Application for capeandcowl

Mar 02, 2011 21:53

AGE: -
JOURNAL: algerbraic [Rarely used!]
IM: AIM: vagabounce
RETURNING: Bender Rodriguez

FANDOM: Baccano!
CHRONOLOGY: During his discovery by the Police after falling off the Flying Pussyfoot
CLASS: Villain

The Baccano! universe is set in America during the 1930's. Ladd is the nephew of the head of the Russo family, a powerful crime syndicate in Chicago with some dealings in New York and so from a very early age, Ladd had privilege.
The setting is mostly based on the USA during this period in a rather realistic fashion and apart from the occassional slip up (Like serving curry and rice to homeless people), the world is pretty accurate. However, in this world, demons most definitely exist. Due to an elixir created by a demon hundreds of years ago, several people in Ladd's world are immortals with the ability to survive any physical harm apart from when they eat each other. With their hands. This whole immortality deal is important to understanding Ladd's background!
When he was a kid, Ladd was probably very spoilt and violent. Little is known about his actual childhood, but the best guess is that he was probably one of those fat kids who liked to torture animals and giggle violently. Basically, Ladd's childhood made him very greedy and very sadistic.
As he got older, Ladd still had an exceptional violent streak. He became pretty skilled in firearm shooting and hand to hand combat, so these skills were put to good use as his role as the Russo family hitman. However, things were not perfect forever. At sometime, Ladd met a girl he loved. Someone he adored enough to elope with. However, during this elopement, his love died and this is the act that pushed Ladd from psychopath to mass murderer. There's not that much information on this elopement in English, so nobody is quite sure what exactly happened but it was obviously something quite awful.
Ladd was now unstoppable. He wished for no more than to kill and murder as many people as possible- Especially the people who were confident that they were never going to die. During this time, he meets Lua Klein- A quiet, beautiful girl who only wishes to die. Ladd falls in love immediately, sweet talking her by telling her how he will kill her last. This may sound incredibly stupid, but somehow their relationship works in a very twisted way. He's very protective of Lua, most likely due to the death of his previous love, and would sacrifice anything for her so she stays alive long enough for Ladd to kill her.
In 1931, Ladd gets a bright idea. Tired of the hired killer business, he defects from his uncle and decides to have a little fun. Gathering together a team of crack psychopaths, they decide to get onboard the Flying Pussyfoot- A train going from Chicago to New York. Ladd is determined to kill the passengers in order to entertain himself.
Things get complicated, however, when it appears it is not just his gang onboard the train. A group of train robbers named the Lemures are onboard, seeking to hold the wealthy passengers hostage in exchange for their leader, Huey Laforet. Huey is an immortal and holds the secret to creating the elixir of immortality. His followers believe that they must follow his will in order to gain a chance at immortal life. If that wasn't enough, a plucky group of bootleggers headed by Jacuzzi Splot are also onboard, despite the fact the Russo family has a desire to see him dead. To top it all of, there's also one immortal brat by the name of Czeslaw Meyer, two idiotic robbers named Issac and Miria, a silent journalist with expert knowledge of the rails named Rachel and finally, and most importantly, Claire Stanfield.
Amongst all the fighting and murder, Ladd is extremely happy. He kills around ten people, mostly Lemures, and takes delight in shooting off Czes' head when he tries to bargain with him (Czes gets better). However, one of his gang had sneaked onto the train using a conductor's uniform- One belonging to an old man who was only a day away from retirement. Dune beats the old man to death and takes the uniform, sneaking on board the train in order to aid the gang with any help from the inside.
Claire Stanfield is on the train. Working as a conductor, he finds out what Dune did and promptly gets pretty annoyed. After grinding off his face on some rail tracks, he decides he better tell both the Lemures and Ladd's gang to go away the best way possible- Murdering them all.
However, it is all on top of the train top that the action takes place. Huey's daughter, Chane, is also onboard the train although she disagrees with the Lemures' plans. Being completely mute and a total badass, Ladd falls in "love" with her. After trying to kill her a couple of times, Ladd finds out that Chane is an equal opponent and thus becomes determined to murder her.
Claire is also out to get Ladd. After meeting Chane, he falls in love with her and thus decides to defend her from Ladd. This starts off an epic train top battle- Ladd vs Chane and Claire. After a lot of talking and attacking, the fight becomes a clear draw. That is until Lua decides to go check on Ladd.
Using Lua as bait, Claire throws Lua off the train and knows that Ladd will follow. While gripping onto the rope that will swing them off the train, Ladd gets his left arm completely ripped off and this is thoroughly icky. Claire, Chane and the rest of the train all chug off into the night while Ladd lays on the train tracks with Lua at his side.
It's at this time that Ladd is pulled from.

