My skills at maths fail me... again.
Taking the numeracy tests is hard! Seriously, go on
this and see for yourself. It all seems easy and straight forward when you do it but when you get to the end, sweating from your manly mental exertion and red cheeked from masculine endeavours, and are then promptly told you have failed!
I always thought I was ok at maths, but this is just getting me down - not to mention the fact that I can only take it another two times before I have to wait two years (you heard that right folks, two years) before I can take it again. Jesus I did my GCSE maths, why do I have to jump through this bullshit.
I can do the mental maths quiet happily but its the tables and graphs that stop me. Calculation is fine but interpreting the graphs foxes me.
Bezarkers coming soon.