podfic rec: As My Wimsey Takes Me

Oct 25, 2019 09:28

starfishstar and other fans of the Lord Peter Wimsey novels:

As My Wimsey Takes Me is a new fortnightly podcast about the Lord Peter Wimsey novels. They're doing the novels chronologically; they've just finished Whose Body? and they'll air the first ep for Clouds of Witness (through Chapter 8) on November 4.

I just listened to the two Whose Body? eps last night, and really enjoyed the range of topics covered, the additional background information for the novel, and the style of the hosts. (I particularly appreciated that the eps were tight and well-planned, while still being conversational!) They're conscientious about not prematurely spoiling the whodunnits, but they do bring up later books in their discussions, particularly when there's a theme or thread that's introduced in the current novel and developed further later. The hosts are obviously fans of the stories, but they're also forthright about things that deserve criticism, such as Sayers' anti-Semitism. I could have followed the podcast without re-reading, but I'm glad I'm reading along: one of the topics for Whose Body? was Sayers' literary style (for example, how and when she chooses to change point-of-view, including her deployment of the two second-person passages), and that discussion was richer for having those details fresh in my mind.

My only real frustration was that it's a podcast, and I couldn't actually join in the nattering. But that's what Dreamwidth is for, I suppose. ;-)

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