gerard way because he's so inwardly strong. And he's an artist. And that gets you FARRRRRR in my book. And the whole band has been through hell and they've overcome it, and it's really touching to see a band that oculd stay together through a lot of emotionally and physically breaking stuff.
But I still like AFI more than any band, ever.
I remember the first time I saw AFI on the TV, it was Girl's Not Grey, and I flipped my shit. The video was SO cool, and I thought Davey was the hottest thing ever. I kinda forgot the band name, never watched FUSE again. But then, I was making Banana bread, and this song came on, and I came into the living room and was completely blown away by Silver and Cold.
So the next day I made my mom travel all the way to concord just to buy th friggin' album.
And I shared a room with my sister at that time, of course- so I listened to it. Every night. For like... two years.
and she hates them.
But I still wasn't sick of it. I couldn't for the life of me get enough, because there was something dark and brooding while still being incredibly positive.
And then came MCR, and the Used, and Taking Back Sunday.
And I kinda forgot AFI.
but then on a spur of the moment, I put in Sing the Sorrow one night and was like... Instantly hooked back on. That was right aorund the time when AFI became really active again.
So, yeah.
The rest is history.
But, yes, I really feel like being a veggie is the way to go, but I know that there's no way I can uphold a diet like that and still live in my house, lol. It's really sad. This one time, my sister came up to me with a block of balsa foam [because she said vegetarians and vegans live off of Balsa wood and rocks] and told me that if I was hungry, here was my snack. And she didn't think it was offensive at all, so when I slapped her she got all pissy. I was really upset. Things like that happened a lot at my house, I finally just gave up because they were so mean about it.
So now, I end up eating meat no matter what, so... eh.
I prefer poultry, I hate chickens and turkey so I have little problems against eating them. But I love farm animals- Horses, cows, and pigs especially. I wanna live on a farm, so I find it hard to deal with. But It's okay, I can cope till college, I think. :]
We've probably made over like... 20 million replies and posts and stuff. crazy! I don't think I've ever been on LJ this often, ha ha!
I remember the first time I ever found out about AFI. I was superyoung and it was summertime. I made this friend from California... he was slightly older than me, listened to cool punk bands and skated, but still would talk to me all the time. It was cool because even though he was an older kid, he sort of took me under his wing in the sense of introducing a lot of stuff to me. It was pretty rad. One night, he asked me if I'd heard of 'AFI'. I said no, and since he'd been looking at lyrics, he sent me the lyrics. So I read them. I was so taken aback and was blown the fuck away. I wrote 8 songs of my own that night, just expressing how I felt. I remember one was called "Non Leprechaun" and another was "Psycalendar" (I was a total dork, pardon that.) Davey's words just totally inspired me to write. Then when I told my friend, his name was Jim, that I adored the lyrics, he told me I should give them a listen. But I couldn't. I was too young and my parents wouldn't allow it. (My brother had been secretly letting me listen to Bush, Stone Temple Pilots, Rob and White Zombie, NIN, and Sublime, hahaha.) So Jim gave me AFI's site. It was around AOD so they had all the promo stuff up and they had their oldass killerrad AFI theme on the site. I remember it so well and it totally tops all other skins. There was an angel and a devil on either site of the page at the top and if you clicked the devil, you got red, black, white and grey for a skin. If you clicked the angel, you got angelic colours like white, grey, silver, blue, etc. It was SO freakin' awesome. So I checked the site out. I went straight to the lyrics to read more and then I decided to check out the promo area. I didn't know what "promo" meant, but I clicked the link and came face to fuckin' face with the AOD promo with Dave in the front and the rest of the guys standing behind him. My jaw DROPPED. I was in awe. I literally cried. I fell in fucking love with Dave that moment. I know it sounds superlame and I know it's probably really silly, but I can remember the moment so fucking well. Sure when I was younger I'd had crushes on Nick Carter (bsb) and Lance Bass (nsync) but there was no competition here. Dave was the ultimate. He was... well, I know he's not, but he was perfect among the rest. So I got a chance to hear some stuff of theirs on their site. The old site didn't have a lot to listen to and my computer was the shittiest computer EVER. Years passed and I got into Rancid and a bunch of punk, mainly from that area. Then, I remember, one day I heard Your Name Here. I don't know how, but I did. Because years later, I heard that song again and when I realized it was AFI, I fucking FLIPPED. I realized that I'd heard more of them and didn't know it. I loved it all. I fell in fucking love with AFI and that was it. I was definately held back by my parents though. I went to a Catholic Private school in a portugese, religious city, so my parents didn't really care for me buying music that wasn't pre-packaged, swear-free, opinion-free, pop music. Then I finally got to hear them one tim when I got my own money from working hard and scrubbing window blinds that belonged to a smoker's house (so they were hellagrubby) and got $98 for it and I spent it all on music. Some of which was AFI.