Ladd Russo likes to talk a lot and slaughter a lot. That pretty much sums up his character and it's even one of the episode titles. Outside of ranting and murder, there isn't really much else that will hold his attention- His relationship with Lua is based entirely of her demise and pretty much all canon relationships he has are based mostly on the urge to kill someone (Apart from his lackey, Graham, who just likes to listen to Ladd's "speeches").
His personality is rather extreme. He's rather on edge with his emotions and a tricky man to figure out. Most of the time he's rather playful and childish but when he wants to be, he'll be loud and angry. He likes to keep this anger in check, however, so usually resorts to doing strange things like dancing around in people's blood and making long winded rants on his beliefs. Although he is very loud and over the top in pretty much all of his mannerisms, it isn't a plea for attention. It's more of a reminder to himself that he is the star of his own show- He believes himself to be far more important and therefore should have a large say in what occurs, including a person's death.
These beliefs are an important part of his character. For instance, comparing his psychology to that of Claire Stanfield's- Whilst both men certainly love to murder, Ladd has an entirely different motivation. Unlike Claire's belief that he is a god, Ladd simply kills because he wants to be the one to kill them. He especially enjoys killing people who are certain they are never going to die; He claims he can see the look in their eye and that is the thing that really sets him into a murderous rage. Even things that could actually benefit him, such as Czeslaw's offer to aid his gang against the Lemures, are quickly shot down just because Ladd felt that Czes needed to die. He feels responsible for showing these people why they should die and teach them a lesson- He sees himself as a moral guardian.
Ladd has no big dreams or goals in life. He has no major fears- He'll leap across train cars towards a knife wielding killer simply to loudly proclaim how much he loves them. This just shows how "friendly" he can be- As much as he hates Claire, he also respects the solid murder work he did. He's not arrogant and he certainly knows his own limitations, but he is stubborn enough to try and push his limits.

Instant bullets (Non canon)- Since Ladd's arm has been torn off, the idea of this power is that this arm will be replaced by a flesh like material. Except it can shoot bullets like a shotgun. The bullets basically grow inside him so they won't run out. If the arm is torn off, it will just regrow.
Limited regeneration (Non canon)- To go with the idea of the arm from before, Ladd has the ability to regrow any lost tissue. This doesn't include his head or heart so he can still be killed, and the regeneration itself is quite slow.

[The camera is turned on as Ladd relaxes in a large comfortable sofa. A bottle of spray cheese in one hand and the other hand propping up the back of his head, he sprays a large amount of the substance into his mouth before addressing the camera.]
Great stuff, isn't it? Spray cheese! Who eve came up with spray cheese? I suppose it's one of those great inventions that I sadly never had where I was from. Y'know, in my day, this can could support an entire family for at least two weeks! Crazy, isn't it?
[He wipes off some of the spray cheese still stuck on his face before continuing.]
Now, this is a general and open message for all of you. See, there's this guy who really irks me, you know? The sort of guy you would happily throw down a big hole and watch him scream until he hits the floor in a big bloody mess. I mean, it's fun, isn't it? Knocking arrogant bastards off their thrones down into the rocky ravines below! I mean, there's a lot more fun ways to kill a person. I'm quite partial to beatings, myself, but I guess I'm old fashioned. Nowadays, you have all new ways of killing people! Sniper rifles, anthrax, atomic bombs... They're all great inventions! Just like this spray cheese here.
[Another squirt as Ladd continues.]
But back to my point. What was it again?
[A pause as he looks off to the side, considering what he was talking about.]
Oh yeah! That was it! Claire Stanfield, I'm going to kill you. Understand? Good, thanks! Well, I suppose I better get back to my spray cheese. ...Y'know, I wonder if anyone has ever died from choking on this stuff? Hardly matters, really. The stuff is delicious.

Ladd stands in the rain. He holds a large umbrella over his head, mostly so the blood stains don't wash out of his suit. Most murderers are careful- Ladd Russo isn't.
He smiles at the corpse on the side of the road. There was a large chunk of his skull ripped off, blown away by the sheer force of a shotgun at point blank range. The remains of the brain had mostly spilled out onto the sidewalk, forming a puddle of milky red blood and tiny bone fragments. Ladd liked the sight of blood with water. It was like a cocktail of murder- That was a good simile! Ladd mentally patted himself on the back and made a mental note to have a cocktail with Lua that night.
There was no reason for Ladd to be there. He just felt like watching the face of the dead man a little longer. Some punk who had tried to get away with Russo family money, thinking he was invincible. Ladd took down a lot of guys like that. Honestly, they were the hits he enjoyed the most and often spent the most time thinking of- Especially the contrast between those smug smiles and the stupid gape they had when their lives ended.
Speaking of, the corpse was still gaping. The eyes had slide apart, making him look like a gasping fish. A dumb, stupid, dead fish. Ladd couldn't resist giving the face a harsh kick, collapsing the rest of the facial cavity.
Another hollow laugh as he observed as more blood spilled into the puddle. It was dark red now, more like a rich vintage red wine. It was funny. Ladd decided he wanted to go home now.
On the way back, he jumped into the puddle and laughed as the blood covered his pants legs. Using his umbrella as a golf club, he began to hit at the bloody water for no real reason. He just wanted to.
Ladd strolled down the srreet, hand in pocket. He whistled a tune he had heard over the radio, skipping happily as the cadaver's head broke off his body and flowed down the sidewalk river.



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