Sunday afternoon
grrlpup wanted to take the car for a short spin, just to make sure it would start...
Narrator: It did not start.
It's a Prius with a push-button start, not a proper ignition, and pushing the button is mostly just booting-up the computer (rather than anything so crude as starting a physical engine). But the dash-display lights didn't come on, and something in the engine compartment started whining weakly like a deflating balloon. Nothing we did could get it to stop making the deflating-noise, either. Well, fuck. Upside: it's not like we needed to go anywhere anytime soon. We called our next-door-neighbor who's a mechanic, and when he didn't pick up, we called AAA.
I have never seen AAA come so quickly -- I'm guessing there were no other jobs in the queue, and our mechanic was delayed by nothing but travel time. He gave us a jump, he had a look at the battery (original to the car, so maybe getting on toward time to replace it, maybe not), quoted us a fee to replace it (we choked from sticker shock, but I guess everything in this car is going to give us sticker shock), and went on his way.
Whereupon we went for a spin on the interstates in the name of bringing the battery back up to charge.
I have never seen the freeways so empty in this town, excepting at three in the morning, maybe. The over-roadway reader boards that give time-to-arrive estimates all said "STAY HOME, SAVE LIVES" (which is the name of our local stay-at-home order), and the downtown skyscrapers were eerily dark. Lots of storefronts were dark, too -- I never realized I'd never seen the bar on the corner dark at night, until I drove by and it was.
Anyway, we did the big interstate loop instead of the little interstate loop, because we needed the engine to run a certain number of minutes and we were making that good of time on the freeways.
Then we stopped off at the Burgerville drive-through for dinner -- there was a line there, to our surprise, but I guess all takeaway traffic, such as it is, is going through the drive-through right now -- and then we came home. I'm glad I got to see what the city looked like during the shut-down, I guess, but boy, creepy.
So that's our PSA for the week: if you have a car and haven't fired its ignition lately, you might want to do that.
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