For Round Two of Chocolate Box! (
Likes: Old, complicated relationships; people loving each other generously and well (however flawed their execution may be). I prefer comfort to hurt and affection to angst, and would very much enjoy a happy ending, if you can see your way there. ('Happy' can still be emotionally complicated, of course: many of my own happy endings have been called 'bittersweet.')
DNW: non-con, dubcon, stalking, hatesex, angst. I also dislike the trope of Unhappy Historical Gays and Lesbians; I'm a firm believer that people have always been incredibly resourceful at finagling a modicum of happiness for themselves.
Mostly, though, I want you to write a story that makes you happy; show me what you love about these characters, and I expect that I'll love it, too.
Gentlemen of the Road - Michael Chabon
Amram & Zelikman
I have a ridiculous affection for these two and their ridiculous bickering. Later adventures, earlier adventures, Amram's petty jealousy of Hillel, that time one of them scared the other nearly to death, that time the one was tremendously kind and had to be even grumpier than usual to make up for it... Throw a trope at them and do as you will; just as long as their affection is rock-solid at the bottom of it all, I'm sure I'll love it.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV)
Kevin Cozner/Ray Holt
Kevin went to Paris and they could barely cope with being apart so long, and then Ray went into witness protection and pretended to be straight for six months, and then (as if that wasn't enough) Ray was relegated to the boondocks of night shift. It has been a rough year for these two.
Give me the homecoming, the epic kiss, the epic chew-out over being lightly impaled by rebar, the epic scrabble game as they put their relationship to rights... Just put it to rights, please. It's been a rough year for them both, and they need a little TLC.
Mой нежно любимый детектив | My Dearly Beloved Detective (1986)
Mr. Green & Jane Watson
Shirley Holmes & Mr. Green
Shirley Holmes & Arthur Conan Doyle
Shirley Holmes & Jane Watson
Shirley Holmes/Jane Watson
Shirley Holmes & Jose the Torero
Shirley Holmes & Inspector Lester
You know what there isn't enough of in this world? My Dearly Beloved Detective fic! Any of these relationships would be lovely, because there simply isn't enough out there about any of them.
I would be especially pleased if you could see your way to some Valentine's Day fluff or farce. The film has a melancholy heart, I know, and I certainly don't mind if that comes through in your story. But there is also plenty in the film that is ridiculous or joyful, and I would enjoy seeing some of those elements taken for a spin as well.
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