(no subject)

Mar 16, 2020 09:45

Telecommuting worked for exactly ten minutes, after which I got booted off; I haven't been able to get to even the login page since. Teleconferencing phone lines are also down. I presume the system was never designed to have [unknown but presumably significant percentage] of the agency telecommuting in all at the same time. Team lead is trying to get hold of our boss, but of course our boss is in emergency meetings until who-knows-when.

In the meanwhile, I have been instructed to entertain myself with cat videos until we get word about what they want us to do.


I was wondering yesterday whether going to therapy tonight would be a good idea or a bad idea, but yesterday the therapist wrote to say she's cancelling all appointments until she can figure out tele-services. So that's one decision out of my hands. The college down the street where I have alumni privileges has also closed their campus, so there's another one.

This means that all the places I go routinely -- my job, my library, my therapist, my college campus -- are now closed. My one routine destination that is still open is the grocery store. And, I suppose, the public park at the end of the street.

Last night I was feeling a little freaked-out about how everything has turned on its ear nearly overnight, but as I keep reminding myself: this is all preventative.

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