I slowly built cap my collection and I've been a fan ever since I was young. So when I'm like, "shit, I don't know how my body/ME is going to react to seeing any of them...", it's because I'm afraid I'm going to be all fangirling. So I'm working on a speech... just in case I do meet one of them.
Hahahaha, and the rest was history!!
Oooh a slap in the face. Yeah, that is an insult. It's like when people are all, "all you eat are carrots and shit!" I'm like, "well all you eat is flesh!" Doesn't sound as appetizing when you underestimate the goodness of the veggie, hahahaha. There's so much to do with veggies!!
Haha, I'm sorry it's difficult for you to in your house. I can understand that. I still catch shit from my parents. I'm never eating meat again and they STILL say, "YOU NEED PROTIEN!" Yeah, no shit, give me a soybased product and I'm happy.
And we really have probably written over 20 million. Geez.
Hahahaha, oh god, that'd be soooo radical. I'd give Hunt a handful of balloons and a supercool pair of white fuzzy dice for his car! [::cough"WITHADAMSNAMEEMBROIDEDONTHEM"cough::] Hahaha, Billy Idol is so fucking cool. I seriously wish Hunt would dress up like him one day if he grows back his hair. He reaaaaaaaally looked like him in the Total Immortal video when Dave's doing the whole, "I know your deception!" and you can see Hunt acting all cocky with the mic and go nutters after... ::fans self:: gosh darn he's so beautiful. Haha, but that's Hunt for ya!! ::shrugs sillilly... "Yes, that's a word..." shifty eyes::
Meep, hehe, wonder if I could hold me hands still long enough to give Jade his cheese bagel... ::sighs:: I love AFI way too much and I love the guys equally... but... for some reason... ::shakes head::
Like last night, I was listening to that "The Lock Up" radio show and at first it was Ad talking, then Hunt, then Dave and I was all chill, you know? Then JADE comes on and is all, "I'm Jade from AFI and I play guitar" and I almost squeeeeeee'd myself to death simply because I couldn't get over how insanely adorable and childlike his california-boy accent was when he said "guitar". ::crosses arms and scoffs at self::
I really love them all and don't favour one over the other...
But Jade does this madweird thing to me where I'm all, "Pssh, what he said was really mean and not cool..." but I STILL squee.
Kinda reminds me of the abusive husband who's wife is still with him because she secretly gets off on being smacked... ::brows furrows:: Sorry if that's offensive--I've had that phrase used on me in the past anyway and it just sorta came to mind as the only thing I could compare the situation to, haha.
This is a seriously long comment and really REALLY... off topic? I've no idea... ::nervous laugh, rings hands::
I think the mean nasty comments Jade says are because he's a saggitarious and he can pull that kind of thing off while still being incredibly sensitive.
So while you're home sick, while you're awake and feel well enough to actually do something, you should update.
But yes, I promised myself I wouldn't fan girl, and if I did, I would fangirl in my head and not outwardly. I think I'd just treat them like old friends... "Hi, how are you? How's smiffykins?" ::squirks and twitches:: I love smith. I want to give him a hug. <3.
SO YES, we are the kings [or queens, if you prefer, but I tend to talk funny and refer to myself as a boy. It's the strangest thing, since I'm actually quite girly. Force of habit; Drama still hasn't left me. o.0] of off-topic conversations/comments.
Awwww!! ::pounces:: You're so sweet, thank you! It means a lot. I really take writing seriously and though I know slash isn't the best genre I can write, I'm thrilled people think I do a pretty shnazzy job at it. ^_^
Actually, as I type, I've a Word document open with Chapter 22. I'm working on it tonight. Let's just hope my Advey fangirl comes in and pokes me and wants me to read slash in stead of writing it... ::pouts:: It's hard to block out Ad--he's a sexy sexpot. ::big goofy grin::
Yeah, I agree. I'll probably act as if they're old friends. That's were a good imagination comes in, ya know, so ya DON'T fangirl and you can keep your cool. ::puts on sunglasses and crosses arms::
Hey, question, do you remember that rap group that wore their clothes backwards... uhhh... Criss Cross? Yeah, I think that's them... Sorry, just had a whackedout brainwave and that reminded me of them... ::shakes head::
Hahahahahahaha, and WOW. I JUST realized what your last paragraph was and that I just went SO off topic it's not even funny and I really didn't mean to either. Wow... that's really REALLY bad... But we are the kings! And that's totally cool that you're into drama! I would be, but I have a feeling I'd be a shitty actor only because I'm not sure I can remember lines all that well... I can do improv like nobody's beeyotch and people say I'm pretty badass with it, but I think I'd fail miserably as an actor. ::shrugs:: Oh well. ::sighs::
::read your LJ entry:: You sing?
You are a magnificent writer. I love the way you describe things. I know, all the boys in afi are giant sexy sex pots. I think Hunter and Adam are totally in love<3
and 22 blew my mind. In case you were wondering. It was FANTASTIC.
yes! Kings unite!!!!
I ge tto be king of emo, though. People call me emo all the time because I listen to thing liks MCR and AFI. I used to get really annoyed, but now I just go with it. If you can't beat them, join them, I suppose.
I'm actually horrible at improv... But people tell me i'm a good actress, so though I don't do well taking compliments, I can reserve myself to nodding nd agreeing.
Our first performance of 12th night is this evening at five thirty,I'd invite you to go but I don't know where Enfield is. YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT'S WEIRD?!?!?!?!?!
We live in the same state. I have NEVER MET anyone who lives in the same state as me who likes writing AFI slash. They all live in like... other places. Like California. It's so rad!
but, yes, back on topic [not that there really is one.]
::reads reply below this one and sniggers::
I've never had eggplant pizza. It sounds WICKED yummy. But Hillsboro isn't exactly vegan/veggie friendly. Though they do sell Tofu at shaws. Yum<3
novel much?
I can't wait to meet you in person. Then we can run around throwing bagels and lattes at each other. Oh, this will be fun!!
And dude, it totally blew my mind when I saw your highschool thing on myspace. I was all, "I TOTALLY KNOW THAT SCHOOL!" and remember playing there. I think it's pretty freakin' shweet that we've finally met someone who likes AFI and slash and is in the SAME STATE not too far away. It's pretty rad if you ask me.
As for the eggp. pizza--oh, it's yummy. Yeah, I'll just stick to saying NH isn't very veggie/vegan friendly. And tofu is lovely, haha. I moved here three years ago from a city 45 minutes south of Boston, Mass., so I'm still totally not with it up here. I'm so thankful that I get to visit my old friends in Mass. and crash at their houses... that's how I'm going to the AFI show!! Oh and did I tell you!? I'm going to see NIN and FUCKING BAUHAUS that SAME week??? AFI on tuesday, NIN and Bauhaus on friday... I'm going to die from happiness that week.
Novel much as in do I write novels? If that's your question, haha, I try my HARDEST to write short stories... I admire simplicity, but anyone who gets to know me or even gets to have a lengthy conversation with me will see that I am personally not simplistic and cannot create anything simple. I admire those who can though. So, I write novellas... which are basically shorterish novels... yeah. But my current AFIslash? Can't Hardly Stand It? Yeah, that thing is no where near being done and I'm NOT kidding. I'm sure it'll end up around chapter 48 when I start to end it. Seriously, if I were to show you my basic time-line I wrote up... HAH. You'd laugh. Hard.
I can't wait either, man! This is going to be so totally badass it's not even funny. I seriously can't hellafuckingwait until we get to the show... ugh, the anticipation.
Well Said!
Novel much... We're writing a book in comments, it's quite funny. I've never done that before. But I suppose it happens, yes? I'm at Kat's house, and since they just bought a new computer, I'm not allowed on Myspace or anything.
I think you should come see the play next Friday, unless you're going to Mass or you dont' want to or something. I just went to Boston at the beginning of May, to see Wicked the Musical [which ROCKED, by the way. I love musicals! <3] It's really cool to meet someone so close that shares the same interests as you. Simply Wonderful, in fact, especially considering you're so friggin cool. We have a LOT in common.
Especially the love for Eddie Izzard.
"Freshly squeezed Mango Juice!"
and OMG. Kat saw an ad for Ceser Dog food- and Eddie was right. There is no A.
in any case, if you feel up to it, you can come visit my school, with the whole 400 students, ha ha ha!
I wish NH was a little more veggie friendly, I don't like eating meat at all but there's really not much alternative. I would eat tofu, but my dad won't let me eat it cause he thinks it's gross. He's kind of small minded when it comes to the whole "veggie" thing. Gren Beans are cool... Corn and Beets and Carrots and all that... But then he just kind of looses it. But I love my father, even if he is old fashioned.
NIN?! BAUHAUS?!?!? not fair. I love NIN.
I've haerd the bauhaus on many occasions, but after that, not really. But I loved what I heard. It was wonderful!
And my sister weaned me on NIN from the time when I was like, four. Head Like A Hole has always been my favorite song. you can imagine my delight when AFI covered it, ha ha ha.
I try not to stereo type people based on what they listen to- Just like you said, everyone has their own taste in music. So I don't really care.... I mean, i get made fun of, and the term "emo" Has become so generic. But you know what Fuckers?! ::makes rude guesture:: Everyone's emo because everyone has EMOOOOOOTIONS. It's a shocker to deal with I know! ::swoons:: Fuckers. ::mutters other unpleasantries:: So I don't make fun of anyone's music. It's not fair to them and if I don't like it, that is my problem, not theirs.
Now, if only my siblings could swallow that... Life would be great.
yay! Another page of a novel!
And we really do have a lot in common, I mea--WHOA WHOA WHOA, HOLD THE PHONE! YOU LIKE EDDIE IZZARD!?!? SHIT YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!! WHEEEEE!! YOU FREAKIN' ROCK, MY FRIEND!! Oh my god, I totally remember this one time when I was repeating that skit to my brother (he's 6 years older than me and loves it too) and my (undiagnosed, haha) dyslexia kicked in and I said, "Squeshly Freesed Mango Juice" and I STILL haven't lived it down... Acutally, this morning I said, "Yeah, I do my pen in math." AKA "I do my math in pen."
I'm awful. ^_^ My mind goes way too fast and my mouth can't keep up!!
Hahaha, yeah, I don't even think my school has 400 students... more like 325 or something.
Yeah, I'd been contemplating going veggie for a few years, I'd actually been thinking about it when I was younger, just because my body didn't like a lot of the foods I ate that were meat. I use to be able to just eat (::gags::) ground pork... in a bowl... with just salt and pepper... FUCKIN' GROSS. One morning, the morning that officially told me I'd never eat meat again... I woke up in the late afternoon to find HUGE. BLOODY. MASSIVE PORK RIBS ON MY KITCHEN COUNTER. I was planning on making myself some breakfast, ya know, a bagel, a bowl of granola, some fresh fruit... BUT NO. The fucking thing ruined my appetite and I didn't eat until supper where I HAPPILY enjoyed a soy buger. Meat = gross. My dad LOVES to cook, he's the chef type and I can't tell you how long it took me to get him to be cool with the whole veggie thing. He still says meat's good for you. "Brought you up with it for 15 years, all of a sudden it's bad?" Uhhh, I'm not even going to begin explaining what it did to my digestive system (even since I was a kid) and even now I barely eat dairy products because my system rejected eggs even BEFORE I became a veggie. It's just a healthier diet for me. I'm working on becoming a vegan though because to be honest... it's gross eating dead flesh and we're so advanced in technology that we don't NEED to eat animals--we have substitues and besides, they don't deserve it. They don't deserve to be tortured, killed, and eaten. Oh, and never let ANYONE tell you they don't torture animals. Do you KNOW how they kill cows?? I do and it's heartbreaking. If you want to know (it's really sad) I'll tell you, but I'll spare you right now, hahaha.
Anyways. Yeah, I could go on about the whole veggie/vegan bit forfreakin'ever because I am so strongly against eating meat, but ::shrugs::. I'm not trying to convert anyone.
Hahaha, yesss!! I'm seeing NIN and Bauhaus. My god, I too have loved NIN since I was little. My older brother got me into them as well and I've always, ALWAYS loved them. I'm actually going with him to see them. It's a family thing--definately supercool. I don't think I oculd choose a favourite song only because I can't even choose which CD's I wish to carry around with me. I have a 24 CD portable case and a million CDs... I have over 120 shoved in it. My point and case, hahaha. I can't choose.
Yeah, music's music. Just as long as people don't push shit on me, I'm happy. Like, "No, I will not visit "such-and-such-a-band"'s website because I don't care for their music." I actually will listen to any band at least ONCE and I will gain information about the band to get a feel for them. It's so I'm not ignorant, it's so I really do have a reason for disliking them. Like Gerard Way is italian, smokes, and totally has that skeleton one-sie outfit thing. I might not like him, but I know at least a little info., hahaha. And I might know some of the lyrics to a few of their songs. It's just how I am. I hate ignorance (especially with music) so I try my hardest to not be that way. It really gets to me sometimes.
I wish EVERYONE could swallow that.
And yes, yet another novel. I wonder how many comments we've made so far. I don't think I'm willing to count, but it's probably a hellalot, hahaha.
::is proud::
Well, I love Gerard way because he's so inwardly strong. And he's an artist. And that gets you FARRRRRR in my book. And the whole band has been through hell and they've overcome it, and it's really touching to see a band that oculd stay together through a lot of emotionally and physically breaking stuff.
But I still like AFI more than any band, ever.
I remember the first time I saw AFI on the TV, it was Girl's Not Grey, and I flipped my shit. The video was SO cool, and I thought Davey was the hottest thing ever. I kinda forgot the band name, never watched FUSE again. But then, I was making Banana bread, and this song came on, and I came into the living room and was completely blown away by Silver and Cold.
So the next day I made my mom travel all the way to concord just to buy th friggin' album.
And I shared a room with my sister at that time, of course- so I listened to it. Every night. For like... two years.
and she hates them.
But I still wasn't sick of it. I couldn't for the life of me get enough, because there was something dark and brooding while still being incredibly positive.
And then came MCR, and the Used, and Taking Back Sunday.
And I kinda forgot AFI.
but then on a spur of the moment, I put in Sing the Sorrow one night and was like... Instantly hooked back on. That was right aorund the time when AFI became really active again.
So, yeah.
The rest is history.
But, yes, I really feel like being a veggie is the way to go, but I know that there's no way I can uphold a diet like that and still live in my house, lol. It's really sad. This one time, my sister came up to me with a block of balsa foam [because she said vegetarians and vegans live off of Balsa wood and rocks] and told me that if I was hungry, here was my snack. And she didn't think it was offensive at all, so when I slapped her she got all pissy. I was really upset. Things like that happened a lot at my house, I finally just gave up because they were so mean about it.
So now, I end up eating meat no matter what, so... eh.
I prefer poultry, I hate chickens and turkey so I have little problems against eating them. But I love farm animals- Horses, cows, and pigs especially. I wanna live on a farm, so I find it hard to deal with. But It's okay, I can cope till college, I think. :]
We've probably made over like... 20 million replies and posts and stuff. crazy! I don't think I've ever been on LJ this often, ha ha!
I slowly built cap my collection and I've been a fan ever since I was young. So when I'm like, "shit, I don't know how my body/ME is going to react to seeing any of them...", it's because I'm afraid I'm going to be all fangirling. So I'm working on a speech... just in case I do meet one of them.
Hahahaha, and the rest was history!!
Oooh a slap in the face. Yeah, that is an insult. It's like when people are all, "all you eat are carrots and shit!" I'm like, "well all you eat is flesh!" Doesn't sound as appetizing when you underestimate the goodness of the veggie, hahahaha. There's so much to do with veggies!!
Haha, I'm sorry it's difficult for you to in your house. I can understand that. I still catch shit from my parents. I'm never eating meat again and they STILL say, "YOU NEED PROTIEN!" Yeah, no shit, give me a soybased product and I'm happy.
And we really have probably written over 20 million. Geez.
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